Libraries of Kazan: description, addresses

Today, the centralized library system of Kazan is a huge network of libraries. It consists of two main institutions - the Central Library and the Central Children's Library, 47 branches. Bookstores are dispersed throughout the city. Their total fund exceeds 2 million copies. You can find books, magazines, audiovisual and electronic documents, notes on the shelves. In addition, all libraries have access to the World Wide Web. We offer you an overview of the libraries of Kazan!

Republican Children's Library

children's library kazan

The history of this temple of knowledge began in 1919. On May 17, in the basement of one of the houses on Nekrasov Street, the first children's library opened, which all children of the republic could visit. The initiator of this event was the local writer Ekaterina Nikolaevna Nelidova. Initially, the library fund consisted of about a thousand copies - these were books from private collections, the women's institute of noble maidens, and the diocesan school.

The library regularly hosted various events - matinees, quizzes, disputes, book parades, conferences. Active work did not stop during the years of World War II, because due to the evacuees the number of readers doubled!

Kazan libraries


Today, in the collections of the Republican Children's Library of Kazan, there are more than 120 thousand publications - fiction and educational literature, magazines. They offer their services to small readers and their parents:

  • department of processing and accounting of funds and catalogs;
  • scientific and methodological department;
  • Department of information, reference and bibliographic work, local history bibliography;
  • department of literature on art;
  • mass work department;
  • Department of National Literature.

Fun and informative: events held in the library

The main event taking place in this library of Kazan is Children's Book Week. It opens with a solemn theatrical performance with the participation of the heroes of your favorite books. In all departments there are exhibitions of the most popular books among children. In addition, children can take part in literary contests, try themselves as readers. Frequent guests of the holiday are children's poets and writers.

Library Address - 81 H. Yamasheva Avenue

National Library

national library kazan

More than 150 years ago, in 1865, the unique Kazan National Library opened in the city. The foundation of the fund was then a rich collection of the local book lover Ivan Vtorov, donated by the son of this outstanding person - Nikolai Vtorov. She totaled almost 2 thousand copies!

In 1906, a branch of the Public Library for Muslims appeared in Kazan. It can be confidently called one of the most important Tatar educational centers. The branch fund could boast of publications in Russian and Oriental languages. In total there were about 1300 volumes.

Throughout its history, this kingdom of books has repeatedly changed its status and official name. But the year of the main changes was 1991 - then the institution acquired the status of the National Library. Today the library is more than 3 million books, documents, magazines - both in Russian and in Tatar. And the National Library of Kazan is considered the center of culture of the Tatar people. This is not surprising, because the specialists of the institution collect, preserve and distribute Tatar books and publications that tell about the republic. Every year, library staff take part in professional competitions. For example, in July 2017, library workers became the winners of the All-Russian contest โ€œLibrarian-2017โ€.

Anyone can visit the library. It is not difficult to find her - she is located at: st. Kremlin, 33

Central City Library

central library kazan

The central library of Kazan is located in the historical and cultural center of the city on Vishnevsky Street, 10. Readers can find here a department of Tatar literature, a center of legal culture, a media library. Statistics say that more than 10 thousand citizens visit this library every year!

Such popularity is easy to explain - in addition to traditional services, the specialists of this library in Kazan offer visitors meetings with prominent figures of art and literature. Presentations of book novelties, music evenings, theme parties are regularly held here. The main motto of this temple of literature is to make book lovers of all residents of Kazan.


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