Freesia: growing and value

In Russian folklore, the legend of freesias who saved the Spring remained. It says that when Spring first visited our Earth, it began to dissolve the first leaves and flowers, expelling cold and snow, it found fatigue. And Spring went to rest, settling in the bare fields. But the Wind, Frost and Blizzard took advantage of her dream and covered the sleeping Spring with ice and snow. The earth began to freeze again, and the young shoots curled up from the cold. So all nature would perish if the beautiful freesia flowers did not ring their bells. They managed to wake Spring, which finally drove the Wind, Frost and Blizzard, inviting joy and warmth to Earth. Since then, freesias have been awarded a magical aroma and joyful spring colors.

Freesia began to grow in Europe during the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. These unique flowers were brought from South America, and immediately met the love of important rich persons. These delicate flowers adorned the chambers of palaces and houses of noble nobles. Freesias are often used in perfumes, and you can still find examples of toilet water with a hint of freesia aroma. Since the XIX century, such flowers began to participate in the creation of bouquets. Freesia can be combined with any colors, adding a composition of tenderness and sophistication. In floristry, freesia symbolizes calm, confidence and serenity.

Freesias are flowers from warm tropical countries, but they can be grown not only in specially equipped greenhouses. If you like freesia, growing this flower in a pot at home will give you a lot of fun. But remember, when buying freesia corms: growing such flowers is significantly different from growing gladioli. Only special agricultural equipment is suitable for freesia. Otherwise, this plant will never bloom flowers.

You need to cultivate freesia in a cool, bright room, in which a temperature of 12-16 degrees is maintained. If you want to get blooming freesia in a pot for the New Year, plant the bulbs of the plant in October. After twelve weeks, your freesia will bloom and will delight you with flowers for about two weeks.

The main condition for abundant flowering: not to exceed the set temperature in the room before the appearance of peduncles in freesia. Growing flowers in a room with a higher temperature will lead to the appearance of weak peduncles and small flowers. After the appearance of the buds, it is necessary to continue growing at a temperature of 16-18 degrees.

It is necessary to water freesia very carefully: from an excess of water, tubers often die. Twice a month it is advisable to feed the plants. 3 grams of potash fertilizers and 2 grams of phosphorus are added per liter of water. Overdoses are very dangerous for these delicate flowers.

Many women dream that in their apartment freesias bloomed all winter. Growing freesia with experience is no longer difficult. If you plant new corms every two weeks, you will always contemplate the beautifully flowering windowsill. For better flowering, it is recommended to use sheet, peat, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. After flowering, let the leaves die. In June, freesia should be dug up and six weeks at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. The cultivation of freesia requires strict observance of all given temperatures, since this plant was brought from countries with unusual climatic conditions for us.

Freesia is often propagated by seed. So that freesia in the pot could bloom, the seeds are planted in May at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, and when shoots germinate from the ground, the temperature is reduced to 16-18 degrees.

Cut freesia bouquets are great in water for up to two weeks. You can cut these flowers when 1-2 flowers begin to bloom on the branch. Engage in growing freesia at home, and bright spring flowers will turn into a holiday your every weekday!


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