How to get into the Divinity 2 "Temple of Mahos"?

Divinity 2 is full of a wide variety of quests that you may encounter both in the process of passing the storyline, and as extra-plot deviations. Some of them will be quite simple, where you will be required to go somewhere and bring a certain item to a specific person. However, there will be quite complex tasks, on which you have to think a lot. One of them is the test of the temple of Mahos, on which many gamers have difficulties. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them and examining them in more detail. If you don’t know how to get to Divinity 2 “Temple of Mahos”, this article is for you.


divinity 2 temple of mahos

The first time you get to the temple, when you are brought there according to the plot. When you approach this massive structure, your mentor Raina with the hunters will be waiting for you. At this point, you should prepare, because you have a serious battle ahead. In Divinity 2, the “Temple of Mahos” will raise many questions when you get to the test, but at the very beginning it will definitely not be easy for you. Your mentor will sense the presence of the dragon, and so she will command the hunters to attack you. So you will need to fight immediately with three high-level opponents. There can be no recommendations - you just need to try to survive and lose as little health as possible. After the victory, you can go inside the temple, where you will meet the magician Zandalor. A conversation with him will complete the previous plot task, you will receive a rather impressive reward, but after that you will have the most difficult thing - to pass four tests. Only after completing them will you be able to continue completing story missions. But how to get into the Divinity 2 "Temple of Mahos"? Many players ask a similar question because they get stuck even on the very first task.

Gold test

divinity 2 walkthrough

First you will find yourself in a room from which you can still leave if you think you are not ready to pass the tests. Perhaps you do not have enough powerful weapons, you do not have enough potions for healing, or your level is not so high as to take on the test. For all cases, there is still a teleport out, and you can return in the usual way. If you think that you are strong enough to go to the Divinity 2 “Temple of Mahos”, then you should go to the foot, where you will learn the key phrase of the test. It reads as follows: "Not all that glitters is gold." You should consider what exactly it can mean. After all, right after that you will go into the room, which will be chock full of gold and various jewelry. Naturally, the first temptation is to collect everything that is visible to the eye, but this is definitely not worth it. You should be interested in a very ordinary pumpkin, which lies on a table among other jewelry. It is you who need it to pass this test and move on to the next. In Divinity 2, passing often confronts you with such difficult puzzles, so it’s not surprising that many players get stuck on the first test. But now you have dealt with it and can proceed to the next task.

Agility test

divinity 2 walk through the temple of mahos

At the end of the first task, you have to fight with live armor - prepare for the fact that they will appear after each of the tests. So, if the first task was designed for your quick wit, then the second is already completely focused on your dexterity. In Divinity 2, passing in places can be very difficult, but at the same time, no guides will help you, because you need to cleverly control the keyboard and mouse - that's all. In this case, you need to jump onto the platform on which you can activate the lever - after that, another platform will begin to rise in the middle of the room - jump on it. It is recommended to save as often as possible, because breaking here is very simple. From the central platform you need to jump again to the edge, where you have to find another switch that activates the platform below - jump on it and you will be transferred to the very top where you can complete the test. Naturally, after this you will need to kill another living armor. This is sometimes so demanding in the passage of Divinity 2. "Temple of Mahos" - this is one of the most interesting moments of the game, where you have to test your strength.

Test of observation

divinity 2 flame of revenge

The next test in the temple will require you to be careful - no one will bother you, so there is no point in rushing. The room consists of two identical halves, but only on one side there is no single detail that is on the other. As soon as you find a difference, the test will be passed, you will again need to fight with live armor, after which you will go to the portal and talk with Shashan. After reading the character’s thoughts, you will find out that in the next test the walls are an illusion.

Maze challenge

Here you need to act very carefully. In each room you will find a battle with four live armor at once, so look for those two rooms in which there are plates on the wall. Their activation will dispel the illusion of walls, and you will be able to go to two levers that will open the way out of the maze - and all the most difficult tests of Divinity 2 have been passed. "Flame of revenge", by the way, this is another quest that can also cause problems for you, but still, the Temple of Mahos looks a lot more complicated.


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