All about thermostats for heaters

Devices such as thermostats for heaters are used to control and change the current room temperature. Thanks to a special scale or display, you can create the most comfortable atmosphere, while not wasting energy in vain. By the way, such devices can control the temperature of not only oil or infrared heaters, but also monitor the heating of the underfloor heating system.

temperature regulators for heaters


Thermostats for heaters are useful devices that can completely eliminate the overheating of the room and the heating system as a whole. Using such a regulator is quite simple. You just need to set on the scale the necessary temperature that you want to receive, and the device itself will take care of the further heating of the room. In addition, the temperature regulator for oil heaters is able to maintain exactly the temperature that you set on the device for a given period of time. During the specified period, the system will automatically maintain a stable heating of the air and turn off only after it expires.

temperature regulator for oil heaters


Often in each room one such regulator is installed. Connecting a thermostat to an infrared heater that heats two rooms at the same time causes difficulties in controlling the system. Therefore, experts recommend connecting this device to only one heating device. Thus, thermostats for heaters are able to accurately control the temperature in the room at the level of the required value.

Why can not I connect the regulator to several heaters?

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, different rooms have a different area, which does not make it possible to adjust the heater to normal temperature conditions. Secondly, setting the optimal degree cannot be done due to differences in the heat transfer of the rooms. That is why for each room you need to connect your own, separate thermostat.

connecting the thermostat to the infrared heater

How do they work?

If you think that after setting the temperature values the thermostats for heaters are working without interruption, you are deeply mistaken. The essence of their work is as follows. When the temperature in the system reaches the set level, the device turns off, and when the heating level drops by 2-3 degrees Celsius, this device turns on again and works until the heater again heats up to the set mode. This happens until the timer that you set works. In general, the mechanism can work from several minutes to several hours, maintaining optimal air temperature.


The cost of such devices is on average from 800 to one thousand rubles. The price may depend on the type of design, manufacturer, as well as the presence or absence of a liquid crystal display in the controller showing the current temperature.


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