Kuprin's life and work: a brief description

The extremely complex and colorful picture is the life and work of Kuprin. It is difficult to summarize them. The whole experience of life taught him to call for humanity. All the stories and stories Kuprin has the same meaning - love for man.

Kuprin's life and work briefly
Next, you will see the chronology of the life and work of Kuprin (briefly).


Kuprin was born in 1870 in the desolate and waterless town of Narovchat in the Penza province.

Kuprin's life and work
Orphaned very early. When he was one year old, his father died, a small clerk. There was nothing remarkable in the city, except for artisans making sieves and barrels. The baby’s life went without joy, but there were enough insults. She and her mother walked around friends and cautiously beg for a cup of seagull. And the "benefactors" popped a hand for a kiss.

Wandering and studying

Mother after 3 years, in 1873, with her son left for Moscow. She was taken to a widow's house, and her son from 6 years old, in 1876 - to an orphan boarding house. Later, Kuprin will describe these institutions in the stories The Fugitives (1917), Holy Lies, and At Rest. These are all stories about people whom life has ruthlessly thrown out. So begins the story about the life and work of Kuprin. It’s hard to talk about this briefly.


When the boy grew up, he managed to attach him first to the military gymnasium (1880), then to the cadet corps and, finally, to the cadet school (1888). The training was free, but painful.

essay on life and work kuprina briefly
So the long and joyless 14 war years stretched with their meaningless drill and humiliation. The continuation was the adult service in the regiment, which stood in the suburban towns near Podolsk (1890–1894). The first story, which A. I. Kuprin will publish, opening the military theme, is “Inquiry” (1894), then “Lilac Bush” (1894), “Night Shift” (1899), “Duel” (1904–1905) and others .

Years of wandering

In 1894, Kuprin decisively and abruptly changes his life. He resigns and lives very poorly. Alexander Ivanovich settled in Kiev and began to write feuilleton for newspapers, in which he depicts the life of the city with colorful strokes. But there was not enough knowledge of life. What did he see besides military service? He was interested in everything. And Balaclava fishermen, and Donetsk factories, and the nature of Polesie, and unloading watermelons, and flying in a balloon, and circus artists. He thoroughly studied the life and life of the people who made up the backbone of society. Their language, jargon and mores. The life and work of Kuprin, saturated with impressions, is almost impossible to briefly convey.

Literary activity

It was during these years (1895) that Kuprin became a professional writer, constantly publishing his works in various newspapers. He meets Chekhov (1901) and everyone around him. And earlier he became friends with I. Bunin (1897) and then with M. Gorky (1902). One after another, tales come out that make the society tremble. Moloch (1896) on the severity of capitalist oppression and the lack of rights of workers. The Duel (1905), which cannot be read without anger and shame for officers.

a short essay life and work kuprina briefly
The writer chastely touches the theme of nature and love. “Olesya” (1898), “Shulamith” (1908), “Garnet Bracelet” (1911) the whole world knows. He knows the life of animals: Emerald (1911), Starlings. Around these years, Kuprin may already support his family for literary work and marry. His daughter is born. Then he gets divorced, and in his second marriage he also has a daughter. In 1909, Kuprin was awarded the Pushkin Prize. Kuprin's life and work, briefly described, hardly fit into several paragraphs.

Emigration and homecoming

Kuprin did not accept the October Revolution with the flair and heart of the artist. He is leaving the country. But, printed abroad, yearns for homeland. Summarize age and disease. Finally, he still returned to his beloved Moscow. But, having lived here for a year and a half, he, seriously ill, dies in 1938 at the age of 67 in Leningrad. This is how Kuprin’s life and work end. The summary and description do not convey the vibrant and eventful life of his life reflected on the pages of books.

About prose and biography of the writer

An essay on the life and work of Kuprin, briefly presented in our article, suggests that each master of his fate. When a person is born, he is picked up by the stream of life. He brings someone into a stagnant swamp, and so leaves it there, someone flounders, trying to somehow cope with the flow, and someone just goes with the flow - where he will take it out. But there are people to whom Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin belongs, who stubbornly row their whole life against the tide.

Born in a provincial, unremarkable little town, he will forever love him and will return to this uncomplicated dusty world of harsh childhood. Petty-bourgeois and meager Narovchat, he will love inexplicably.

chronology of life and work kuprina briefly

Maybe for carved platbands and geraniums on the windows, maybe for immense fields, or maybe for the smell of dusty soil nailed by rain. And perhaps this poverty will pull him in his youth, after the army drill, which he had experienced for 14 years, to recognize Russia in all its full colors and dialects. Wherever his way-roads will bring him. And in the woodland forests, and in Odessa, and in metallurgical plants, and in the circus, and in the heavens on an airplane, and for unloading bricks and watermelons. A person full of inexhaustible love for people and their way of life knows everything, and he will reflect all his impressions in short stories and stories that contemporaries will read out and who are not outdated even now, a hundred years after they were written.

famous writer
Is it possible that the young and beautiful Sulamith, the beloved of King Solomon, can become old, can the forest sorcerer Olesya, the timid city dweller, cease to love, can the musician Sasha from Gambrinus (1907) stop playing. And the white poodle Artaud (1904) is still devoted to his owners, who love him forever. The writer saw all this with his own eyes and left us on the pages of his books, so that we could be horrified by the painful treads of capitalism in Moloch, the nightmarish life of young women in The Pit (1909-1915), the terrible death of the beautiful and innocent Emerald .

Kuprin was a dreamer who loves life. And all the stories went through his attentive gaze and sensitive smart heart. Maintaining friendship with writers, Kuprin never forgot either the workers, nor the fishermen, nor the sailors, that is, those who are called ordinary people. They were united by internal intelligence, which is given not by education and knowledge, but by the depth of human communication, the ability to sympathize, and natural delicacy. He was worried about emigration. In one of his letters he wrote: "The more talented a person is, the more difficult it is for him without Russia." Without ranking himself as a genius, he simply missed his homeland and, returning, died after a serious illness in Leningrad.

Tomb of Kuprin

Based on the presented essay and chronology, you can write a short essay "Life and work of Kuprin (briefly)."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6265/

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