Cat trap: how to catch a fugitive

Very often there is a need to catch an animal. The cat trap should be safe for the pet and the owner, be effective and make it should not be difficult.


Before proceeding to manufacture, preparation is necessary. First of all, you need to make sure that the animal is not injured and healthy. If it is breathing heavily and has an aggressive attitude, do not try to catch it. It is necessary to try to bring the animal in a good mood, to establish contact with him.

cat trap

What is a cat trap for?

These are primitive devices that help capture an animal. They are very easy to make on their own. In order to lure an individual, you need to offer him food, a toy or, in an exceptional case, valerian. After the animal is trapped, the door must be locked so that the pet cannot escape.

Do not throw pillowcases or fabrics - this can scare the animal. Before you make a cat trap , you need to prepare a place where it will be safe to release it. He must have time to recover. If you plan to go to the vet, there is no need to feed the cat. It is enough to give him water.


The cat trap will become attractive if you put lure there. It can be fish, canned food, cheese - all that the pet likes. Do not offer liquid food - it can stain the animal. Luring a cat into a trap is worth it gradually: first leave food at the entrance, then place it deeper and deeper inside.

If the time of capture is limited, the door can be left open by masking the entrance with a cloth. You can not use glass bowls for bait - the animal may be injured by breaking the dishes.


how to make a cat trap

A cat trap made independently must be stable. The basis may be a heavy board. A door falling along the rails is made of the same material. Additionally, it is heavier.

In addition to the classic version, you can try to use the original cat trap, because these animals sometimes do something that does not lend themselves to logic. They sleep on cabinets, play in boxes and adore packages. This strange habit can be used.

To do this, you need tape. They need to limit the floor area. Put the bait in the center of this figure. When this cat trap works, you can simply pick up your pet.

It seems that this is a stupid and senseless device, but its effectiveness has been tested on hundreds of animals - it really works.

The figure on the floor can be made not only from adhesive tape - scarves, cords, ropes, jump ropes - everything that can be perceived by the animal as a wall will do.


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