Responsibilities of the sentry and guard. Sentinel Responsibilities and Actions

Sentinel is a critical position. The person who occupies it must not only meet certain (numerous, by the way) requirements. He must comply with the duties of the sentry. And there are a lot of them. So it's worth telling about them.

guard post

The main provisions

Sentinel responsibilities are numerous. The first thing a person holding this position should do is to vigilantly guard and defend the post. He is obliged to carry out the service cheerfully, without being distracted by anything. Weapons cannot be released from the hands. And even more so give it away. Even to those to whom he is subordinate. If the sentry is at the observation tower, then he must carefully inspect all sorts of approaches to the post. By the way, he should also report on the service.

It is forbidden to leave a post until the time when the sentry is removed or replaced. He is obliged to remain there even if his life is in danger of some kind of danger. This is a crime against military service. The weapon must be loaded and ready for action at any time. Also, the duties of the sentry are that he should not allow anyone closer to his distance to the post indicated in the report card. The exception is the head of the guard and his assistant, a distributor and persons accompanied by all of them.

It is also the duty of the sentry to know the vehicle’s traffic schedule, their identification signals and signs, plus the routes along which the aforementioned follow. He is also obliged to be able, if necessary, to use the fire extinguishing equipment available at the post.

If the sentry noticed a malfunction in the fencing of the object, then he must call the head of the guard. And having heard the howl of a guard dog or the sound of a security alarm, he is obliged to inform the guardhouse about this.

duties of guard and sentry

About weapons

The charter of the guard duty obliges the sentry to carry a weapon with an attached bayonet. There are some peculiarities. The bayonet must be in the sheath mounted on the waist belt. An assault rifle having a folding butt should not have a bayonet. If the sentry is serving at night, then he must keep his weapon in a position from which it is possible to fire while standing. During the day it is “on the belt”.

If the employee is at the internal post or at the Battle banner, then his machine gun should also be in the “on the belt” position (if the weapon has a wooden butt). The gun must be kept in a holster (always buttoned), on the waist belt. If the weapon is an assault rifle with a folding butt, then it must be placed in the “on the chest” position. And the carbine is “to the foot”. It is worth knowing that if a fire occurs, then when it is extinguished, the sentry has the right to move his weapon behind his back.

So, the performance of guard duty, as could already be understood above, involves carrying weapons. When can it be applied? There are such situations, and they are described in the charter. So, the sentry is not what it can - it is obliged to resort to weapons without warning if it is attacked explicitly. He can also shoot if they encroach on an object guarded by him. Seeing a clear threat, or undergoing physical impact from the attacker, he must shoot. Because otherwise the sentry may not have time to prevent a danger that threatens not only his life, but also to other people. But! Shots should not damage third parties and the directly guarded object.

duties and actions of the sentry


Now it’s worth telling about what the statutes of the guard service prohibit. Sentinels can’t do almost anything. He cannot eat, drink, sleep, smoke while serving. Even leaning against something is forbidden. To cope with natural needs and to talk - all the more. Accepting and transmitting any objects is also prohibited. He has no right to reload the gun. He can only answer the questions of the chief of the guard or his assistant.

In general, as you can see, a lot of prohibitions have been imposed. So only a person with a very strong endurance and patience can take up a guard post.

Interaction with others

The duty of the sentry in the guard includes many provisions. And no wonder, because the people in this position are guarding the most important state or military facilities. Because of all the people who are trying to get closer to a military post or to the forbidden border of the post (they are indicated on the ground by signs), he warns with a cry of “Stop, back!” or “Stop, go left / right!”. The exception is the above (that is, the head of the guard, his assistant, escorts, etc.)

And if other persons do not fulfill the warning, then the duties of the sentry on guard allow him to shout: “Wait, I will shoot!” and detain the intruder. He should immediately report this to the guardhouse and continue to monitor the person who disobeyed the warning. In parallel, he is obliged to continue to serve.

In those situations where the intruder did not even listen to the second warning, the sentry should send a cartridge into the chamber and shoot once up. This is a warning. Third, as you can see. And if the intruder ignores even a warning shot, continuing his actions or taking flight, then the sentry must use a weapon at him.

sentry duty guard service

Ways of communication

The guard post is a serious place. And this could already be understood from the above. It is necessary to tell a little more about how the sentry contacts these or those persons while in the service. For example, if there is poor visibility at the post, and he heard steps, then you need to shout: “Wait, who's coming?”. If the answer is not given, or if the offender crosses the forbidden border, then the duty of the guard and sentry is to shout the phrase: “Wait, I will shoot!”. This is followed by the detention of a person. Then, as already mentioned above, the employee reports this to the appropriate point.

If the answer follows the question, which sounds like: “The guard of the guard is coming (or another position),” then the sentry must order: “The guard of the guard is with me, the rest are in place.” Also, the employee has every right to demand that the person of the person who is suitable for the post be illuminated. He must be convinced of the identity approaching the protected object. And only after he sees with his own eyes that the suitable one is really the one whom he introduced himself, can he let all those who come with him to himself. In these situations, especially with poor visibility, the watchman must be especially careful. The responsibilities are as follows.

If the person who called himself lied, and he is not the chief of the guard, and also ignored the employee’s warnings, then the cry follows: “Wait, I will shoot!”. For failure to comply, the weapon is used for the offender.

guard duty

Other situations

The above - this is far from everything that the sentry must observe. Sentinel responsibilities also include the need to engage in hand-to-hand combat in order to protect himself and the object that he is guarding. He is also obliged to boldly act either with a butt or with a bayonet knife.

If there is a fire at the post, then the sentry should first inform the guard of this, while continuing to monitor the object and apply actions to eliminate the fire.

In the situation when the sentry was wounded or he suddenly felt a great malaise, he is obliged to call a guard or the head of the guard, while not stopping the service. If the incident is urgent (or when the means of communication has become unusable), the sentry can call the appropriate persons to the post with a shot up.

About Report Information

All of the above should be observed in a strict hourly order. His duties, by the way, also prescribe a mandatory report of information about what happened to the bosses who arrived at the post during the service. This can be done in approximately the following form: “Comrade Lieutenant! During the time of service, a drunk man was detained who crossed the border of a post and did not listen to the warning. ” By the way, the duty of the guard includes the greeting of all persons who arrived at his post. The way it should be voiced is set out in the combatant charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. During the greeting, the machine is moved to the “belt” position.

It is worth knowing that the guard, serving in the Battle Banner, is in a free position. He is obliged to accept a combat station only if it is necessary to greet the military personnel.

Also, during the reception of the Battle banner under his guard, the sentry should inspect whether the cover (cabinet) is working, and whether there is a seal on it. The Banner can be issued only on the basis of a personal order given by the chief. In those situations where the post at the Battle Banner is in danger (for example, the same fire), the guard is obliged to give all the information about it to the higher military and, ensuring the safety of the Banner, take him to a place where he will not have anything to threaten.

guard duty

What is not in the charter

That is far from all that the sentry should follow. Sentinel responsibilities are not only in the charter. They are also specified outside this document. So, for example, he should be aware of the access regime at his post and know the security system in detail. The guard must know how the originals of passes and other documents look like, their expiration dates and other nuances.

He can skip a person only by his own pass. The guard must carefully check the document - not only a photograph, but also an expiration date. If discrepancies of any kind are noticeable, then the duties and actions of the sentry in this situation allow him to detain this person and call the guard of charge for the proceedings.

Another employee is required to stop the vehicle trying to get outside the border of the post and require the presentation of documents permitting travel. If the car arrives for any property, you must check the waybill, which clearly stipulates the number and name of those items that are subject to export / import. And, of course, it is the duty of the sentinel internal troops to maintain silence. That is, it should not report any data, certificates, ciphers, omissions, etc. people who arrived at the facility.

Reception and delivery of the post

Naturally, the entire guard service cannot lie on an employee alone. Sentinel duties are difficult and important - therefore, each of these persons has the right to rest. But before you go to take a breath, you need to pass the post. Sentries are changed every two hours. If the temperature on the street is less than -20 degrees, or a strong wind is raging, then the guards change hourly. The same if the air has warmed above +30 C °. When changing, the head of the guard makes the appropriate notes in the guard register.

How is all this going on? When the changer approaches the sentry about 10-15 steps, the breeder announces the command: “Change - wait!”. Then he voices the order, according to which one of the sentries must observe the post, as well as the approaches leading to it. It may look like this: “Private Timofeev. Fasting and approaches for temporary surveillance to accept. ” Then the guard must face the approach of the shift, take the machine (“on the belt”). On command: “Private Romanov, on a post - a march step!” the sentry should take a drill stand, take a step right. And the guard is to approach him and stand in his place, always in the opposite direction. After the command: “Sentinel, pass the post!” that realizes what is said orally. That is, verbally passes the post. The guard and sentry at that moment should turn their heads to each other. The second of the listed names the post number and lists everything that is subject to protection. Also, the sentry must say that he noticed near the object during his service. As soon as all this is done, the command follows: “Guard, take the post!” - and the named one bypasses the guarded object, checks whether the lighting, gates, fences, etc. are working properly.

Next, each of the employees completes everything with the words: “Comrade Sergeant, Private Timofeev passed post No. 3” and “Comrade Sergeant, Private Romanov accepted post No. 3”. Completes the whole team breeder: “Private Timofeev, from the post - step march!”.

hourly duty

Responsibilities of the guard

In the end, I would like to briefly list them. The head of the guard is a person who is responsible for the protection and defense of those objects that are entrusted to the guard. He also monitors the alertness of sentries. It is he who is responsible for their service, for how correctly and competently they comply with everything that is entrusted to them. Ammunition, weapons, vehicles and other property - everything is under his responsibility.

He has the right to demand from the change of solid knowledge and the corresponding fulfillment of all duties. The chief accepts weapons, boxes of ammunition, technical means of protection and communications. He also inspects and verifies especially important protected objects, and checks whether this or that equipment is working. If the post was attacked or there was some unforeseen situation, the consequences of which can be extremely dangerous for the lives of people, guards, sentries and objects - he is obliged to immediately arrive at the place and begin an operation to eliminate the incident.

The chief sends sentries to the posts at strictly agreed time and keeps control of the combat readiness of the reserve employees. He carries out combat crew. At least twice a day checks how the military are serving at the post. And if calls come from them, then he must come to the place of protection of the object personally. If a malfunction of any kind is detected at the post, the boss must arrive at the place, personally establish the nature of the damage and the reasons why it happened, and then take all possible steps to solve the problem.

In general, as you can see, guard duty is an activity that involves great responsibility. For people, for objects, for the territory adjacent to them, for weapons, ammunition and much more. So the individuals carrying this service are not just military. These are people of the highest endurance, patience and courage.


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