What is the name of the book? 5 mistakes novice writers

If earlier writing skills seemed to most people an unattainable peak, now even a young and unknown author has a good chance of success. The Internet and social networks are literally crowded with works by different authors of different genres and different quality. So how do you get public attention for your novel? One of the important nuances is the correct, interesting, catchy name.

In the article we will tell you what to name the book so that it attracts readers.

Mistake # 1: name is too difficult

what can you call a book

Sometimes novice authors in an attempt to stand out and come up with something such, more original, go too far. As a result, the title of the book is not something to remember, it is difficult to read it the first time around. Who will read the novel entitled The Adventures of Proteroctavius ​​II? No, someone, of course, will, but most will put the volume aside and choose something with a simpler and more understandable name. To call a book by the name of the main character is a good idea, but only if it:

  1. Not too long and hard to read.
  2. Not too boring and typical.
  3. Not found in the names of other works.

Mistake # 2: Not a Unique Name

how to name a book

"Beast", "Wild Beast", "Man-beast", "My beast", "Heart of the beast" ... What will the reader choose from a dozen books with the same name? Your book will be one in ten or one in a hundred, and far from the fact that the first. And it is quite possible that the reader will notice this mass of identical works instead of looking for differences in them. How to name a book so that it is not lost? To get started, grab and type in the intended name in the Google or Yandex search engine. If upon request on the first page there are about a dozen works, do not use this name.

Mistake # 3: Other Associations

how to name the error book

You can mean anything by the word "avengers", but most readers will recall films about a team of superheroes. This mistake concerns not only the names of famous films, but also, in principle, words that cause people to clearly associate with something. For example, the name "Ax" or "Axes" is likely to cause the majority to associate with maniacs, butchers, etc., even if the book is actually about a good peaceful lumberjack. But if you write "Beard" or "Beard in the woods", the reader will see the image of the very good-natured bearded man in work clothes in question.

Mistake number 4: the title does not reflect the content

Never fool readers. Do not write in the title that which will not be in the book. You can’t name a book about apple pie "Pear Collection". Even if the discord is not so obvious and the reader does not notice the catch, he will still feel disappointed. How to name a book so that the title is not corny, but at the same time reflects the content? Several variants:

  • Come up with an interesting metaphor. But keep in mind that if there is a metaphor in the title, it should be mentioned in the work, otherwise the reader may not understand what it is about.
  • Name the book the name of the protagonist. If the name is too long, not original or does not sufficiently reflect the essence of the book, you can describe the main character in one or two words. For example, not “Eugene”, but “Engineer Eugene” or simply “Engineer”. Not Lucy, but Pretty Lucy, Lucy in a Red Hat, or Pretty Woman in a Red Hat, etc.
  • Use the main action of the book in the title. Suppose, if the story is about a person lost in the forest, the book may be called “Search for a way out”, “Find a way out”, “Wandering in the forest”.
  • If there is any special thing in your work that takes not the last place in the course of the plot, this is a great idea for the title. Also, if the main character has a certain item that has a meaning for him, with which he does not part, this can also be used. “Medallion”, “Porcelain Ballerina”, “Teddy Hare”, “Flashlight with Pictures” - sounds pretty interesting, doesn't it?

Mistake number 5: the name attracts the wrong audience

what to call a children's book

Suppose a serious adult man is unlikely to open a book with the name "Teddy Hare", even if in fact it refers to a hired killer. The title of the work must be designed for the same audience as the work itself. Otherwise, you will not attract readers who are able to appreciate your book. What to name a children's book? Well, obviously it’s not “Pistol Shot”, even if you mean a toy gun and talk about cute children's games. Few people buy such a book for their child. What can be called such a book? For example, “Blue Pistol” or “Plastic Bullet”. Feel the difference? It's still about the gun, but now the title will attract precisely those readers who will be interested in such a book.

Also do not forget that it is better to come up with a name when the book is already written. Of course, you can give the work a working title for convenience and inspiration, but after you finish the book, you can better evaluate which title will characterize it most accurately. After all, what can be called a book that does not yet exist? Good luck with your work!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6274/

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