Graphic Design Terminology: What is an Emblem?

"Emblem", "logo", "sign", "symbol" - many have heard these words and are actively using them in their speech. But at the same time, few people know their correct meaning, and in what cases the use of these words will be appropriate. What is an emblem and sign? Why is a logo called an image logo? How to understand the customer and do exactly what you need? In this article we will analyze the meaning of the word "emblem" and its proper use. We will also consider the definition of the above terms.

what is an emblem

What does the word emblem mean?

Translated from ancient Greek, this word means "convex decoration, insert." The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following answer to the question "what is an emblem": a conditional image of an abstract concept or idea using graphic tools. Sometimes it can act as an allegory. For example, the image of a dove is an emblem of the pacifist movement. In other words, this is a symbolic image. According to the Modern Economic Dictionary, the answer to the question "what is an emblem" is an indirect indication of the content of a concept, and not a direct image.

These definitions can be applied to the concept of “graphic sign”. However, this term in everyday life is confused with the concepts of “trademark ”, “trademark” and in some cases even with the term “trademark”. Sometimes a graphic designer uses various variations of this particular term, but what is meant by this is already evident from the outcome of the work, which does not always satisfy the customer. It turns out that the client and the contractor speak different languages. Therefore, we will clarify and give a definition to other concepts used in the environment of graphic designers.

What is a logo?
meaning of the word emblem

This is the original image, style, transmitting the full or abbreviated name of the company, products or services that are the core activities of this company. Designed to attract the attention of potential buyers or customers. Based on this, we can conclude that the logo is a kind of indivisible combination of letters. This may be the name of the product or company, written in a specific font, calligraphic inscription, monogram or monogram. Consequently, a trademark or mark cannot be called a logo. However, many designers have such a sin and carry it to the masses. Therefore, we consider the concept of "sign".

Definition of the term “sign”

This broad term often means a material object that has a certain meaning, acts as an indication, presentation or designation of another object (action, event, and so on). In other words, a sign is a way of transmitting specific information. For example, road signs are a kind of sign for the driver, carrying information about the behavior on the road. For a graphic designer, this concept is too crude and arbitrary. Because this term can mean anything.

what does the word emblem mean
It is also worth noting that a symbolic image marks not only a service, product or company, but also geographical objects, events, a specific person, character and much more. Therefore, the use of such a broad term significantly complicates communication and understanding between the designer and the end user or customer.


It turns out that we have two concepts that designate two different entities: "logo" and "emblem". The first, if it can cause bewilderment in a person who is not connected with the design environment, but its meaning is easy to explain and convey the essence. And what is an emblem, in principle, is accessible and understandable to everyone. Therefore, without much difficulty will be perceived by the client.


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