Details on how to teleport to a player in Minecraft

Today we’ll talk about how to teleport to a player in Minecraft. This action could significantly simplify the process and provide a significant advantage over rivals.

Important plugin

how to teleport to a player in minecraft
On the servers of the virtual world Minecraft, there are countless different plugins. These are additions, for example, for quick felling of trees, for teleport and so on. Some of them are simply required to be present on the server. These plugins include teleport in Minecraft from one player to another. There are several options. Now we will consider in detail all possible ways to use this plugin.

Minecraft: how to teleport to a player with administrator rights

minecraft how to teleport to a player
If you are an ordinary ordinary guest on the server, then the possibilities for using the plugin are limited. You can only send a request to another player, and he, in turn, has every right to either accept it or reject it. In order to send a request, you need to enter the command / call <player name>. For example, player. It should turn out like this: / call player. The player to whom you send the request receives a notification. To accept the offer, you need to use the / tpaccept command to reject - / tpendy. If an unfamiliar player sends you a request, be careful. He may be a gripper. If you still decide to accept the request, then it is advisable to hide all your belongings in the chest. Then at the griefer all chances to rob you disappear.

If you are a server administrator, then you have much more options for deciding how to teleport to a player in Minecraft. To move to any participant, just register the command / tp <name>. You will not send any requests. You will immediately get to the participant you need. In addition, you have the ability to teleport other players to each other or to yourself. To do this, there is a command / tp <name of the participant you want to get to (if you are contacting your nickname here)> <alias of the resident to be sent>

other methods

teleport in minecraft
We already know how to teleport to a player in Minecraft, however, you can move in this way to a certain place in the world or another dimension. There are portals that can be done by a resident on the server with administrator rights. The portal is made of any material. In order for you to be able to teleport to another point in the world, there must be another “passage” associated with the first.

If you want to get into the Lower World, that is, hell, you will need ten blocks of obsidian and a lighter. It is crafted from flint and an ingot of iron. We set the obsidian arch on four blocks in height, and two in length and simple manipulations launch the portal. To do this, just set fire to any block inside the structure. After the portal has earned, you must stand inside and wait until the Lower World starts to load.

In addition to the "passage" to hell, we can manufacture doors to the world of Ender. With them, everything is not as simple as with the previous ones. You can either find such a portal or make one yourself. In order to find, you need to get the eye of the enderman and, throwing him, follow him. Get closer to the design. Paste the ender's eye into each frame and just jump into the portal. You will appear in a mysterious world where you can, defeating the Dragon, complete the game. From now on, you know how to teleport to a player in Minecraft.


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