Carpet Museum in Baku: history, collection, photo

The Carpet Museum in Baku is located in the center of the Azerbaijani capital. Unusually shaped building, a rare exhibition of oriental carpets, excursions conducted by experts or an audio guide attract tourists from all over the world. Local visitors, connoisseurs of the Azerbaijani art of carpet weaving, and simply wishing to admire the intricate and colorful patterns of carpet works, become frequent visitors to the museum.

History of carpet weaving in Azerbaijan

Archaeological finds claim that carpet weaving on Azerbaijani soil was still practiced in the Bronze Age. The description of this ancient type of decorative art is found in ancient writings and historical books, folklore and fiction. Developing for centuries, incorporating the best traditions and schools of carpet weaving, the products of Azerbaijani masters have become in demand all over the world.

Azerbaijani carpet

Today, seven carpet weaving schools of Azerbaijan are distinguished. In the production of pile and lint-free carpets, national characteristics of culture and production are preserved and carefully preserved. One of the main ones is considered to be a high density: from 1600 to 4900 pile knots per 1 square. decimeter. An important factor is the use of natural dyes of threads that do not damage woolen threads, give them a special shine and juiciness. And, of course, the basis of the carpet pattern, which has preserved the centuries-old, genetic memory of the Azerbaijani people.

Creation of the Carpet Museum in Baku

Latif Huseyn oglu Karimov, Azerbaijani carpet weaver, people's artist of the republic, Stalin Prize laureate in the mid-20th century, proposed the creation of a carpet museum. He substantiated his petition by striving to preserve the precious works of his ancestors for posterity, to study them with the help of advanced science, to attract the traditional techniques of the oldest craftsmen in the modern carpet weaving industry, to train the young generation of weavers.


In April 1972, the world's only specialized museum was opened. The leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev arrived at this solemn event, who at one time supported the initiative of L. Kerimov and provided him with the necessary assistance in the work process. A small building of the Juma Mosque was given over to the collection of the Carpet Museum in Baku, which after a while turned out to be cramped for an overgrown collection of valuable exhibits. In 1992, the mosque was returned to the fold of religion, and the museum was temporarily moved to the Museum Center building. It was decided to build a new, original, modern room for the collection of carpets of the Azerbaijani school.

New building

The groundbreaking ceremony was held in May 2008, and in 2014 the Carpet Museum was opened in Baku at the address: 28 M. Useynova Avenue.

Since over the past decades, the architecture of the capital of Azerbaijan has changed dramatically, unrecognizably changing the face of the city, experts approached the work on the design of the building in the center of Baku very responsibly. World-famous designers were offering their projects. The choice fell on the Vienna architectural studio Hoffman Janz, which proposed an original version. The spectacular structure in the form of a rolled-up carpet, which was built for six years, today adorns the center of Baku and attracts the attention of tourists.

Museum collection

The Carpet Museum in Baku is a treasury of the national culture of Azerbaijan. His collection has about 14 thousand items. Most of them are rare handmade rugs. But they are inseparable from other types of traditional, folk art, and therefore clothes, jewelry and hammered items, glass, felt and wood items are involved in museum displays.

But first of all, the museum is a scientific center for the conservation, study and development of carpet weaving in all regions of Azerbaijan. The place of honor in the collection is occupied by a fragment of the Tabriz carpet, produced in the 17th century. There is a group of carpets rescued in 1992 from Shushi. Of interest are ritual carpets of the 18th century, for example, a gift from the groom to the bride.

Concave walls

The original design of the building, which has convex-concave walls, made it possible to place the exhibits in such a way that visitors can see the most intricate design without interference. In 2005, the β€œCarpet Law” was published, which legally ensures the safety of rare items.

Museum Departments

The Azerbaijan Carpet Museum in Baku occupies a four-story building. The storage located in the underground part is equipped with the latest science and technology. It automatically provides the environmental parameters necessary for the preservation of woolen products. There are also restoration workshops in which experienced specialists are able to extend the life of rare exhibits. Today, restorers work based on objective data on the state of the fiber, which is carried out in the laboratory located here. The last section of the museum, located in the underground, is a voluminous and valuable archive.

Art metal

The first floor of the building is occupied by scientific and administrative departments. The entire second floor is given to specialists studying carpet weaving and sewing. For their work, they have extensive library material. On the third floor there are modern and comfortable rooms for meetings, conferences, presentations.

Carpet for a horse

Interest for the audience is the last floor of the Carpet Museum in Baku. According to visitors' reviews, along with an impressive collection of carpet products exhibited here, people are not indifferent to the work of weavers sitting at the windows in each room, as well as views of the Caspian Sea from a height of the fourth floor.

World recognition

Museum exhibits are displayed not only in Azerbaijan, the collection has visited 50 countries of the world. Several world symposia on Azerbaijani carpet were held, the last of which was held in Paris. A documentary was shot about the history and production of the Azerbaijani product.

Photos of the Carpet Museum in Baku, its beautiful and rare exhibits adorn the pages of albums, books, magazines and booklets; Carpet art of the country is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


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