What is reality transerfing: method description, features, book summary

What is reality transerfing will interest everyone who wants to get acquainted with modern esoteric teachings. This method became known since 2004, when Vadim Zeland began to promote it in books of the same name. Adhering to the idea of ​​a multivariant world in which everything happens simultaneously in an infinite number of spaces, he describes his own teaching as a kind of technique. With its help, it is allegedly possible to move from one part of reality to another due to the mental energy of a person, which in this case is consciously directed to the implementation of a specific scenario. This article describes the essence of the theory and its features.

Theory features

Transerfing reality book

Telling what transerfing of reality is, Zeland notes that the practical meaning of his teaching is that a person learns to establish control over his attitude to the world and intentions. With this, he will be able to independently choose one or another version of the development of reality, focusing solely on his desires.

Of course, Zeland recognizes that in the end, each person independently chooses how his future life will develop, based on his idea of ​​reality and worldview. As a result, reality becomes a kind of reflection of its actions and perception of the world. However, with most people, as the author of the teaching notes, this happens spontaneously. He argues that the surrounding reality exists independently of us as long as the person himself agrees with this statement.

Explaining what transference of reality is, the concept of "transference" is often used instead of a phrase. The name of this teaching reminds a person of water sport, surfing, which represents the movement of high waves. In the original interpretation of Zelanda, transerfing means gliding along our lines of life.


Zelanda book transerfing reality

The essence of the theory helps to understand what is transference of reality. According to Zeland, managing your own life does not mean passively accepting everything that happens around you. In it there are a huge number of all kinds of nuances.

The main principles of Zeland’s reality transfer are that one should live according to the dictates of one’s soul, not succumbing to the influence of others who can impose their interests and goals. Zeland teaches that you should not fight with anything and with anyone in this world, using only what life itself offers us. It is only necessary to act, while not craving anything, not fearing and not worrying. You should find a goal in your life, in full agreement with which your mind and soul will be, in its realization a person really should be interested. It is worth going to her, casting aside any doubts. Only in this case everything planned will work out. The author of the theory demonstrates the applicability and meaning of these principles using concrete examples from his own life and the life of the people around him. He himself emphasizes that it is very difficult to implement them correctly in life, but one must strive for this in every way.

The technique that Vadim Zeland advises to use to implement reality transfusion is visualization, slides and energy gymnastics. Slides should be given special attention. This is a living and maximally detailed representation of the surrounding reality and oneself in it in that position in which a person expects to be after the desired goal is achieved. It is worth noting that similar practices are used in neuro-linguistic programming. These perceptions, according to Zeland, help facilitate the achievement of desired goals. Of course, provided that the person himself takes concrete steps to achieve these results. The time of the onset of the desired result depends on how developed the energy of a person is, how much he thinks and desires this goal.

The picture of the world

Books by Vadim Zeland

In her books on the transference of reality, Zeland sets out a picture of the world and society. In his concept, he actively uses the concept of "pendulums." These are the so-called energy-informational social structures that are supported by subjecting people to certain goals. In some cases, these goals may be contrary to the true interests of ordinary people or even be illusory. When there are negative moments in fate, the “pendulum” begins to swing due to the energy that the victim gives away as a result of the negative emotions associated with it. Greed, envy, disappointment and resentment at the same time lead to the appearance of additional problems in a person's life.

Based on this concept of reality transfer, Vadim Zeland gives specific recipes on how to use it. The author of the teaching introduces his own concepts for this. For example, to “fail the pendulum” means to accept the trouble as a given, without reacting to it or worrying about it. In this case, the trouble will not have consequences. In addition, he advises not to worry too much about your loved ones. Dreaming about money, he advises not to desire them, but to present a specific goal, for the achievement of which you will need them.

As part of the reality transfer, Vadim Zeland considers the “pendulum” as an egregor. In modern occult religious movements, this concept denotes a mental condensate that is born of the emotions and thoughts of a certain group of people. Moreover, he can acquire an independent being. A striking example of egregor is the synchronous behavior of a school of fish or flocks of birds under the influence of external factors. Similar references and tips can be found in the New Age DEIR (Further Energy Information Development) training system.

At the same time, Zeland admits that it does not reflect the whole complex of nuances in the interaction of information and energy entities, which for many still remain mysterious. The author claims that the “pendulums” play an important role in human life. The main life of the whole society is built on them.

In the first series of books on the transference of reality, the picture of the world corresponds to eternalism. Zeland emphasizes that time does not move relative to the observer, but human consciousness moves toward a multidimensional and static multiverse, which the author refers to as the "space of options." The ongoing environmental changes in Vadim Zeland's book “Reality Surfing” by the moving observer creates an individual perception of the development of time according to a special scenario. In addition, this picture is as close as possible to the ideas set forth in the so-called Everett theory, that is, a multi-world interpretation. In it, theoretical physicist Hugh Everett from the USA suggests the infinity of parallel existing versions of the tangible world.

Another important component of the teachings of Zeland is a raw food diet. To do this, he even wrote a special cookbook.

The author of the theory

Vadim zeland

The identity of Vadim Zeland is shrouded in mystery. Initially, it was not even known whether such a person really exists. For example, the psychological center World of Harmony, which operates in Yekaterinburg, suggests that Zeland was invented by the Ves publishing group, which publishes books as part of this teaching.

The official website claims that this is a common myth that he is still a real person, and not a virtual character or a group of authors.

From his own words, now Zeland for forty years. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, he studied quantum physics, then he was engaged in computer technology, and after that - in publishing. By nationality, he is predominantly Russian, a quarter Estonian. You can even find a photograph of him on the official website, but there is no real evidence of the people who saw him.

At the same time, in 2010 his course of video lectures was published, which was released under the name "The Wrong Side of Reality." Zeland appeared on the screen in detail told all the details of mastering his practices. This material confirmed that outwardly it coincides with the person whose image was posted on the site.


What is reality transerfing?

Zeland’s book, Transerfing Reality, caused a great resonance in the esoteric community of Russia. To date, the author's works have already been translated into more than 20 languages ​​of the world, including publications in English. There is an audio version of the book, voiced by the famous domestic dubbing actor Mikhail Chernyak, and the soundtracks were recorded by Denis Savin and the Clover group.

Since 2006, there is a school of transerfing. Initially, it was founded in St. Petersburg. Later, regional offices were opened in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Samara and some cities of the former Soviet Union. In 2008, a transfer school opened in the Netherlands.

Participation in films and conferences

Zeland's ideas are used by many authors who practice in esotericism. For example, the American Klaus Joel refers to him in his treatise “Money is Love,” Zeland also participated in one of the documentary projects of the cycle entitled “Theory of Incredibility”. In it, he spoke of excessive potentials. It is interesting that during the filming he answered questions in pitch darkness, his face was completely invisible.

In 2011, a documentary called "The Mysteries of Our Self" was released, in which Zeland starred. Two years later, he took part in the official symposium on esotericism, which took place in France.

It is interesting that Sergei Shcherbakov’s book, "Jokes about Reality Transerfing," enjoys some popularity. It is known that Zeland himself approvingly spoke about this humorous publication. Fans of this theory are Ukrainian pop singer Anna Sedokova from the "golden" composition of the VIA Gra pop group and Russian singer Larisa Chernikova.


Space options

At the moment, more than ten books devoted to this theory have already been published. The first six were published from 2004 to 2006. All of them are called "Transerfing of reality". Steps 1 through 6 have subtitles:

  • "Space of options",
  • The rustle of the morning stars
  • "Forward to the past",
  • "Reality Management",
  • "Apples are falling in the sky"
  • "Actor of reality."

Later the world saw the publication "Practical Course of Transfers in 78 Days," "Forum of Dreams," and "Apocryphal Transfer". Among the latest works of Zeland, it should be noted “Hacking of the technogenic system”, “CLIBE. The end of the illusion of herd safety”, “clean Food. Book about simple, clean and strong food”, “Taft priestess”.

The latest book, Priestess of Itphat, was released in 2018.


According to the brief content of Zeland’s book “Transerfing of reality” (steps 1-6), one can trace a large number of other concepts that are significant for this doctrine. For example, under the wave of luck, the author understands the accumulation of favorable outcomes in the whole space of possible options. Zeland believes that luck will pursue a person only if he is imbued with the first success.

The author of the theory calls the excess potential mental energy, which attaches excessive importance to some object, especially if it is not worthy of it. The result is an assessment that distorts reality and reality, endowing the object with positive or negative qualities that do not correspond to it.

Excessive potentials play an insidious and significant role in our lives.


Reality management

In the scientific community there is no consensus on this doctrine. For example, the famous atheist and intellectual Anatoly Wasserman criticized him. Vera and Nikolai Preobrazhensky even wrote the book "Anti-Zeland, or For Free and Sweet Vinegar." In the preface, they noted that they strongly doubt the effectiveness and originality of this teaching.

Preobrazhensky write that the secret of the popularity of his theory is based on the indestructible desire for everything to happen on its own, as well as on love for the famous Russian freebie. Analyzing his idea to fulfill his desires, creating intentions, they find out whether this technique actually works. The authors conclude that this theory is completely meaningless. The work of the Preobrazhensky ones received conflicting assessments. Some positively evaluated their studies, others criticized for insults to Zeland, aggressiveness and almost zero information content.

Some experts note that significant inaccuracies are found in Zeland's work. The author writes that apple cider vinegar does not have the same name acid, compared with grape vinegar. Although in reality this is not so.

If you are wondering what the church thinks, what is reality transfer, then you should know that Orthodoxy criticizes this teaching. Priests believe that practice harms the human soul by alienating it from God.


Many people have already tried the teachings of Zeland on themselves, according to reviews of the transfusion of reality, we can conclude what this esoteric theory is.

Readers claim that this book is considered a fundamentally new outlook on the world and how it is perceived. It is able not only to change a person’s worldview, but also his attitude to the world around him, giving the most amazing knowledge, opening the door to the unknown. In this book, many find principles for building the world, as well as ways that help each person change the world around us. It is noteworthy that the book is written in the simplest possible language, while it often shockes others with its completely unexpected discoveries.

This book allows you to look at the outside world from a fundamentally different angle. Since then, she is considered an indispensable assistant in life. In practitioners' feedback on the results of reality transfering, some argue that this helps to change, helping to renew one’s own self. Life is even divided into before and after a person becomes familiar with this theory.

Some readers acknowledge that the book completely changes their view of the world. It seems that Zeland removes a blindfold from a person’s eyes that has been in front of her for many years, but for some she doesn’t fall down to the very end of her life. The main thing that theory teaches is to discard all that is superfluous in your head, concentrating on achieving your personal goals and desires. Then it will be possible to understand how amazing and beautiful the life around us is. The most important thing at the same time is to make all decisions yourself, to determine how the future will develop.

Some still fail to achieve any results. Reviews about reality transfering in this case are left exclusively negative. Such readers emphasize that in the publication at least 70 percent of verbiage, and all examples are actually sucked from the finger. Only occasionally there are interesting moments that the author then constantly repeats throughout his work. As a result, it does not cause any particular interest. Especially Zeland's arguments about health seem to be inappropriate, although he has nothing to do with medicine, but at the same time presents his conclusions as the ultimate truth. Therefore, his methods of proper nutrition should be treated with a certain level of skepticism. Obviously, not everyone can benefit from a raw food diet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6295/

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