How to make a graduation cap

Many graduates of schools or universities around the world put on special uniforms for graduation. This is a square academic cap and a loose cloak-hoodie. This outfit plays the role of form, all pupils and students look the same. In different countries, a cap with a square base is called differently. For example, in Australia it is called a trench, angular. In England, often called Oxford.

What is the name of the academic cap with a cloak-mantle in the United States? Cap and down. The origin of this headdress is compared by some with the old biret of Catholic clergy. Others believe that the origin of this form of cap has Turkish roots. There were yermolks with the attached Quran on top.

Previously, only the representatives of the higher caste, the masters, wore an academic cap. Now it is worn by all students. Many schools began to imitate traditions and put on items of clothing such as a cape and a hat, even for elementary school students to graduate.

In the article, we will consider how to make an academic cap with your own hands, what you need for this, what parts this headgear consists of.

Hood components

The simplest version of the product includes the following elements:

  • a bezel that is worn on the head. It can be rectangular or with a triangular bend on the forehead;
  • square top surface;
  • a brush made of yellow or red yarn;
  • thin ribbon, on which, in fact, is attached a brush on a square base.
academic cap

Making an academic cap with your own hands consists of cutting out the elements and combining them together.

How to make a bezel

The first option to make the rim of the academic cap is to cut out the black rectangle. It is better to take thick cardboard. If you did not find the black sheet, then you can take any other and then paint it with black paints. In addition to the rectangle itself, this rim manufacturing option also has an additional height for cutting fasteners. This is a strip 2 cm high, which is cut into individual segments, each of them cut corners.

how to make a bezel

This is necessary to conveniently attach the square base of the academic cap. Before cutting with a flexible meter, you need to measure the length of the head circumference and add a couple of centimeters to the hem of the paper. The ends can be fastened with both PVA glue and a paper clip using a stapler.

Another way

You can make the rim of an academic cap in another way. A head circumference is measured and a strip of paper 10 cm wide is cut to standards. Do not forget to add a couple of centimeters to the hem. When connecting parts to each other, in this case, you can use separate thin strips of paper or attach the base to the adhesive tape from the inside so that the fasteners are not visible from the outside.

how to fasten the bezel of a hat

You can even when cutting a square base from two parts, on the bottom to make strips for fasteners. But we will consider this later in the article.

How to create a dense square base

It is best to make it out of two parts. The lower part is a square in which a hole is cut with the diameter of the prepared rim. It is still necessary to reduce it by about 1.5 cm. This circle is first cut with scissors, then cut into separate segments and corners on one side and the other are cut out on each. Then all the details bend inward.

To connect the rim and the square base, these strips curved inward should be coated with PVA glue and attached to the inside of the rim. Then the second square base is cut out and attached to the first with a hole. As a result, not a single attachment will be visible and the square base will be firmly attached to the rim.

Brush making

A brush must be present on the academic cap. It is mainly made from yarn of yellow or red color. How to make a brush is clearly visible in the photo below.

making brushes

You need to cut a piece of cardboard of the right size. Then tightly wind many turns around this base. A needle is threaded over the end of the thread under the yarn and a strong double knot is tied. The cardboard is removed, and the upper part is wrapped with thread several times. After tying the knot with the end of the thread extends through the inside of the brush from top to bottom. You can then attach the product to the academic cap directly to this end.

Scissors are inserted into the inner part of the yarn windings and an incision is made with the threads pulled down. If the edges are not quite even, then irregularities are carefully cut with scissors.

How to attach a brush to a square base

When a square is cut out for the cap, it is advisable to immediately identify and indicate the center point before gluing it. To do this, draw diagonals under the ruler, connecting opposite corners with a simple pencil. At the intersection of these two lines, the center of the square will be located.

how to determine the center of the cap

To fix the brush, use an awl to make a hole in the marked center. A craft of threads can be attached both to the end of the yarn and to a thin satin ribbon. It is threaded into the hole from the inside and a knot is tied. It is better to make it double so that the tape does not come out through the hole. Outside, a ribbon with a needle with a wide eye sticks inside the brush and a knot is tied.

If the brush is attached simply to the end of the thread, then it can be strengthened by making coils in several layers of yarn. A braided braid of threads will look beautiful.

As you can see, making an academic cap is not difficult at all. If desired, all elements can be sewn with black cloth on both sides. Then the parts are simply sewn together with a needle and thread.


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