Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, "Feast of Disobedience": summary and reviews

One of the most popular and famous children's writers is S.V. Mikhalkov. The Feast of Disobedience (a summary of the work became the subject of this article) is a story with a rather ordinary plot. However, the writer was able to present the story for a long time in such an interesting and fascinating form that this fairy tale still remains a favorite among young readers. The work became the best example of children's prose, which is still the standard of the genre.


The real master of youthful and teenage literature was Mikhalkov. The “Feast of Disobedience,” which we now look at briefly, tells the story of a simple boy named Kid. Many see this as a reference to the famous hero of the fairy tale A. Lindgren about Carlson. Both boys are capricious and willful in their own way. And both works begin with a description of the conflict of children with their parents, and in both cases we are talking about an extra serving of sweets. In the story of Sergei Vladimirovich, the plot of the plot is based on the fact that the Kid is trying in the most impolite way to get the mom ice cream, is refused and punished. He is put in a corner to think about his behavior, but it wasn’t there: instead of realizing his mistake, the boy begins to dream of starting to live his own way, as he wants. And his secret thought miraculously comes true.

Mikhalkov holiday of disobedience summary

Comparison with other tales

In various genres, the famous Soviet writer S.V. Mikhalkov wrote. The “Feast of Disobedience”, the brief content of which will allow schoolchildren to get some idea of ​​the work of this remarkable author, is a story that is on a par with many other tales of a similar kind by other writers. There are also elements of magic in it and the corresponding moral is that children should listen to their parents. As in other similar works, as a result of the fulfillment of the protagonist’s wrong desire, confusion and confusion begin, during which the characters finally realize their mistake, and if they are not corrected, then at least they decide to live differently. This is how the composition of such famous works as “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “The Tale of Lost Time” and many others is built. Therefore, the work of Sergei Vladimirovich should be considered as a continuation of the general literary tradition of creating instructive stories for children.

feast of disobedience Sergey Mikhalkov summary

Action development

A great contribution to the development of children's prose and poetry was made by Mikhalkov. The “Feast of Disobedience”, the brief content of which allows one to understand the peculiarities of the author’s work, is a story that both teaches and entertains. Of course, the little reader is interested in the part that tells about the amazing adventures of the Kid who, on the day of his punishment, got acquainted with a paper kite who undertook to take him to a magical country in which all the children do what they want. The boy agreed to this journey, and both set off. And here we learn about the structure of the country of disobedience. Girls and boys do what they please. The first ones are painted with mom’s lipstick, the second ones are smoked with dad’s pipe. At the same time, they freely eat all kinds of sweets, drink lemonade, soda, draw on houses and fences. In a word, the author paints the country of disobedience as a kind of anarchy, which, however, looks quite harmless against the background of the realities of the modern world. Such a country will seem something very simple and harmless to any modern child.

summary of the book holiday of disobedience Mikhalkov

Life in a fairyland

One of the most famous works in Soviet literature is the novel "Feast of Disobedience." Sergei Mikhalkov (the summary of the work should reflect the main compositional elements of the story) managed to convey the main idea of ​​the story in a rather easy and relaxed form. When the Kid arrives in the country, he discovers that, despite his freedom and liberty, children are not living so well. From constant overeating of sweets, they begin to hurt, but at the same time they do not know how to take care of themselves. Boys who have smoked adult cigarettes feel bad. The only adult in the city is the midget Fantik, who works in a circus and tries to help naughty children as much as he can.

Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov disobedience holiday

Climax of history

A summary of Mikhalkov’s “Feast of Disobedience” should necessarily include a description of the main event in the book, and this is a recognition and understanding by the children of the fact that they cannot live without their parents. Perhaps this scene carries the main semantic load. The author in rather touching words describes how these children decide to write a letter to their parents asking them to come to them and raise them, because they cannot do without them. Under the leadership of Fantik, children begin to prepare for the arrival of their parents. Thus, the time of disorder passes, and normal life is established in the city again. The kid is again in his room, and the returning mother announces to him that she forgives him.

Mikhalkov disobedience festival sergey vladimirovich reviews

The meaning of the story

The story in question was born in 1971. According to the writer's recollections, his plan matured for a long time. When the title for the fairy tale was found, the work went smoothly, and he completed his new story in two months. It was first published in the famous magazine "New World", and after a while appeared on the pages of the popular children's publication "Pioneer". The fact that the work was first published in one of the most serious and leading publications proves that the composition was highly rated by the editors. The same high praise was given to him later by readers.

Mikhalkov Sergey holiday of disobedience

One of the most beloved children's writers is Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. “The festival of disobedience” is a story whose name had a definite impact on the social life of our country. The name is even included in the saying and is used as a common expression in relation to various events. The author himself said that he wanted to create an essay for both adults and children. According to him, he wanted to show the disastrous consequences of anarchy and the positive aspects of a reasonable routine of human society.

Readers' Opinions

One of the most successful fairy tales of the writer was the story "Feast of disobedience." Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich, reviews of the composition of which also deserve special attention, always knew how to interest the audience with an original approach to old stories. Readers note this, saying that the author was able to give a new meaning to the traditional story, which is familiar from childhood, probably to every child. All of them write that the story is remarkable for its amazing soulfulness and warmth, despite the sharp humor and caustic sarcasm of the author about what is happening in the country of disobedience. Many liked the inclusion of poetic lines in the story, which, in their opinion, give the text more liveliness and enthusiasm. Thus, today, one of the recognized writers is Sergei Mikhalkov. "The festival of disobedience" is a fairy tale that is in demand today, despite the fact that the realities of life of modern adolescents are very different from Soviet times.

ikhalkov sergey disobedience holiday text


Sergey Mikhalkov also receives very positive assessments from contemporary readers. The “Feast of Disobedience”, the text of which is distinguished by a light and simple language, is a story that is of great importance for the modern younger generation. Many parents readily buy this book and recommend it for reading. On the sites devoted to the author’s creativity, one can find statements that the story told by the author is relevant in our days. Users unanimously say that the unusual structure and accuracy of the author’s statements about the realities of his era are largely consonant with the thoughts and current audience.


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