How to distinguish a dove from a dove externally?

How to distinguish a dove from a dove externally? There are certain signs by which this can be done. But first, we will talk a little about the named representative of birds.

Dove: Description

The dove is the bird of the world. However, not everyone knows that there are a large number of its species and breeds. There are many lovers of these incredible birds that are engaged in their breeding.

how to distinguish a dove from a dove

The domestication of pigeons began many centuries ago. But still breeders are very fond of breeding these birds. And breeders dream of acquiring the most beautiful and incredible breeds.

Groups of pigeons

There are 4 groups into which these birds are divided:

  1. Decorative. The most beautiful. They look expressive, bright, have the most various forms of plumage and coloring.
  2. Flight. They are distinguished by their ability to fly - they can cover quite large distances and fly quite high. People engaged in breeding pigeons are trying to improve the endurance and strength of this breed.
  3. Postage. One of the oldest breeds, now they are called sports. They have a large beak. In ancient times, this breed was crossed with gulls.
  4. Meat. Also quite old breed. Large, with long necks and short wings.

Let us consider each species in more detail and find out which rocks belong to them.
Let's talk about wilds first. These include:

  1. The gray dove. Named because of its color. Lives in Europe, Africa and Asia. It is similar in color to a rocky dove. However, it differs in the color of the tail.
  2. Rocky. The color of the tail is lighter than that of the bluish. It lives in Korea, Altai and Tibet, prefers mountainous terrain.
  3. Klintukh. They have a blue color, but the feathers on the neck take a green tint. There are black stripes on the tail, while the breast casts red. It lives in Russia and Turkey, mainly in warm climates. Fly away from cold areas during the winter. They settle in hollows of trees, often live in park areas and forests.
  4. Ringdove. This breed is large and tail up to 15 cm in length. Differs in a bluish shade of plumage, with the exception of the breast - it is more green. These pigeons live mainly in Europe and Asia. Nests twist in forest areas. Adapted to temperature changes, very hardy.
  5. Crowned. They live in New Guinea, preferring a tropical climate. The legs are longer than other breeds. Very small in size, on the head they have a crest resembling a crown.

Meat pigeons

This species is grown for meat, which surpasses chicken in properties. It is saturated with useful substances, and it has a greater amount of protein. In addition, pigeons grow faster and do not require special care. Meat products include:

  1. King Very fleshy, have a strong skeleton. The breed is not adapted for flying. The plumage color is brown, white or black.
  2. Modena. They are large in size. Almost do not fly because of their heavy weight.
  3. Carnot. They gain weight very quickly. They have dark shades of color.
  4. Roman. The meat is saturated with a large number of nutrients, grow quickly at home and are more resistant to diseases.


how to distinguish a dove from a dove externally

These pigeons are well trained, have the ability to fly for a long time, without getting tired. Some of them were once used as postal services. For flying:

  1. The breed is Nikolaevskaya. These birds differ in the manner of flight - they fly vertically in a straight line, rise very high. They have a strong body, short legs and a small neck.
  2. Berlin Short-billed Turman. It has small dimensions and a short beak, the forehead is very convex, wings hang down below the tail. The breed is very numerous. Have a plain or colorful color.
  3. German monk. They do not fly very high; during the flight, other birds are lured. On the back of the head they have a hood made of feathers.
  4. Berlin long-billed. Very rare species. It has an unusual appearance - the vertical position of the neck and the horizontal position of the head, which is very narrow, also have a thin beak.


They have an unusual appearance. Such pigeons are often used in various performances:

  • Barb. The growths around the eyes are their feature. Short beak and convex forehead. The color is mostly plain.
  • Brenensky sack. Characterized by a direct posture and a slender body (as if pulled by a belt). They have too bloated goiter, and go solely on the fingers.
  • Saxon priest. The breed is characterized by long feathers on its legs, and on its head there are two crests at once. Regardless of the color, the forehead is always white.

how to distinguish between a dove and a dove

  • Peacock. Very beautiful birds, the main feature of which is a wide tail and lush feathers. That is why their tail is similar to peacock. Often owners of a white color. Although there are other shades. Very often it is this breed that is used in circus shows or at any celebrations.

Sports (postal)

They have the ability to travel long distances, and always come back. Now this breed is used in special competitions. This breed is easily oriented in space. This is inherited from them. Belgian belongs to postal. Representatives of the breed have a short tail and wide chest. These characteristics affect their speed, which is very good and breaks records among pigeons. Their plumage is very smooth and pleasant to the touch.

The size

How to distinguish a dove from a dove? A pair of pigeons persists throughout their lives. Therefore, nearby birds are likely to be heterosexual. So how to distinguish a dove from a dove externally?

how to identify a dove or dove

There are several ways. Pay attention to the size. The female is smaller than the male, however, this trait is not very significant. Moreover, this can only be determined when a pair of pigeons is nearby. In addition, in some breeds, the female, on the contrary, is larger.

By the difference in body parts and color

The neck of the dove is thinner, and the head is smaller. The male also has a massive neck, a wide nape and a round forehead. But his eyes are smaller and less expressive.

difference of a dove from a dove

The color of pigeons is very difficult to distinguish. Although if a couple is nearby, then looking closely, you can see that the dove is darker than the dove.

How to distinguish a dove from a dove according to their behavior?

Pigeons form pairs for life. Reproduction in these birds occurs from spring to autumn, at which time the difference between a pigeon and a dove is very significant. The activity of one bird in relation to another immediately gives the male. He puffs out his chest, spreads his feathers and tail. The little dove is trying to seem indifferent.

The male spins around the axis, presses the tail to the ground, lifts his head high, arches his neck. Often he makes cooing sounds.

what is the difference between a dove and a dove
What is the difference between a dove and a dove? The sound of the voices of males and females is also different. The pigeon is coarser and rumbling, while the female, on the contrary, has a high, tender voice.

If there are two males nearby, then most likely they will start to fight, flap their wings, and demonstrate militancy. Two doves on the same territory exist peacefully and even communicate, well, or simply do not pay attention to each other.

The structure of the pelvic bones

How to distinguish between a dove and a dove? Pay attention to the structure of the pelvic bones.
First you need to find the bones closer to the tail. In males, the distance between them is practically absent; in females, there is a significant gap. However, this method is not always reliable. Since, for some reason, the male may also have a gap, and the absence of it in the female is an indication that she has not yet laid her eggs.

How to determine a dove or a dove in front of you? You can also try to chat with the bird yourself. The male is likely to try to bite if you reach out, the female will be more peaceful.


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