How to craft a distributor and how to use it

Few expected Minecraft to become such a popular game. But the unexpected depth, freedom of action, breadth of opportunities attracted millions of people to this project. In many respects this was facilitated by mechanisms, which in the game are just an incredible amount, and you can do everything with your own hands. For example, take the distributor. This device that can be used for a variety of purposes, it is actually universal and useful to everyone. Therefore, everyone should know how to craft a distributor in order to use it for their own benefit later.

What is a distributor

how to craft a distributor

Of course, you can immediately rush to the workbench and start creating new mechanisms, but first you should always understand what they are for and how they work. Therefore, before you learn how to craft a distributor, you better familiarize yourself with what it is, what its functions and principle of action are. And it is an ordinary block, on one side of which there is a hole through which the unit will give out the objects contained in it. The distributor has only nine cells, each of which you can fill with various things. Well, this mechanism works as follows: you put specific elements in its cells, and when the distributor is activated, it throws out a random item (from those contained in it). This is a very convenient feature. This device can be used both for storing artifacts, and for other purposes. Now let's look at how to craft a distributor so that it can then be applied in action.

Dispenser Recipe

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Each item in the game that cannot be found in nature has its own recipe, according to which you can make it if you have enough resources. If you want to learn how to craft a distributor, you will need to acquire onions and red dust. In addition to them, you will need seven blocks of cobblestone - this component is the main one when crafting the mentioned mechanism. The bow must be placed in the central cell, but make sure that no one has ever shot from it, otherwise it will be unsuitable for crafting. Under the weapon, place a block of red dust, and fill the remaining cells with cobblestone. That's the whole simple recipe. Now proceed to crafting, and you will have a ready-made mechanism in your inventory. If you are asked about how to craft a distributor in Minecraft 1.5.2, do not try to look for a separate answer, since nothing depends on the version of the game here - the recipe is the same everywhere. So, you know how to create this mechanism, now you need to figure out how to use it.

Main purpose

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Naturally, in the first place it is worth paying attention to the application that was originally proposed. It will be simple, because you now know how to craft a distributor. In Minecraft 1.5.2, as well as in later versions, you can use this mechanism for a variety of purposes, but it is primarily intended for the distribution of various items. You load into it those things that may be useful to you in the future, and when you have a need, you simply activate the distributor, and it gives you its contents. It can be operated in any situation: used to dispense food, never to starve, to dispense armor, to always be able to update a worn cuirass or any other item, etc. And all these amenities are available thanks to the knowledge of how to craft a dispenser in Minecraft.

How to make the distributor shoot

how to craft a distributor in minecraft

Many players are interested in how to make the distributor not scatter objects around him, but push them with force in one direction, so that they cause damage. Many people think that it depends on how to craft a distributor in Minecraft. In fact, everything is quite different, everything is decided not by the crafting recipe, but by the objects themselves that are in the unit. If these are arrows, explosive potions, snowballs and other similar shells, then you will succeed - objects will fly along the trajectory you need. This can be used to defend certain points - just install the pressure plate and connect it to the distributor. By the way, this is far from the only way to turn the mechanism into a trap.


how to craft a distributor in minecraft

Have you decided to turn a simple mechanism for distributing items into a real hell for opponents? You have the opportunity to experiment. The fact is that you can place liquids, such as, for example, lava, in the cells of the distributor. And an overly curious player who wants to feast on what lies in your "chest" can open it without suspecting anything. And then all the lava contained in the mechanism will pour onto him. Naturally, this is not the only scenario - you can come up with other ways. For your needs, you can use both liquids and objects. At Minecraft, your success depends entirely on your imagination.

Other ways to use the distributor

As mentioned earlier, the distributor is an incredibly multi-functional mechanism. You can turn it into anything you want. It can be a mobs spawner - for this you need eggs that need to be loaded into cells, and then the mechanism must be activated. It can also be a depot for transport, an automatic machine for watering the garden, and so on. It all depends on you, you can analyze how this device works, and then use its advantages and functions to your advantage.


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