Guide to Zeus, "Dota 2": tips and tricks

Zeus from the Dota 2 game is a character who prefers ranged combat to close combat and who focuses on attacking spells (that is, he is a nuker). Its main characteristic is Intelligence. With his magic, Zeus is able to attack any hero and inflict quite significant damage on him. In addition, this character has a unique ultimate, which is able to kill any enemy, regardless of its location.

In today's guide to Zeus in “DotA 2,” we will reveal such important details as the character’s abilities and skills, as well as give some tips on his build and battle tactics. To get started, get acquainted with the main pros and cons of this hero.

Strengths of Zeus

The main advantages of the character:

  • It has very strong magical damage, covering both one target and a group of opponents. Zeus has a rather high total damage in all of Dota 2 (one of the highest among the characters).
  • The Thunder God and Lightning Bolt skills can highlight hidden opponents.
  • The power of magic damage from the passive skill "Static Field" can equal the supply of HP of the target.
  • Despite the fact that Zeus is not able to break through the enemy’s magical immunity with his basic skills, his role remains relevant during the late stage of the game.
Guides from God "DotA 2"
  • Ultimate "Wrath of the Thunder God" can kill any enemy, regardless of its location on the map.
  • Recharging basic skills usually takes place very quickly (if the hero has enough mana in stock).
  • Farm is easy enough, while even a small set of artifacts will allow Zeus to take good damage from the enemy.
  • Learning to play for Zeus is simple.


As for the minuses of the character, from the guide “DotA 2” on Zeus you can find out the following:

  • The hero has a reduced auto attack range. In addition to this, the attacks themselves are accompanied by a rather uncomfortable animation, which you get used to for a long time.
  • Zeus does not have any control skills. All he can use is a small camp from Lightning Bolt.
  • Also, the character does not have mobility skills, so he will not be able to quickly leave the battle.
  • There may be a lack of mana at the start of the game.

Abilities: base and background skill

"Dota 2" guide. Spirit

We continue our guide in "DotA 2" on the heroes and move on to the skills that Zeus possesses.

  • Lightning strike. It takes away a lot of damage from the enemy, especially at the start of the game. Cd - 6 seconds, so they can be quickly spammed. It shows itself well against castes and teleports, since it gives a small camp upon impact. Through the "Lightning Bolt" you can shine through all the hidden heroes, wards or miners.
  • Arc of Lightning. A secondary skill with which you can harass your enemies on the line and finish off creeps. Quite a lot of mana is spent on it, so we advise you to do this last.

Abilities: Passive and Ultimate

  • Static Field. Strikes one main target and all the enemy heroes surrounding it. The percentage of stroke depends on their health. "Static Field" is a pretty good passive ability, which gives an increase in damage and adds to the character of relevance in the final stage of the game.
  • Wrath of the Thunder God. The main ultimate of our today's hero. Zeus strikes at all visible enemies and reveals an inviz of those who hid. The ability of "Wrath of the Thunder God" helps Zeus serves as an excellent damager. The hero can assist the team, regardless of its location on the map.

Skill build or leveling abilities

New guides on Dota 2

Almost all the old and new guides in DotA 2 on Zeus converge on the same pumping scenario. First you need to stock up on two abilities - "Arc of Lightning" and "Static Field". With their help, we can deal with creeps on the line, and at the same time engage in harassing enemies. Maximizing the cost is Lightning Bolt, as this skill is our main source of damage.

After that, you can do a full pumping "Arc of Lightning." The upgrade of our passivation, “Static Field”, is best left for the final game. As for the ultimate, we are developing it as it becomes available.

Additional tips on pumping Zeus can be obtained on thematic sites and video channels, for example, in God’s guides in “Dota 2”, on the Dota Watafak channel and other sources.

More on Zeus Talents

In the early stages of the game, Zeus's armor should have a gain of +6 units - this will help him cope with unpleasant physical damage. Then everything will depend on the tactics of the game. Against fatty opponents, you should take advantage of an additional 1% damage from passive ability, and in other cases it is better to increase your own movement speed by +40.

"Dota 2" guide. King

Having reached level 20, you can use the talent for +0.5 seconds to stun from Lightning Bolt - this way we will turn this skill into a full-fledged camp. A safe cast of skills during battle can be ensured through a range of +200 (level 25).

Who can resist Zeus from Dota 2? Guide to Spirit, Faceless Void , anti-magic and other heroes

Any nuker without the possibility of quick escape should be afraid of silence, and Zeus in this case is no exception. In addition, strong carry are also a big problem for him, namely their ability to disable and slow down. So who is there to fear?

  • Anti - magic - has the ability to burn the mana of his opponent, which makes Zeus the caster a lot of difficulties. Part of ours will be absorbed due to the "Magic Shield" of the anti-magic.
  • Storm Spirit - gets a big advantage thanks to its high mobility and strong damage. Zeus, however, cannot boast of either one or the other. In general, Zeus's low mobility always plays against him.
  • Faceless Void - actively uses the Chronosphere and Walk in Time. The first skill is especially effective due to the low mobility of Zeus, and the second skill is aimed at negating damage.
  • Knight of Chaos - his large stock of health allows him to survive almost any attack. In addition, he knows how to create strong illusions (Zeus cannot stand against them in any way) and rob a large number of HP from his opponent.
Dota 2 Zeus Guide

Additional advice to the Dota 2 guide: assassin, anti-mage, Silencer, Storm Spirit and other powerful opponents of Zeus are really a big danger. This is especially true in situations where the player did not have time to stock up on artifacts. In this case, we recommend that you look at other characters and leave Zeus for later. It is possible that the enemy team will win much earlier than we manage to farm the necessary artifacts for ourselves.

Who can Zeus resist? Slardar, Bounty Hunter, Monkey King and others

If in the previous chapter we talked about heroes that we better not get involved with, then here we will talk about characters whom Zeus can fight back. So, we present a small guide in “DotA 2” on King (Monkey King / Monkey King), Slardar, the sorceress and other heroes.

  • Monkey King / Monkey King - can go through various obstacles, as well as change his own appearance, becoming a tree or a stone. Zeus can easily detect it with his Lightning Strike ability.
  • Slardar - usually hunts objects for mobility, but not for survivability, therefore, playing as Zeus, we can inflict a lot of damage on him.
  • The enchantress is a character with a low supply of HP, because of which she does not have time to heal in time. Her “untouchable” ability has no effect on Zeus.
"Dota 2" guide. Assassin
  • The Bounty Hunter is another character with a small supply of health, so it’s easier to kill. Often uses his invisibility, especially to escape from the tank, but from Zeus, with his "Lightning Bolt" he can not hide.
  • Timberso - will not be able to protect herself from Zeus through the ability "Reactive Armor", as she does not respond to the attacks of this character.

Game tips

Playing for Zeus, you can send both to the mid and on the line, where we will have to play the role of support for carry. At the same time, this character will be able to show himself in all its glory only in the mid. For Zeus, it is very important to have access to a stable farm and fast pumping. In addition, at the MID we can avoid the ganges, as we occupy a hill with which it is very easy to retreat to a safe place.

As for the situation on the line, it will be necessary to conduct aggressive battle tactics. We try not to give opponents the opportunity to farm and harass them at the first opportunity, using the first and second skills for this purpose. Do not forget about our own safety, so we keep our distance from enemies, especially in the initial stages of the game. At level 7, you can go to the team gang to teammates.

Dota 2 Hero Guides

What to collect on Zeus? The main items for the hero are: ArcaneBoots, BlinkDagger, AetherLens, Aghanim's Scepter, OctarineCore, Veil of Discord, Rod of Atos, Scythe of Vyse. Remember that without a set of artifacts, the character of Zeus is very weak, so he is unlikely to be able to hold out in battle for a long time.


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