The daughter-in-law is the continuer of the clan.

The son is about to get married and introduces his bride to his parents. Will they be happy for her, how will they accept the young in their family, will they have warm and cordial relations with her, like those of real relatives? Why in some families an irreconcilable struggle arises between a young wife and mother of a son? Let's try to figure it out.

What does it mean?

daughter-in-law is
To begin with, it is worth noting that the daughter-in-law is the wife of the son. But only in relation to the husband’s father. But for the mother-in-law, she is the daughter-in-law. Why is there such a confusion? And why is it considered that "daughter-in-law" is almost a swear word?

There are two opinions. The first thing is that the word "daughter-in-law" is an exact analogue to the concept of "daughter-in-law". The second opinion is that this is a woman who has been married for some time and managed to give birth to a child.

The misconception about the meaning of a word is connected with its lack of consonance and similarity in sound with the word “intercourse”. It is worth noting that when the family status of “daughter-in-law” appeared in everyday life, this concept did not yet exist.

For example, in the dictionary of V. Dahl, the concept of "demolish" has one of its meanings - "endure." It is most suitable for the status of a new relative, since her role was more than dependent in comparison with other members of the family.

Another version

There is another version that the daughter-in-law is the one that is "on demolition." That is, a woman who has not just arrived from another village and family, but already has some experience and communication with a new surname. She is waiting for a new family member, which means there will be a continuation of the clan. In support of this version, the popular saying is very suitable: "The daughter-in-law is more generous than the generous."

An irreconcilable struggle?

good daughter-in-law
If there is a conflict between the mother-in-law and the wife of the son, then only because of female jealousy and stupidity. Mother does not want to put up with the second role in the life of her adult child and annoys a young girl: she doesn’t cook, she says something, her character is bad and similar sayings.

A woman who lives with her mother-in-law in the same house should develop a special strategy for approaching her husband’s mother. Obviously, the new relative is not at all an enemy for her, but a near and dear person for her son. It was his mother-in-law who gave birth to, raised and instilled in him those qualities for which a young woman fell in love and appreciated him. So why not love the husband’s mother? We must try to find contact with her, and mutual insult and insult are unacceptable. This will only lead to the death of a young family.

greetings to daughter-in-law
How to behave

Wisdom is knowledge. As a bride, it is desirable for a girl to inquire about the preferences of her new relatives, try to find out birthdays, important dates, interests and hobbies. Then the mother of the groom will surely like her, she will later call her a “good daughter-in-law” and will treat her like a daughter. However, the rule of being kind to the mother-in-law, respecting and honoring her should not be forgotten after marriage.

What steps to take a girl who is going to join a new family? You can start small: congratulate you on your birthday, say: “how you look good,” “can I have a recipe for your wonderful salad?”, And the heart of the iciest husband’s mother will melt. Not far off gifts, heartfelt congratulations to the daughter-in-law, compliments. The young spouse will be happy if peace and harmony reign in the house. And what else does a tender and loving spouse need?


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