How to make a pot of tires?

Often, when thinking about how to decorate our garden, we think over the scheme of an alpine hill or other complex structural elements. But there is a simpler solution, but no less interesting. Flowerpots for flowers from tires are easy to make yourself, with your own hands. They will allow the garden to decorate and use trash. There are many different options, among which you can pick up something less complicated.

flowerpot from tires
The easiest option is obtained if you simply fall asleep into the interior of the wheel and plant flowers. Even an unpainted construction will still look attractive, highlighting planted plants. And if you paint a pot of tires in a bright color or make a slide of several pieces, folding them in any order, you get a flower bed. The simplicity of such a solution allows you to use this solution on any site, no matter you have a large garden or a small front garden near the house.

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An excellent solution would be to use a hanging pot of tires. Here you can also do without additional work. It is enough to hang a wheel, and put a flower pot or a tray in an empty cavity, sprinkle the earth and plant the plants. Any option is good and attractive.

flowerpots from tires photo
For tall plants or those that like drooping, you can make a flowerpot out of tires by simply laying them on top of each other. It is better to proceed from the dimensions of the workpieces. If all the tires are the same, then two or three pieces are enough. From tires of different sizes, you can build a pyramid, each tier of which will bloom with its own color. It will turn out a very beautiful slide. And if you think about planting and plant in such a way that each next tier blooms a little later, you can get a living fountain of flowers.

flowerpots for flowers from tires

A beautiful flowerpot of tires is obtained if you cut a part and turn it out using the rim from the wheel. True, this is a rather laborious work, it requires skills. Here, male power will not be enough. For the flower garden, not only tires, but also cameras are suitable. Cutting them in half and hanging on a chain, you will get hanging flowerpots, which will serve as a great decoration for the home.

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Old tires can simply be pinned to the wall of a barn or garage, and flowers can be planted inside. If you use climbing plants, then a flower wall will appear over time. Flowerpots from tires, photos of which you can see, are made of unnecessary trash. What you were about to throw away recently can be turned with your hands into beautiful summer cottages. And often no special efforts or tools are needed. The most important thing here is your desire to transform your garden or create a cheerful mood among passers-by who walk past your beautiful crafts.

If a few years ago piles of discarded wheels were just lying around, now they are increasingly being used for good work. Tires make excellent toys that will find a worthy place in the playground. This is a carousel, a rocking chair, and just a wall of wheels, which is very convenient to climb on. Children are delighted with this opportunity. Parents are happy that the children have found something to do. But in the end we get a clean and well-groomed yard, without unnecessary discarded items. Using all these things, we also participate in the purification of our planet. So, she will someday say her β€œthank you” to us.


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