Harmonious - is that how?

Many want to achieve harmony in life. At least they say they want to. But how to achieve this? There are many versions and theories. You need to develop all areas of your life and try not to upset the balance. It can sometimes be too difficult to achieve this, but can harmony in the soul be obtained in only one way? To understand how to achieve it, you must first give a definition of the word. Harmonious - is that how?

The meaning of the word

Harmoniously - this is a concept that came from the ancient Greek word. In the original, it sounded like harmonia.

harmonious relationship
This concept denoted communication and coordinated actions. Today, many people use the word harmony not in the original context. The Greeks used the concept of harmonia when talking about music. The coherence of all musicians, falling into one rhythm - thanks to such trifles, the melody turns out to be harmonious, that is, pleasant to the ear. Today, harmony is used in a broader concept. For example, often people seek it in the soul, in life, in art. But really, life is very similar to music. If the piano is poorly tuned, no matter how well the musician plays, the concert experience will be spoiled. So it is in life. Today the concept has become so widespread that in any language of the world you can find an analogue of the ancient Greek harmonia.

About creativity

In music, literature and in the visual arts - there must be balance everywhere. Harmoniously - it is whole, harmonious. All parts of the work or all parts of the composition are held one on top of the other, like a children's designer. Take away one detail, and the whole building will fall apart. Harmony is often called balance. These are equivalent concepts with similar meanings. The ancient Greeks sought harmony in life, but the eastern sages tried to find a balance. One way or another, both excelled in their art. And of course, they knew the canons that helped make their culture more whole. After all, before the art of theater, art and music have always kept pace with each other.

harmonious person
Artists painted scenery, musicians painted parts for theatrical plays. All this should have been in close harmonious relationship, because otherwise integrity would have been destroyed. Now such harmony is also relevant, but contemporaries give it much less attention than our ancestors.

Regarding personality

A harmonious person is a person who manages to maintain a good balance between all areas of his life. The main ones are: health, family, work, friends, hobbies / leisure. But it’s not enough to just make the right schedule and devote time to every aspect of your list. Harmonious development is also an internal state.

harmonious development

Calmness, pacification is something that does not always come to a person, even if he devotes time to all his areas of life. It is necessary not only to carry out one's daily routine, it is necessary to enjoy every action. What is the point of spending time with family or friends if you are not in the mood? Nobody will enjoy this, which will lead to the fact that relatives and friends will try to avoid meeting with you. You need to understand that no one in this world can bring harmony to your soul, except for ourselves. This path to finding and holding it is very difficult, but still it is worth it to go along it.

About relationship

Harmoniously - this is such a broad concept that can describe almost all areas of human life. It approaches art, a person as a person, but they can also describe the relationship between two or more people. Harmonious relations are when people understand each other well, as they say in the people, “without words”. Most often, such a concept of "branding" lovers. Young people who don’t have souls in each other most often describe their relationship as harmonious. They mean that the young man and his soulmate are ideally suited to each other in all respects. They have common interests, common friends, and common views on life. Do not think that this harmony is imaginary, it is natural, just fleeting.

harmoniously it

But harmonious relations in the team are a much stronger connection. Indeed, in a company where more than seven people work together, it is difficult to establish friendships. But working on a common, for example, scientific project, it is simply necessary that people interact as a single cohesive mechanism. In this case, the work will move quickly and be performed efficiently.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6372/

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