What is MDF: description, characteristics, properties, application, pros and cons

The abbreviation MDF is constantly at everyone's hearing. It can be heard when it comes to the production of furniture, decoration material, doors and many other wood products.

Everyone knows that the material is actively used in many areas of production. Nevertheless, not everyone understands what MDF is and how it is made.

What is this material? What does it consist of? What are the properties? We will talk about all this in our article.

What is MDF

By the combination of letters MDF are meant boards made of small sawdust. They are mixed with binders and amenable to compression. The result is a straight sheet with a thickness of 3 mm to 6 cm.

what is MDF

Why does the material have such a name? What is MDF?

Everything is quite simple. For the first time this product was manufactured in the United States, where its name sounded like Medium Density Fibreboard. Translated into Russian, this means "finely divided wood-fiber shavings" (a small fraction of the tree). As a result of writing the abbreviated American name in Russian letters, we got the well-known abbreviation. She took root as the main name for the particle board.

The material has earned great popularity in Russia, as it is very easy to process, not subject to drying out, does not form cracks and has excellent soundproofing properties. The abundance of positive qualities at low cost attracts manufacturers. Today, floor coverings, heat-insulating materials, door leafs, budget furniture and wall panels are made from plates.

MDF is an excellent substitute for natural wood. It is made from the waste of woodworking enterprises, so it has a fairly low price tag.

How to make MDF boards

The manufacturing technology of the chip sheets we are considering gives a clear answer to the question of what MDF is. In the production process, wood chips, shavings and sawdust are used. Raw materials are heated to high temperatures (about 100 degrees) and crushed in a wet form. A fibrous mass is thus obtained.

manufacture of furniture MDF

Paraffin and resins, which are the main binders, are added to the resulting mixture. For a short period of time, the raw materials are dried, after which they are sent for compacting.

The thick mixture is rolled out evenly along the conveyor, the press is lowered and the material is heated to 230 degrees. Under the influence of pressure and high temperature, the product acquires the necessary strength, hardness and evenness.

The cooled material is polished, coated with protective compounds and cut into standard parameters plates. Depending on the way the outside is finished, all sheets are divided into three types of products:

  • laminated;
  • veneered;
  • painted.

Consider the characteristics of each of them.

Laminated MDF. What are its features

The front side of the laminated panels is covered with an ultra-thin film of polyvinyl chloride. It is made in different shades and textures, which allows you to create on the surface of the stove an imitation of natural wood, stone, leather and other expensive materials.

Laminated MDF is obtained by hot pressing. The film is glued to the surface of the sheet and subjected to high pressure. This treatment contributes to the strongest adhesion of the finish to the base. The panel coated with a protective layer becomes resistant to light, moisture and even certain chemicals.

appearance of laminated MDF

Materials made from such sheets have an attractive appearance, high performance and affordable cost. A striking example of a laminated chipboard is a laminate.

Veneered boards and their properties

The most expensive option for finishing MDF sheets is gluing veneer on its side. Since veneer is the thinnest cut of natural wood, the final product has a very attractive appearance.

rich color range of MDF wall panels

Such materials do not dry out, are not afraid of moisture, and do not swell. The high cost of the decorative layer does not allow the use of veneered boards in all areas of life. This is, for the most part, furniture MDF. It is used to create door panels, cabinets, chests of drawers and other types of furniture. Products have a natural pattern and exactly repeat the texture of the wood, so they acquire an expensive look.

Painted MDF

MDF staining is considered the fastest and cheapest way to protect the slab from external influences. Application of paintwork can be done manually and with the help of special equipment.

For staining, enamel and other fluid varieties of coloring compositions are used. Modern technology allows you to create pearl, matte and glossy surfaces with paint.

painted MDF for furniture

The color of the products is also not limited. It is thanks to the coloring that we are now able to access brown, beige, orange and even white MDF.

Such materials are considered the most resistant to moisture. Moreover, they have a minimum price tag. Use these options for the manufacture of glossy kitchen furniture and wall panels.

Dimensions of plates and possible options for the density of products

Technical characteristics of MDF panels vary depending on the density and width of the sheet product. Today, there are options for three categories:

  1. The first is thin sheet materials with a thickness of 5 to 9 mm.
  2. The second - plates of medium thickness (from 10 to 18 mm).
  3. The third - thick-walled varieties, with a thickness of 19 to 30 mm.

MDF wall panels of the first group have a length of 1300 to 2800 mm. The width of the sheet ranges from 153 to 2070 mm. Plates of medium and maximum thickness are characterized by increased length indicators of 2620-2800 mm. Moreover, the sheet width is fixed - 2070 mm.

The minimum density indicator of sheet products is 780 kg / m 3 . The maximum value reaches 1100 kg / m 3 or more.

Advantages of chipboards

Acquiring any building material, you need to evaluate its pros and cons. MDF is not a perfect product, but it has a number of advantages.

First of all, it should be noted the simplicity of its processing. Using milling machines, the plates can be given the desired reliefs, thereby increasing their decorative qualities.

Also, the positive qualities of MDF include:

  1. High strength. The index of resistance to mechanical stress is several times greater than that of other wood-fiber materials. Any fittings and fasteners are securely fixed on the panels, which allows them to be used to create a variety of interior items.
  2. Good resistance to moisture and steam. In MDF, resistance to wet microclimate is much higher than, for example, in chipboard.
  3. Environmental Safety. The formaldehyde content in the panels is so minimal that they are not able to adversely affect the environment.
  4. High decorative qualities. MDF materials are very diverse, have a huge number of colors. This allows you to make from them both modest and plain products, as well as bright objects of saturated colors.
  5. Affordable cost. MDF products are several times cheaper than similar wood options.

The presence of a decorative layer positively affects the properties of MDF. The protective coating prevents the formation of mold, fungi, prevents the colonization of microorganisms in the material.

Are there any disadvantages of MDF panels?

If we talk about the negative properties of wood chips, they are very relative. For example, the material does not like moisture, but is able to withstand its effects much longer than, say, chipboard or wood.

Also, flammability can be attributed to the disadvantages, but this property is inherent in all products made of wood.

MDF panels in the interior

The only thing to consider is that with heavy physical exertion, the MDF panel can fail. However, it will no longer be repairable. In this situation, the damaged element will have to be completely replaced. However, this fact fully compensates for the low cost of this product.

Use of MDF in the furniture sector

The use of MDF boards today is more than extensive. However, the material is especially popular with manufacturers of cabinet furniture. Such products are very beautiful, diverse and affordable.

MDF application

Furniture made of MDF is an excellent option for those who want to economically update the interior of their home or work space. Most often, wardrobes, bedside tables, chests of drawers, shelves and entire headsets are made from particle boards. Painted options are actively used in the assembly process of kitchen furniture.

Often, stoves are used as the basis of beds, soft sofas and armchairs. Options with a coating of laminate or veneer can be found even on expensive household items.

Application in the construction industry

In the process of building buildings, MDF is actively used as an analogue of natural wood. Beams are made of plates, partitions are arranged and ceilings are created.

application of laminated MDF

It is also possible to use the material for the following purposes:

  • when warming surfaces;
  • in the manufacture of skirting boards;
  • when assembling door frames;
  • in the manufacture of stairs;
  • for the arrangement of window sills and railings.

Anyone can work with MDF. From a large sheet, you can easily cut the desired fragment, make it the desired pattern. By the simplicity of processing MDF can be compared with drywall. That is why the material is very popular with both experienced and novice craftsmen.

Interior use

In the process of repairing residential premises, wall panels are most actively used. They can sew up all vertical surfaces in the apartment.

Installation of elements of such a cladding is quite simple. Each panel has a crest on one side and a groove on the other. Thanks to this fixation, the seams between the MDF strips are almost invisible.

For added reliability, the elements can be fixed with furniture brackets or planted on an adhesive solution. Panels can be used to decorate surfaces in the loggia, walls in the corridor, study, wardrobe.

example of using MDF wall panels

Often, wall MDF is used for zoning the space of large rooms. The panels can be arranged in vertical and horizontal directions. On uneven walls, they are mounted on a frame. The base is assembled from wooden bars of the minimum cross section.

It is not recommended to use the material only for the arrangement of flooring. Slabs are considered too soft for this purpose. Knowledge of what MDF is made of makes it possible to understand that it is not worth using it in rooms with a harsh climate. Although the plates have a protective layer, but, like any tree, they are unstable to fluctuations in humidity and temperature.

To summarize

Concluding the topic of what MDF is, I want to note that the material is quite practical and versatile, but its service life depends entirely on the correct operation.

Anyone can assemble furniture, complete the finishing of housing from MDF, however, it should be remembered that the work must be correctly performed the first time. Wood shavings do not like repeated screwing of fasteners. In the old hole, the bolts are no longer so tight, the fixation is weakened.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of plates. Before buying, the material should be checked for delamination, bubbles, chips. The edge of the plate should be smooth and strong. The presence of "fringe" from sawdust is extremely unacceptable. The use of low-quality raw materials significantly reduces the life of the final product. First-class products fully justify their value.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6373/

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