Details on how to make bread at Minecraft

Today we’ll talk about how to make bread at Minecraft. This is one of the most popular types of products, only fried potatoes can compare with it. By building even a small farm, you can provide yourself with a reliable source of food.


how to make bread in minecraft
To solve the problem of how to bake bread at Minecraft, we will first of all need wheat. It can be grown using tall grass seeds. They are abundant in different regions. It is likely that, thanks to the destruction of the grass block, it will be possible to get seeds. Wheat will grow if you plant them on a well-plowed bed.


how to make bread in minecraft
At the next stage, to solve the question of how to make bread in Minecraft, we will need a workbench. Fill with blocks of wheat an arbitrary horizontal line. From now on, knowing how to make bread at Minecraft, you should make it as much as possible. With one loaf, you can restore 3 units of satiety. If you plan to explore large caves, you should bring at least 64 pieces of bread with you. Sometimes you can find bread in the chests of abandoned mines and treasures.

The solution to the question of how to make bread at Minecraft is directly related to the creation of a bed. In order to organize it, we need a chopper and a pond. With a bucket, the pond is easy to make on your own. If this item is missing, the task is complicated, since at the beginning of the game it is not easy to get iron for its manufacture. In this situation, we will use the shores of a natural reservoir that we can find nearby. Thus, we will create the first wheat farm.

We protect

how to bake bread in minecraft
In order to save wheat fields from monsters, we enclose them with a fence. In addition, under appropriate circumstances, we can move the "garden" underground. We make a chopper from boards and sticks. We place the necessary elements on the workbench. We put two sticks on the lower cells of the central vertical. From above we place a pair of boards horizontally. One of them must be occupied by the central cell.

We dig up the bed, taking the chopper in hand and right-clicking on the block of land located no further than 4 cells from the water. Do not jump or run along the beds, as they can be trampled. You will have to repeat the described process again. After the beds are created, we plant wheat on them. We provide them with lighting, so they grow much faster, because they are not dependent on the sun. After completing the described actions, you can do other things.

Note that ripened wheat has a characteristic yellowish color. The destruction of the block will give us seeds and grains. We provide uninterrupted supply of future bread. To do this, we plant the seeds on the garden immediately. We sow extremely large areas with wheat, as a large amount of food is required to explore the world. It should be noted that the creation of the product we need is quite slow, however, you will be rewarded for your patience afterwards, having received this resource in excess. From now on, you know all the details about how to make bread at Minecraft. To the cause!


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