Failed to load steamui dll: how to fix it, and what is this Steam bug?

With the release of Steam, computer games have received a new format. However, this application has the ability to "break" at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes this is due to the fact that the operating system has been reinstalled. Sometimes viruses and other malicious software are to blame. But the result is always the same - Steam does not work.

failed to load steamui dll how to fix

Today we will analyze the most common error of this application. This is the case when the program displays the message Failed to load steamui dll . How to fix this annoying misunderstanding? This is what we’ll talk about.

Method 1

The origin of the Failed to load steamui dll error is unknown. Not a single search engine answers the question of why this happened. But judging by the name of the error, one can guess that the client cannot start its interface, part of which is located in the DLL file. The reason for this error is unknown. But there are known ways to solve it.

Many advise just restarting the computer. Indeed, after the reboot, Steam is loaded as expected. This is probably a failure of the application itself. It is hoped that the authors will fix the problem in the next patches. But much hope is not worth it. You can say anything.

error failed to load steamui dll

However, there are situations in which rebooting a PC or laptop does not produce the desired effect. The error continues to appear, and the client writes the same text with enviable persistence - Failed to load steamui dll . How to fix if the first method did not help? Let's look at other options. Some of them are quite capable of striking with their apparent simplicity. But in fact, this is not entirely true. These are the most difficult manipulations. At least they look like this for uninitiated users.

Another option

The error Failed to load steamui dll snapped at the edge of many gamers. Therefore, they began to invent their own ways of dealing with it, since Valve did not respond to the hysterical calls of the players. One of them is as follows: you need to go into the working directory (folder) with "Steam" and get rid of all components, except steam.exe, steamapps and userdata. Then we reboot the PC or laptop and load the Steam again. Only you need to run it, not with a shortcut, but with an executable, which is located in the working directory. After that, Steam will try to download updates and reanimate itself. Sometimes he does it.

failed to load steamui dll

But it is not at all necessary to delete everything in order to get rid of the Failed to load steamui dll error . How to fix it without cardinal surgery? Some gamers claim that to fix this error it is enough to delete only one folder - cached, located in the working directory of "Steam". Naturally, after that you will need to restart the computer. This is absolutely necessary, because only after rebooting the operating system will be able to apply all the changes that were made by the user.

We continue to correct

Not always the above methods help get rid of the Failed to load steamui dll error . How to fix this problem if all previous steps are in vain? Fortunately, there are a few more ways that can help players. Sometimes antiviruses and firewalls block the Steam client and prevent it from updating to the end. Something they do not like. There is a way out of this situation: you need to completely disable the antivirus and firewall, then run the file, which will begin the Steam update. After a successful update, the error should disappear. It also happens that this problem is a bug of the update itself. With the next update, the developers will fix it. But if it’s not a matter of updates?

failed to load steamui dll what to do

So, we again have the error Failed to load steamui dll. What if nothing helps? Remove Beta from Steam's working directory. Sometimes it is he who causes all the troubles. But if nothing helps at all, then you can try to completely reinstall the operating system. Perhaps something in the OS itself prevents the Steam from functioning normally. But this is an extreme measure. Before that, you need to try reinstalling Steam itself, and not just delete the working directory, but delete it completely using the "Control Panel" and the "Programs and Features" item. First you need to remove the "Steam", restart the computer, then install it again and restart the PC again. If the problem persists, then it's time to think about reinstalling the operating system. The matter, of course, is a long one, but there is hope that the Steam will work as it should.


If an error has appeared in "Steam" in which it is reported that for some reason it cannot load the user interface, then you can try to get the client to do this in all the ways described above. They sometimes help, but they must be used wisely. And the last one - reinstalling the operating system - this is "heavy artillery", and you need to resort to it only in the most extreme case, when nothing helps at all. So, using the selection method, you can choose exactly the method that will help in your specific case.


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