How to cut nails of dogs? Beginner's Guide

How to cut nails of dogs? This is a problem that many dog ​​breeders face, especially those who have not kept dogs at all before.

How to cut nails of dogs?

The procedure, in fact, is not so complicated. Here you just need to get used to. It’s also important to accustom the dog to such an unpleasant procedure. Why unpleasant? Because the paw must be fixed, and be fixed securely. And such an action, as a rule, causes the dog resistance and obvious discontent, up to aggression.

In the article, we will tell you how to cut the nails of dogs without stress for both the dog and himself. Most printed materials describe the details of the procedure itself, but for some reason the basics of the basics are not given attention. So, we teach the dog to cut the claws. Oddly enough, the animal must get used to fixation.

Step one

To get started, just grab the dog's paw in your hands. Hold it for a few seconds and release it. Do the same with the other paw, then with the third and fourth. If the size of the dog allows, take it to your knees, if the animal is large, you can sit on the floor. Perform these manipulations at least five times a day with a daily increase in time of approximately five seconds. It would be nice to reward the patience of the dog with a piece of goodies.

Second step

Dog Salon

After a week, you can begin the second part of "addiction." Now not only hold your paw, but also gently press your fingers in turn, adhering to the time system of the first step. You can only think about how to cut the nails of the dog provided that the dog allows it to hold its paw for at least a minute (preferably longer).

Step three

Tool selection. It is not enough to know how to cut the nails of dogs, you still need to know how to do it. Exclude conventional scissors immediately. They are suitable only for very small puppies, whose claws are still very thin. For older dogs, the so-called guillotines are usually chosen. Choose right at the veterinary store. There are no universal nail clippers, they are made in various versions, therefore a specific tool is suitable for each breed. Let's say you have a shepherd. Ask the seller to show clippers for medium-sized rocks. And be sure to test. Right on the spot. Cut one claw (edge) and look to see if there is any splitting (delamination). The cut should only be flat and smooth.

Fourth step

Salon for dogs in Moscow

Claw trimming. We are located at the lamp or at the window. We fix the paw (tightly clamp) and push (slightly) on the first pillow. The claw extends forward. We look at it against the light: the nerve is visible even on dark claws, on light it is determined by its pink color. Your task is not to touch the border, that is, cut so as not to touch this nerve. Trim one or two claws, taking breaks. The dog will not be nervous, calm down and you yourself. Do not hurry. In a hurry, you can touch a painful area (the same nerve that is inside the claw). If this happens, try to calm the pet, give a piece of goodies and break off. After an hour, start circumcision again.

If you can’t venture into such a procedure, contact a dog salon. There are a great many of them in Moscow. See how vets do it. Perhaps next time you can cut the claws yourself.


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