Ruslan grapes - a unique bouquet of pleasure

Grapes are a favorite treat of many of us. Large and small, green, red, blue, sweet and sour and sweet, like honey - today there are a lot of different varieties. But the indisputable advantage is that you can grow almost every one of them in your own suburban area. Today we will talk about one of the famous varieties - a hybrid obtained by crossing the Kuban varieties and the Gift of Zaporozhye - Ruslan grapes.

What is Ruslan grape?

Harvest hybrid form was bred by Ukrainian V.V. Zagorulko. The main advantage of this variety is that it has a fairly early ripening period. You can enjoy sweet and sour berries, literally bursting with juice, in early August. The Ruslan grape variety is frost-resistant - it tolerates temperatures up to -24 degrees, so in some regions it is not even laid and covered for the winter.

Ruslan grapes

Its taste is somewhat similar to plum. Ruslan is used for making jam and jams; it is also indispensable in a bouquet of red wine. However, more often it is simply frozen fresh, because, melted, it does not lose its taste at all, delighting in winter the sweet and sour taste of sunny summer.

Grade description

The grape bush grows very strong and tall. The vine of this grape variety grows very quickly, a standard bunch weighs up to 700 grams. Dark blue oval berries weigh at least 12 grams each. The shape of a bunch resembles a cone, and very importantly, it is not prone to peeling (small berries are absent in the bunch).

spring grape processing

The pulp of the berries is very dense, bites with a slight crunch. Each berry contains 2-3 large seeds, but the peel is easily eaten (unlike many other large grape varieties, whose peel is more similar to the peel). Ruslan's flowers are chocolate-colored with dark red knots. The stalks are characterized by increased strength and have a brownish-green color. The grapes of this variety have very large, slightly cut leaves.

General characteristics

Very prolific - this is the main thing that can be said about Ruslan grapes. A description of its characteristics will be as follows. In this variety even sleeping kidneys and stepsons “shoot”, on which its fecundity directly depends. Up to three inflorescences can be tied to one shoot. The vine ripens completely, along the entire length of its growth. The norm is considered no more than 35 eyes per bush. This variety is not prone to decay, among the ripened vines it is very difficult to find even a slightly spoiled berry.

grape variety Ruslan

However, Ruslan does not tolerate excessive moisture. But it applies very well to top dressing. Another attractive feature of this variety is that the grapes are not afraid of gray rot, nor wasps, or powdery mildews. The only and main danger to ripened berries is birds.

Pests and diseases

As we said above, Ruslan grapes are not afraid of either growing, or wasps, or rot. And, in principle, it is not difficult to fight birds - you just need to protect the vine with a grid with medium-sized cells into which even the smallest bird cannot get into. The most dangerous disease for grapes is phylloxera. Small insects feed on the roots of the plant, damaging the leaves. It is very difficult to deal with them, because this parasite can only be removed with volatile carbon disulfide (you must admit that not every gardener has this liquid on the farm). The calculation when spraying is as follows - 400 cubic centimeters per square meter (for preventive purposes, grapes are processed in the spring). It is worth noting that the treatment with volatile hydrogen sulfide also harms the vine itself. However, if you choose the lesser of evils, it is better to remove this parasite once than to lose not only the crop, but also the vine itself.

Ruslan grapes description

Bacterial cancer

Another trouble that can damage Ruslan grapes is bacterial cancer. It develops exclusively in damaged areas of the vine, so when buying it is worthwhile to carefully examine the entire branch. If there is damage, it is better to immediately change it to another. After planting the grapes, it is not worth disturbing the seedlings once again. They are easily injured, and bacterial cancer can arise even from the smallest damage. The result is one - the diseased bush has to be uprooted along with the rhizome and burned. Processing of grapes in spring is also required, both in the form of pruning to obtain a good harvest, and in the form of getting rid of possible parasites that could winter with a vine covered with snow. It is only worth knowing that grapes are sprayed already after pruning to maximize the processing of open and accessible areas of the vine.


A real gift for a resident of the middle strip - this is what this winegrower variety is called. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, not afraid of parasites, Ruslan grapes are tasty and healthy. Reviews also indicate that this variety is very stable, adapts very well to different conditions, and bears fruit well both in single cultivation on a private plot and on large plantations.

Ruslan grapes reviews

This grape variety has flowers of both sexes. This greatly simplifies the pollination process. Ruslan berries have many useful qualities - it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which contributes to a fruitful fight against anemia, kidney diseases and even cancerous tumors. Its large leaves are suitable for food, like the berries themselves. Meat rolls are wrapped in leaves or simply used for marinade. Perhaps the only drawback of this variety is the berries cracking from their own juice.


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