Where to get SNILS to a foreign citizen in Moscow?

How to get SNILS to foreign citizens? And is it possible to cope with the task at all? We will try to find the answers to these questions further. It is not as difficult as it might seem initially. The information below helps to cope with the tasks as soon as possible. The main thing is to prepare correctly.


How to get SNILS to foreign citizens? The first question that arises among the population is what is SNILS?

What does SNILS look like?

So it is customary to call an insurance pension card. She indicates that the citizen has insurance. With its help, you can receive public services, as well as a pension.

Externally, SNILS looks like a white-green card. It contains information about the insured person. The document has no exact validity period; it is exchanged without fail when changing personal data.

To whom should

Can a foreign citizen get SNILS? To give the correct answer to this question, you need to thoroughly study the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

By law, an insured person may be:

  • citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a stateless person;
  • a foreigner.

But in the case of foreign citizens, there is one limitation. A foreigner who is a highly qualified specialist cannot receive SNILS. The rest can request a document at any time.

How in Russia to a foreigner to receive a pension insurance certificate

Authorized Services

Where to get SNILS to a foreign citizen? It is problematic to find a definite answer to this question. This is due to the fact that at present in Russia various organizations are engaged in issuing insurance certificates. So, you can contact the authorized body, which the citizen will find most convenient.

To date, pension insurance certificates are issued:

  • FIU;
  • MFC;
  • single window services.

It is important to understand that you will have to contact the authority at the place of registration. In our case, temporary registration of a foreign citizen. In reality, everything is not so difficult. And even a person who does not understand anything in paperwork can quickly achieve the desired result.

For employed

Can I get SNILS for foreign citizens? Yes, this is especially recommended for those who plan to stay in the country for a long time. Without an insurance certificate, a person may experience certain difficulties. For example, when looking for work or during the execution of state assistance.

Officially employed foreigners receive insurance certificates from their employers or educational institutions. This is the simplest scenario. It is the least troublesome.

Internet and insurance certificate order

How to get SNILS per child to a foreign citizen? The thing is that the design of children's documents raises the most questions. Fortunately, the procedure is not much different from obtaining an insurance card by a citizen of the Russian Federation. But we will talk about this later.

Methods of obtaining SNILS in the Russian Federation

Is it possible to issue an insurance pension certificate via the Internet? Or is it an unrealistic task?

Unfortunately, registration of pension insurance "green cards" via the Internet is not possible. Citizens can familiarize themselves with the features of ordering a document on the State Services website, but no more.

Ways of handling

How to get SNILS to a foreign citizen with RVP? Most often, such people draw up pension insurance certificates through employers. This is the simplest of all the existing ones. Nevertheless, other scenarios should also not be forgotten.

You can contact the authorized bodies for insurance cards:

  • personally;
  • by mail;
  • through a representative.

The latter scenario, as a rule, occurs in relation to minors. For them, up to a certain age, parents or other legal representatives contact the authorized bodies.

Mailings are one more not too popular distribution. Usually it is used when there are no alternative ways to order SNILS. Next, we will try to consider all of the listed layouts. With proper preparation, they cause a minimum of trouble.

Instruction: we apply for the document personally

How can I get SNILS to a foreign citizen? The answer to this question will no longer cause any inconvenience. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

To begin with, we consider the simplest version of the development of events - a personal appeal to the authorized bodies. In this case, the potential customer should independently apply to the FIU or MFC.

To implement this task, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Collect a specific package of papers. We will talk about it in more detail later.
  2. Fill out an application for a pension insurance card.
  3. Contact the authorized body with a request for a standard form.
  4. Get your insurance certificate on hand at the agreed time.

Nothing difficult. True, in real life, citizens face some problems. For example, at the stage of preparing a package of documents for ordering SNILS. We will talk about this later.

Mail Guide

How to get SNILS to a foreign citizen? The next scenario is the use of mail services. As already mentioned, this alignment is not too popular. Moreover, it is extremely costly.

Documents on SNILS

The instruction for ordering SNILS through postal services looks like this:

  1. Prepare a particular package of papers, and then make copies of it.
  2. To certify the received documents with a notary.
  3. All available foreign certificates translated into Russian.
  4. Fill out an application for the issuance of an insurance pension certificate of the established form.
  5. Send the collected certificates to the authorized body by registered mail with notification of receipt.
  6. Get ready insurance certificate on hand. As a rule, the document is sent by registered mail.

At this stage, active actions can be completed. Now everyone can quickly order SNILS. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances listed above.

At the employer

How can a foreign citizen get SNILS? All instructions and recommendations presented for attention can be considered universal. So, it doesn’t matter in which region the document will be ordered. A little later, we will consider several addresses of authorized bodies in Moscow. This information will help not to get confused in the process of designing SNILS.

As already mentioned, citizens can request an insurance certificate from their employer. In such circumstances, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Bring the boss a package of documents.
  2. Write and submit an application for issuing SNILS.

After the actions done, a person will only have to wait a bit. As soon as the insurance certificate is ready, it will be issued right at work. Very comfortably! True, such an algorithm of action is relevant for officially employed citizens.

Where to get SNILS in Moscow

Features for the children's document

Where to get SNILS to a foreign citizen? Dealing with this issue is not as difficult as it seems. True, sometimes difficulties arise. For example, when preparing a document for a child.

The thing is that in Russia the bulk of documents for minors are executed through their legal representatives. For example, parents. Upon reaching the age of 14, a pension insurance certificate may be requested by the child in person. Parents for this operation will not have to attract.

Perhaps this is all the features of the design of SNILS for a minor. And citizenship does not play any role here.

Documents for adults

How to get SNILS to a foreign citizen? From now on, the search for an answer to such a question will no longer put a person in an awkward position. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this process is accompanied by paperwork. And for foreigners it is much more than for local residents.

To issue an insurance certificate for an adult citizen of another state in Russia, it is necessary to prepare:

  • passport;
  • international passport (preferably);
  • migration card;
  • RVP or residence permit;
  • certificates from the person’s place of residence.

Moreover, all documents in a foreign language must be translated into Russian, and then certified by a notary. Otherwise, the customer may be denied service.

SNILS to a foreigner in Moscow

Documents for children

Where can I get SNILS to a foreign citizen, found out. And what documents are useful for the implementation of the task? Today, it all depends on the specific situation. What if the recipient of the document is a minor child?

In this case, for persons under 14 years of age it is necessary to prepare:

  • birth certificate;
  • international passport;
  • migration card;
  • passport and passport of the parent;
  • certificates of residence;
  • notarized translations of previously listed documents into Russian.

An application for the issuance of an insurance certificate must be completed by the parent based on the available documents. If during the achievement of the desired goal there are problems, you can always contact the employees of authorized bodies. They will quickly help fill out the application and submit it.

Inquiries for persons from 14 years old

And what documents will be useful for a foreign child to order SNILS after 14 years? The package of documents, as a rule, will be exactly the same as in the case of adults.

The difference is that the application of the established form will need to be filled out independently, and not involve parents in this matter. In fact, everything is not so difficult. Especially if you thoroughly understand the corresponding task.

Addresses in the capital

Where to get SNILS to a foreign citizen in Moscow? The answer to this question is sought by many visitors. Especially those who decided to draw up a document not through employers, but on their own.

To give a definite answer, as has already been said, will fail. Citizens themselves can choose where to turn for help. True, you will have to take into account the place of your temporary residence permit.

Appeal to the FIU for SNILS

Here are a few addresses where you can request a pension insurance certificate:

  • 3rd Krutitsky Lane, Building 11;
  • Voznesensky Lane, 22;
  • Havskaya street, house 26;
  • Smolensky Boulevard, Building 24, Building 1;
  • Tsentrosoyuzny Lane, building 13s3;
  • Rublevskoe highway, 32;
  • Bolshaya Yakimanka, house 38;
  • Ugreshskaya street, house 2, building 29;
  • Malomoskovskaya, 24k1;
  • Pravda street, 21.

This is not a complete list of addresses at which in Moscow you can ask for help in obtaining an insurance certificate. Everything, as already mentioned, depends directly on the place of registration of the person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6382/

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