How to breed copper sulfate? Processing fruit trees and shrubs

People who keep their garden understand that they need to be followed and taken care of. The main care for all plants includes treatment for fungal diseases and parasites. The most affordable and popular remedy for this is copper sulfate. How to breed it, we will tell for each case separately.

Briefly about the solution and its properties

Speaking in scientific terms, copper sulfate is an inorganic compound of the copper salt of sulfuric acid. It occurs in the form of crystalline granules of blue color, which easily dissolve in water. A good antiseptic, disinfectant, fungicide and first-class fertilizer - these are all qualities of such a tool as copper sulfate. How to breed it correctly, many summer residents do not know. We will definitely tell about this, but a little later.

how to breed copper sulfate

Blue stone is used in the following industries:

  • cottage and garden;
  • the medicine;
  • house.

We are directly interested in the first category. Let's look at how to breed copper sulfate for processing fruit trees and vegetables.

However, even with all its positive qualities, this substance has one side effect. In particular, for orchard, its use threatens to fall leaves. Before you learn how to breed copper sulfate for treating trees, you need to talk about what time of year to spray.

When to use blue stone?

The most favorable season for treating trees and shrubs is considered spring. Many experts recommend starting the first treatment in mid-March, when the daily temperature will not drop below +5 degrees. Spraying is done after preparing the trees. It includes:

  • pruning old and diseased branches;
  • cleaning the trunk of dead bark and lichens;
  • harvesting soil under a tree;
  • sealing all cracks in the trunk.

The very first and most important treatment is carried out before the appearance of the kidneys. This will help get rid of insects and pests that have not woken up after hibernation. Do not know how to breed copper sulfate for spraying? Then here's a simple recipe: we dilute 100 grams of the substance in 10 liters, mix everything thoroughly - and you can get to work. This treatment helps preserve young foliage. However, it is worth considering in more detail the question of how to breed copper sulfate.

how to breed copper sulfate for processing trees

Summer period

During the formation of the fruit, it is also recommended to use a similar treatment. It will help preserve your garden from unwanted diseases and preserve the fruits. For example:

  1. In the summer heat, an apple tree, a pear, an apricot suffer from aphids. From it comes twisting and falling of the sheet. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to dilute 50-100 grams of copper sulphate in 10 liters of water.
  2. Stone fruits - plum, cherry - are attacked by the May beetle, which eats young fruit ovaries. This can be avoided by treating everything with a solution of copper sulfate. To do this, in 2-3 liters of water we breed 20 grams of blue stone. This dose is indicated for spraying one tree.
  3. Raspberries and black currants often suffer from aphids and the appearance of various spots on the leaves. For prevention and treatment, spray one bush with 2 liters of water, in which 15-20 grams of vitriol are diluted.

When processing, it is worth remembering one thing: 15-20 days before harvesting, all spraying should be stopped. There are many recipes for how to breed copper sulfate. It all depends on what, how and when you want to process.

blue vitriol how to breed

Autumn period

Before wintering, the tree should be well treated. Do this not earlier than October or November, when the foliage completely falls off. Prepare the tree, remove all unnecessary - and you can start spraying.

We protect vegetables

Not only the orchard is affected by various diseases. Vegetable crops, in particular tomatoes, also suffer from them. Basically, tomatoes suffer from late blight. If it was not possible to protect the vegetables from it, then it is worth starting the treatment with the help of a blue stone. In order for your tomatoes to be healthy and delight you with the harvest, it is worth knowing how to breed copper sulfate for tomatoes. It is enough to pour the earth with a solution prepared according to the following recipe: 10 grams of powder are diluted in 5 liters of water. This portion is for one bush. You can also sprinkle copper sulfate under each root in an amount of 1 gram.

how to breed copper sulfate for spraying

For reference

So, when you learned how to breed copper sulfate, what time of year to spray, we will tell you under what weather and temperature conditions the procedure should be carried out:

  1. The best time of day is early morning or late evening.
  2. There should be no wind.
  3. Recommended temperature - from +5 to +30 degrees.

how to breed copper sulfate for tomatoes

When diluting the solution, some precautions should be observed:

  1. Copper sulfate cannot be cooked near pets and children.
  2. It is better if the solution is not mixed in an iron bucket. For example, glassware is suitable for this.
  3. To prevent burns to trees and other plants, it is better to breed copper sulfate with the addition of slaked lime.
  4. When working with the finished solution, avoid contact with exposed areas of the body and eyes. If necessary, rinse the mucous membranes with warm water.
  5. In no case do not discharge the remains of copper sulfate into a well or into a reservoir. Remember that this is an aggressive substance.


In our article, we raised important questions and gave detailed answers to them. Now you know how to breed copper sulfate for processing trees and other plants. With this tool, your fruits and vegetables will forever be free from insects and diseases and will delight you with a rich harvest.


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