Cap columns: device and principle of operation

There are quite a few devices and devices for processing fermentation products through distillation. One of these devices that have received widespread distribution is the usual moonshine. The primitive unit has a rather simple design and consists of a tank and a steam tank. However, some craftsmen who prefer a high-quality natural product also use devices such as distillation columns to process mash. What it is and why they are needed, you will learn further.

general information

A conventional distillation moonshine with a primitive design, which uses most ordinary people, will not allow you to get high-quality moonshine. For this, modernized devices are needed, which in their design features and operating principle are similar to industrial units used in distilleries. However, the whole problem lies in the fact that they are not only quite difficult to use, but also require certain knowledge and devices for manufacturing at home.

cap columns

The main difference between industrial equipment and amateur moonshines is that they provide distillation columns. They can be made by anyone who has at least some experience working with electric tools, and all the necessary parts can be purchased at the store without much difficulty. In this case, the dimensions of the moonshine still and the column should be considered. The thing is that they must be of certain proportions. If you do not observe them, then you will get not a modernized industrial-type moonshine, but an ordinary distiller.

The purpose of the cap column

Cap columns have a simpler design, and therefore they are more widely used. Therefore, we will consider the process of modernization of the moonshine still on its example. However, before you talk about how to do it, you need to understand the purpose and principle of work.

The cap column for distillation performs the function of heat and mass transfer between steam and liquid. They can have a different number of caps, the more of which there will be, the more points of conversion of steam to liquid in the device, and the greater the quantity of the finished product will be at the output.

Principle of operation

distillation cap column

As mentioned previously, the column may have a different number of caps. In the process of processing the mash caps are heated, and their temperature rises from top to bottom. Each cap has several holes through which phlegm flows and falls on the cap located below. Thus, several re-evaporation processes occur, as a result of which water with a higher boiling point is obtained at the outlet. Thanks to this, alcohol with a large degree is obtained.

To make it clearer, it is worth considering this with a specific example. Let's imagine that we have a distillation cap column with a height of 50 cm and with ten caps. For one cycle of mash processing, it provides up to 40 repeated evaporation processes, so that the result is pure alcohol, the purity of which corresponds to the total number of vapors.

Features of the use of columns in the distillation of alcohol

If the distillation moonshine is equipped with a cap-type column, then when processing mash at home, tails should be cut off. The thing is that it is in the very first moonshine that comes out at the beginning of distillation that contains harmful and dangerous substances for the body, such as ethers, methyl alcohol, acetone and aldehydes, the use of which can be life-threatening. Therefore, in order to obtain clean, high-quality and safe moonshine, it is recommended to use fractional distillation.

As for the optimum temperature, during the first distillation it should be in the region of 73 degrees, and when repeated it should be increased to 78 degrees. This will not affect the volume of pure product at the output.

How to make a cap column with your own hands?

distillation columns

So, we examined the principle of operation of the cap column, so it's time to start manufacturing it. First of all, you need to buy cap plates at the store, which are the main component of this device. If you already have them, then there will be no problems with the production of the column at home. It is worth noting that you can make the dishes yourself, but this process is quite complicated and troublesome, so it’s better to buy ready-made ones.

As mentioned earlier, it is very important to observe the correct ratio of the device, so the first thing to do is to calculate the cap distillation column. The diameter of the shaft in relation to its height should be at least 1 to 8. If this is not done, then harmful impurities will not be completely removed from the alcohol, which will significantly reduce its quality.

In addition to the cap plates, you will also need:

  • copper plate;
  • glass or copper tube 75 mm high and 10 mm in diameter.

First of all , you need to cut circles with a diameter of 10 mm from a copper plate and make four holes in them. Two of them should be in the center of the disk, and two - at the edges and have a diameter of one millimeter. It is necessary to insert copper tubes of the corresponding diameter into these holes, through which steam will be supplied. To ensure tightness, all holes are recommended to be soldered.

Next, cap plates are mounted on ten millimeter tubes so that they come in contact with the discs. For fixing the cap, you can use ordinary metal screws. Small holes with a diameter of 1 mm are made in the upper part of the tube. The more holes there are, the better the plate column will perform its functions. Bottom tubes are cut by 2 millimeters.

Thus, you will have one element of the column ready. For one moonshine still, they need from 5 to 8. To fix each plate on the moonshine, small pins are used that provide the plates with good stability and allow them to be removed without problems for cleaning.

When processing mash, the cap columns are connected to the refrigerator using two thermocouples, which are located at the bottom of the device and on the cube. The steam outlet should be slightly below the thread, approximately one centimeter.

How it works?

During the distillation process, hot steam flows through the pipes from the tank with the degradation, which is on fire, into the space above the first cap, where it is converted into a liquid flowing through the holes on the plate. Gradually, the fluid becomes more and more. After the level rises to a certain point, the steam passing through this liquid, together with the alcohols, rises to the next plate located above, where the whole process is repeated. After the liquid level exceeds the cut, the phlegm flows into a cube.

disk column

As steam passes through the cap plates, the degrees of alcohol increase and the amount of harmful impurities decreases. In the same way, absolutely all cap columns work. However, there is one important caveat. If you want to get the highest quality alcohol, it is recommended to do a double distillation. For this, the mash is first processed on a conventional moonshine still, after which the raw goes through another distillation through the column. It takes a lot of time, but the only way you can get crystal clear alcohol.

Dish and cap column: what is the difference?

distillation moonshine
Many people are interested in the question of which column is better: plate-shaped or cap-shaped, but there is no single answer. The thing is that the variety of this equipment does not affect the quality of alcohol, and the main difference lies in the design features. In column-type columns, traditional plates are used instead of special caps. Despite the fact that it is impossible to produce natural alcohol on such equipment, it is quite possible to distill the mash into a high-quality distillate.

In our country, a plate column is very popular among the vast majority of winemakers and has many variations that allow you to get the most diverse result. To understand which type of column is best for you, let's look at their main differences.

Equipment series

cap column hd 4
Everything here is quite simple and clear. Depending on the application, all equipment is divided into series. The most popular is the cap column HD 4, designed specifically for processing mash into high-quality moonshine at home. This equipment is of high quality and affordable price. The second popular series is HD / 3, designed for large production volumes and capable of continuous operation.


Modern cap columns can be made of metal or glass. If longevity is more important for you, then you should give preference to the first option, however, the metal gives a slight aftertaste, only glass columns will help get rid of it.

Design Features

Different column variations have different heights and number of plates. In most cases, the equipment has a size of 375 or 750 millimeters. The number of plates may vary depending on how strong the product should be at the outlet. The more caps, the higher the degree the distillate will have. It is important to understand that the number of plates can be adjusted manually.

Type of plates

calculation of cap distillation column

To date, on sale you can find many options for plates, however, the most common are cap and flop. The latter are more affordable and allow you to get a quality product while observing the correct heating mode. Cap have a higher efficiency and allow you to process the mash into a quality distillate in any conditions.

As it turned out, to master the principle of operation of the cap column is easy. In addition, you can make it at home with your own hands. The most important thing is to adhere to certain instructions and observe safety precautions during the manufacturing process. Do not be afraid to experiment! It doesn’t work out only for the one who does nothing.


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