Summary and analysis of "The Story of Ersh Ershovich, son of Shchetinnikov"

The Tale of Yersh Yershovich is the four editions of the same work, which we will introduce to you in this article. In it you will find a summary of this tale. We will also conduct a small analysis of the work "The Tale of Ersh Ershovich". What were the names of the residents of the Rostov Lake and the judges, you will also learn from this text.

Summary: the beginning of the work

There is a trial in one city located in the Rostov district. Sturgeon, boyar, Som, the governor of the entire Khvalynsky Sea, as well as the judicial men - Pike-trepidatuha and Sudak - consider the petition submitted to Yersha, which was composed by fish Chub and Bream, peasants living in the Rostov district.

Ruff accuse these residents of the fact that he asked his family to live in the Rostov ozero, which has long been their patrimony, coming from somewhere on the Volga, and then bred the kids, settled down and drove the peasants out of this place, taking possession of the Rostov Lake, the hereditary possession them.

Answer by Ruff ("The Story of Ruff Ershovic")

the story of Ruff Yershovich, the names of the residents of the Rostov Lake and the judges

What were the names of the residents of Rostov Lake and the judges, what they accused Ruff of, we found out. Now we find out what he answered to his accusers. Ruff said that he comes from small boyars, did not rob and did not beat anyone, since always his property was Lake Rostov, which was still owned by his grandfather, Ruff, and Chub and Bream, his accusers, were in the serfs of his father.

In turn, Ruff accuses these peasants of showing ingratitude, having forgotten that he ordered them to live at home, freeing them up, and they went to the Volga during the famine and settled on the bays there, and then began to encroach with a petition on his head. Ruff complains to the court that the Chub and the Bream themselves are robbers and thieves and want to finally ruin it. The accused concludes his story by mentioning his acquaintances with the clerks, boyars and princes who eat him — they correct their stomachs from a hangover.

Witness statement

The bream and the Chub, the plaintiffs, referring, in response to a request from the judges, to witnesses and ask that they be heard.

Witnesses in the case report that the Chub and the Bream are good people, the peasants of God who feed to the best of their ability, live on the patrimony, and Ruff is a dashing person, a yabadnik, a robber and a thief, he has no life from him, he has many other honest people ruined and ruined by his intrigues. They say that he comes from the lowest kind, and not at all boyar, but about his acquaintance and friendship with the boyars and princes lies impudently, since he is well known only by the poor, kabatskoe pobyt and hawks, who have nothing to buy good fish for.

Sturgeon Story

the story of Ruff Yershovich as the residents of the Rostov Lake were called

We continue to tell you about the "Tale of Ruff Ershovic." The sturgeon appears before the court as the last one with a story about how Ersh cunningly and meanly treated him: he met him in Lake Rostov, called himself his brother and advised him to go to the lake, where there is always plentiful food. He believed Ruff, and because of this, his family nearly starved to death, and Sturgeon himself was in a net, where Ruff had lured him on purpose.

Court sentence

He listens attentively to the court of the plaintiffs, the defendant and the witnesses and sentences: to acquit the Chub and the Bream, and Ruff to find guilty and extradite the plaintiff. The defendant is executed by commercial execution for slander and theft by hanging in the sun on a hot day.

We examined the summary of the work "The Story of Yersh Yershovich." What was the name of the residents of Rostov Lake, what Yersha was accused of, that he answered these accusations and how the fairy tale ended, you already know. Let us now analyze the work.

The time of creation of the work, its origins

The time for the creation of the satirical Russian story about Ersh Ershovich is the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century. Judging by the scene described, it was written somewhere in the vicinity of the city of Rostov. Researcher A.M. Panchenko pointed out that this work arose as a reflection of land lawsuits that became very frequent after the Time of Troubles. N. A. and A. V. Afanasyev also suggested that the basis of this story could be the story of a lawsuit with the heirs of Peter, the Horde prince, Rostov princes, which was described at the end of another work - "Tales of Peter, Tsarevich Ordynsky."

Alterations of the story

This story is considered one of the most popular works of the 17th century, related to satirical. Today there are 4 main editions, in which there are tales of Ersh Ershovich, located in more than 30 different lists of the 17-19 centuries. Alterations can also be found: this is a fiction (a good -for-nothing jerk) of the end of the 17th century (which refers to how Ruff was caught and eaten), which belongs to the second half of the 18th century, Lubok, and also this work turned into fabulous folklore. According to researcher V.V. Mitrofanova, this fairy tale has established itself in the Russian oral tradition.

tales of ruff ershovic

The writer Vasily Bely transferred this story to a modern twist.

In 1978, based on the work, the director S. M. Sokolov made a cartoon called "About Ersha Ershovich."

Product Characteristic

The Tale of Yersh Yershovich, the analysis of which we are conducting, is written in the form of a court case. Russian legal proceedings of the period of 16-17 centuries are parodied in the work, its language and procedures are given in the text with irony. Such is the main theme of "The Tale of Ruff Ershovic." A comic effect is created by a combination of fish signs and social characteristics in the characters. Subsequently, Saltykov-Shchedrin used this technique in his tales.

the tale of ruff ershovic analysis

Found in the work and pun.

Social orientation in the "Tale of Ruff Ershovic" is not present. The author does not condemn Ruff, while the sympathetic attitude to this character in later editions is strengthened. Entrepreneurial and courageous Ruff, in contrast to inconsiderate, stupid plaintiffs, witnesses and judges. Related to this work of the animal fairy tale epic, you can also find parallels between the main character and the cunning fox in other Russian tales.

Theme of the story about Ruff Yershovich

With a common plot, each of the editions of the work is independent in the artistic organization of the narration and language. If in the first there is a strong imitation of the style of an official document, then in the second much more attention is paid to the sound of the text itself (rhyme, rhythm, tautology, paronomasia, etc.).


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