What is a central nervous system pump?

Great popularity in industry, the main purpose of which is oil production, was acquired by the central sectional pumps of the central nervous system, which first appeared in the early 1980s. These pumps were produced with the aim of pumping special aggressive water into oil reservoirs. Also, hydrogen sulfide-containing water was introduced into them. Thus, within the reservoir with oil, a certain pressure was maintained necessary for the extraction of this valuable substance.

central pump

After many years of studying the necessary documentation and materials, as well as taking into account the wishes of customers, the TsNS 180 pump was modernized by design professionals. This was done in order to increase the service life, reliability and maintainability of the system. During modernization, the following areas underwent changes:

1. A new flow system was applied, namely, the latest impellers that guide all the necessary equipment were introduced.

2. The central nervous system pump has acquired new mechanical seals with a modern flushing system. In some cases, the stuffing box seals have been changed, which contribute to the leak-free operation of the pump.

3. New rubber rings were installed, which are necessary to prevent erosion of the shaft and wheel seats.

4. Carbide rings were used in interstage seals.

5. A unit was installed that optimizes the unloader.

6. As nodes for the connection, the central nervous system pump acquired a flexible plate coupling.

7. An axial displacement sensor was mounted with an alarm, which was switched on after reaching the maximum allowable wear of the heel.

pump cns 180

When creating all the newest nodes, software tools were used to simulate a particular process (or part). After checking all the systems on CNC machines with high accuracy, the result was positive. In reality, all characteristics have changed by only one percent. The upgraded central nervous system pump has acquired the following characteristics:

1. The efficiency was increased almost three times.

2. The maximum permissible area for work has been expanded.

3. Increased operational efficiency in the operating area.

4. External leakage, vibration level to a minimum mark have also been reduced.

5. Access to the necessary nodes has become easier.

6. The assembly system has been simplified.

7. The design of the pump has become much more attractive.

central heating pumps

Currently, the production of these systems takes place in special workshops and departments that are equipped with the most modern devices. At all stages of creation, starting from metal smelting and ending with the creation of parts, full control over the observance of all necessary parameters is used.

The designers also proposed the idea of ​​optimizing the central nervous system pump by installing new flow systems that will help to translate the optimal flow rate to about 120 mz / h. You can make it so that the transfer occurred at 240 MS / hour. Electric motors will be used in this case, not subject to any changes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F64/

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