Rose - home care and plant selection features

Indoor rose is a unique flower, which is rightly considered the queen of all indoor plants. If you think that a rose obeyed you, caring for it at home can turn into a real struggle. Sometimes it seems that the plant feels the fear of its owner, who is afraid to do something wrong. In such cases, the florist begins to diligently study specialized literature, consults with experts, and does everything according to the rules. Only suddenly the flower dies, and the cause of the tragedy cannot be established. At the same time, a similar plant looks great in a less suspicious companion, who simply placed the rose in the first place that it gets.

If you liked a room rose, leaving at home for it can be very tiring. Such a demanding plant is worth starting up in your collection only if you have long and fruitfully interacted with the plant world. It's just that roses are distinguished by the highest degree of moodiness, by which they can be compared with secular ladies of the past. True, if you submit to the rose "patio mix", caring for it can turn into a real pleasure. Of course, other types of roses are also not inferior to this beauty, since each variety has its own zest.

If you are determined to have this amazing plant, you should carefully choose it. If you liked the flower with yellow, sluggish leaves, it is better to overcome your desire. Itโ€™s just that such specimens were already badly damaged during transportation, so it will be difficult to restore them to normal. The ideal option is to choose a small but fairly strong plant with green leaves. Such a pet will get stronger faster, there will be fewer problems with it, which will greatly simplify your further communication with this plant.

After the acquisition, do not rush to put the rose to the rest of the flowers, as their infection is possible. It's just that in crowded conditions, pests often appear that no one will fight during transportation or in the store. To exclude their distribution, it is advisable to process the rose for preventive reasons. Perhaps on the net you will find information that it is enough to thoroughly wash the flower with water or soapy water. Only here practice shows that modern pests do not pay attention to such experiments. For a while, their number decreases, but they quickly recover, which can lead to the death of the flower.

When two weeks of quarantine and processing are left behind, it is time to send the rose permanently to the east or south window. Only on the south window will she have to constantly shade, since direct sunlight for this capricious lady is destructive. True, she also does not particularly like the dark, therefore, on the north window, she will have to illuminate the rose almost all year round. Also, a rose, which is difficult to care for at home, requires regular watering with settled water.

In spring, along with many other plants, a room rose comes out of hibernation. Pruning of the bush, on which further growth and flowering will depend, is carried out precisely in this period. After pruning, the plant begins to be watered hard, fed once every two weeks with fertilizers, so that it is more likely to gain strength. When a stable warm temperature is established, it is best to bring the rose to the balcony.

In summer, the plant needs regular watering. If the weather is hot, then the flower is watered twice a day. It is also worth spraying or arranging for this beauty a small shower, but in such cases, sunlight should not fall on wet leaves. When warm days come, you need to inspect the rose every day, so as not to miss the moment the appearance of pests.

In autumn, the rose, which makes home care easier, retires. They begin to water it less often, put in a cooler room. If you canโ€™t provide the plant with a cool winter, itโ€™s best not to start it. Without rest in the spring, it looks painful, and often just does not survive. True, constant spraying can sometimes help, but it still will not replace a full sleep.

In winter, the rose is at rest, so there should be no dressing and spraying. It is enough to put it in a cool place with a temperature of 15 ยฐ C and water it once a week. If necessary, you can increase the frequency of watering, but it is better to slightly dry the earthen lump. Only with this content, a room rose in spring and summer will delight you with its lush and bright flowering.

I want to believe that people will cease to be suspicious of various representatives of the plant world, and will settle them in their homes. After all, plants are considered excellent psychotherapists who will help to defeat depression, aggression and scandals. Join the world of goodness and beauty, and indoor roses will become your personal guides.


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