How to get henna for tattoos at home

From time immemorial, people used the art of tattoos to decorate the body. Perform them at the present time. Applied tattoos remain for life. You can get rid of these drawings only with the help of an expensive and painful procedure. It is this fact that stops many people who want to decorate their body.

henna for tattoos at home

However, there is an alternative. Tattooing can be done with henna (shredded leaves of a perennial shrub). This procedure is called biotattoo. The pattern on the skin is short-lived. After a while, he disappears altogether. Applying such tattoos is a cheap procedure. In addition, the pain in a person is much lower than with the usual method. Essentially, a henna tattoo is not a tattoo. This is a simple application of paint in the form of a pattern that is washed off from the surface of the skin.

Henna tattoos are very popular among modern youth. They allow you to conduct an experiment with a variety of patterns to select a permanent pattern. In addition, tattoos can be easily changed. Everything will depend on the mood of the person and his lifestyle. Biotatuage is especially relevant in the summer. During this period, clothes do not hide him. It is better if the professional will deal with tattooing. However, you can decorate the body with such a pattern yourself.

black henna for tattoos

Regular henna for tattoos at home will not work. For the drawing procedure, you should buy a special powder. It can be purchased at beauty shops. Henna for tattoos at home is different from the one that produces hair coloring. This powder has a special processing technology, as well as storage.

Apply a tattoo with a mixture based on natural henna. There are also special powders with dyes added to them. Using them, you can apply a multi-colored pattern. Such tattoos become invisible on the skin after two months. Drawings made using natural henna can remain on the body for two to three weeks.

Henna for tattoos at home mixed in a proportion of one to four. In the resulting product, you need to add two to three drops of eucalyptus oil.

The art of body painting with henna has undergone great changes. However, technology and recipes have remained the same for a long time. Black henna for tattoos is traditionally used for painting hands and feet, red - for drawing on the tips of toes, nails and hands.

Using a Moroccan recipe, henna for tattoos at home is taken in red. The powder is diluted in a cup with black tea (hot) that has been infused overnight, in which a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice is added, lying in the sun for twelve hours.

how to breed henna for tattoos

If the drawing should turn out with a reddish tint, the powder insists on red wine, and if with a yellowish one - on a decoction of chamomile. How to breed henna for a tattoo to get a red color? For such a mixture, five hundred milliliters of water, forty grams of drawing powder and five tablespoons of clover are taken. The pattern will have a brown color if two teaspoons of ground coffee and the same amount of black tea are added to the tattoo. Graphite added to the existing mass will make the drawing darker.


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