DIY Easter basket: ideas, workshops

Today we’ll talk about how you can make your own Easter basket. This attribute has long been known in the West, and we have a tradition of using a basket for Easter is more likely due to the fact that Easter cakes and eggs are used to serve in the church. Today we will try to rectify the situation, because a beautiful Easter basket can become the main event and a decorative "apotheosis" of the festive table.

easter basket

You can make Easter egg baskets from various materials: a thin vine or other twigs (a Chinese lemongrass or other shrub with flexible branches is suitable), paper tubes, corrugated paper, fabric, felt, plastic, balloons, threads and even dough.

Easter baskets made of fabric and yarn

Sewing a bag-cover for an ordinary basket, as in the photo above, can be considered a simple and very watchable option. For such work, special skills are not needed, and if desired, all table accessories, including napkins and a tablecloth, can be performed in the same style as the Easter basket.

You can decorate your table without resorting to weaving baskets by taking a round plastic container with holes. It is required to "braid" with bright yarn or shreds. It will turn out very festive and interesting. Easter crafts in a rustic style are always relevant and in demand.

plastic basket decor

A universal solution - balloons

So, balls can be useful for creating Easter baskets as a base form. Everything is simple: the principle is the same as when creating a lampshade or Christmas toys. A thread moistened with PVA glue is taken and randomly wound around a balloon. There should be many layers, then the result will be more interesting. When the glue is completely dry (and this is not less than a day), the ball is pierced, and a basket of the desired shape is cut out of the round billet.

balloon basket

And, in fact, the Easter basket itself of balloons, which can be done only with good experience in the art of aero design.

basket of balloons

This idea should not be original, such a basket looks very healthy and festive.

Decor baskets from materials at hand

For those who do not like to sew and weave, there is another simple, but very elegant version of Easter crafts. To do this, you need a ready-made vessel that will become a basket, glue and decor material. The photo below shows examples of baskets of laurel leaves and artificial flower buds. Feathers, dried flowers and any other decorative elements can be used.

easter basket decor

If you connect the imagination and creativity of those who are close by, you can create something unique, and at the same time, a good family tradition.

Great option - corrugated paper

Similarly, you can use corrugated paper to decorate the Easter basket with your own hands, it is very plastic and is great for creating floral arrangements.

corrugated paper basket decor

You can make such a “bud” by cutting out 4-5 pieces of leaf patterns with sharp tops from corrugated paper, the height of which will be slightly larger than the basket itself. You will also need a strip of paper of the same color to match the petals with a size corresponding to the height of the basket by the length of its circumference. We will wrap the basket with this preform, having previously fixed it with glue, and we will stretch the upper edge a little to create a “waviness”. Next, glue peaked petals, a little overlap, and also stretch and turn them out. Glue a few green leaves under the basket itself to complete the bud and you're done!

How good to knit!

For those who love and know how to crochet, creating such an Easter craft will not take much time. And if your experience and imagination allow you to improvise, then the best idea for the holiday may be a set. It consists of a knitted Easter basket, eggs and chickens. Handicraft virtuosi create real masterpieces from yarn in the form of Easter rabbits, chickens and other cute animals. The set will be a great gift for the godchildren, complete with Easter cake and sweets.

knitted basket

Crocheted Easter basket is the perfect solution for decorating your own interior.

Basket of newspapers and magazines

The most durable and large-scale project may be weaving an Easter basket from newspaper tubes. This is a very time-consuming process, requiring patience, skills and related skills. Beginners in this craft should not hope that the first time they get something masterpiece. However, it’s worth a try, this is a very fascinating activity, which is “addictive” and allows you to create beautiful household items and interiors from ordinary newspapers and magazines.

The essence of weaving baskets of their paper is that at the initial stage you need to make a certain number of blanks using a knitting needle or other similar item. The paper is cut into strips (the density of the paper rod will depend on the size of the paper), wound on a knitting needle and, secured with glue, removed. It should be noted that having picked up paper of a certain density, it is impossible to change it to a material more dense or vice versa. From this, the final version may look unattractive. With color - the same thing. Although, as an option, at the final stage the Easter basket of newspaper tubes can be decorated with a spray can of paint.

Perhaps the most difficult thing for a beginner in this craft will be making the bottom of the basket, then we put on the product on the subject of the desired shape and braid it. For beginners, there is an option without weaving the bottom, it is cut out from thick paper, for example, round in shape, and "rays" are evenly glued to the edges of this blank, from which the basket itself will be formed. From above, such a bottom is sealed with a similarly sized circle to fix the paper rod and give a more presentable appearance to the bottom of the product. The rest of the weaving is a matter of technique and imagination of the master, over time, experience will give confidence, and the products will turn out impeccable and original.

chicken basket

A wonderful solution is to create an Easter basket-chicken in this technique. Such a craft on a festive table will look very cute and homely.

Easter fantasies from felt

felt basket

Probably the most fertile material for needlework is felt. This is a kind of symbiosis of paper and fabric, if we talk about what he is in work. Bright saturated colors, various density and quality, reasonable price, ease of use - this is what they choose felt for needlework and decor. From it you can sew or just form crafts and fasten with glue - it is universal and convenient. To make Easter baskets from felt, you can use the above-described technique for decorating an already finished form or weaving from felt strips. You can print any template for a basket of paper and use it; the product will turn out to be light and durable.

Textile basket for eggs and more

Now let's look at options for those who sew or needlework with fabric. We propose to consider in detail how to sew such a magnificent miracle basket. For work, you will need any fabric, preferably two colors that are in harmony with each other, a synthetic winterizer or other filler and threads to match the fabric.

you can sew a basket

A detailed description of how to sew an Easter basket made of fabric

Sewing an Easter basket with your own hands, if you have mastered the basics of controlling a sewing machine, is quite simple. First you need to make a pattern in the shape of a circle with a diameter of at least 60 cm, you can much more. In the center of the circle, draw another circle with a diameter of at least 20 cm - this will be the bottom of our basket. Now we cut out two large circles of fabric and one of the same size from sintepon. Fold the “sandwich” so that in the center there is a filler, pin it off with pins and sew the center circle (you can zigzag or decorative seam), which we marked primarily in the pattern, like the bottom. Next, we divide the circle into equal sectors, excluding the bottom, they should be 12 (the circle is divided into 4 sectors, and then each of them into three more). We sew all sectors in the direction from the central circle to the edge and fill each “pocket” with synthetic winterizer.

After this process is completed, the appearance of the basket itself will take shape; all that remains is to manually pull the edge of the needle in a circular seam “forward”. At this point, you can adjust the height of the basket by tightening or loosening the thread. Next, cut out the grinding or choose a ribbon in tone to process the edge of the basket. Sew it, first from the inside of the basket, then - with a hidden seam - from the outside. Depending on the width and density of the material of the facing, it is possible to lay a strip of padding polyester under it for a more accurate even appearance of the product. Handles for such a basket can be sewn in any convenient way. Making a printed braid or just a handle in the form of a flat strip is a matter of taste. Fix the element from the inside of the basket and fix it with buttons from the outside.

The thing turns out to be very functional, if necessary, it can be washed, used as a bread box, to store small things, needlework.

There are many options for such baskets made of the same elements: chickens, bunnies, kittens, flowers.

basket of rabbits

Sewing such a basket as in this photo is much more difficult, you need skills and experience. Such a thing can be considered design, tailoring such interior items is a rather complicated and creative work.

Basket of textile stripes and cord

You can make an interesting basket from the remnants of fabric or unnecessary things in a different way. There are several options. To make a product, as in the photo below, you need to take a cord or rope thick enough to form product walls from it. Next - cut strips of fabric, and fastening them together, wrap them with a rope. From it, using glue or using a needle with a thread, we form the bottom of the required size, and then the walls. Thus, the height, width and shape of the basket can be chosen at will. Such products made of bright colorful fabrics turn out to be very beautiful.

Easter basket

The second option: make a similar basket of wicker textile braids. To do this, cut the fabric into strips (you can take colorful bright patches), weave braids, fasten them into one long one. Further, as in the previous example, using the glue gun or thread and needles form the bottom of the product, and then the walls. At the final stage of work, pens and decorative ornaments are added to the basket. Weaving baskets in this way is a fairly simple task, but requiring perseverance and accuracy. Even a schoolchild can cope with it, and the result will surely please and inspire new “exploits” in the field of man-made craftsmanship.

DIY edible easter basket

An excellent extraordinary solution for the decoration of the festive table can be a basket made of dough. It can be pastry, puff or salty (with this moment you can experiment), from the latter - the craft will be inedible, but more durable. The process of creating such a man-made masterpiece is presented in the photo.

edible basket

Master class "Easter basket of dough"

The basket is made on a form pre-coated with foil and oiled, from stripes of dough or from braided braids, here improvisation is only welcome. The handle of such a basket is braided and prepared separately on the same concave shape, and after baking is fixed with wooden toothpicks. The outer edge of the basket looks very appetizing and spectacular if you perform it with a braid or a braid. Such a basket is baked at a temperature of 160-170 degrees for about half an hour, depending on the thickness of the dough. To give a golden hue to the product, you need to grease it with a solution of water with sugar or an egg whipped with sugar, as is customary to do with similar baking. The main thing is not to miss the moment for lubrication, when the basket "grows" and begins to brown on its own, 10-15 minutes before being ready.

Surely such an idea will surprise adults and will delight the children's audience of the festive feast, which is likely to want to try the accessory to taste, as soon as the opportunity presents itself.


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