Tomato Pink Liana: variety description, care

Everyone knows that tomatoes are consumed not only fresh, but also salted or pickled. Therefore, varieties with small tomatoes are no less popular than large-fruited varieties of tomatoes. And if they are also tasty, then the variety quickly wins the love of gardeners. Tomato Pink Liana is just such a variety.

grade pink liana

Grade description

The tomato variety Rozova Liana was bred in Transnistria in 1996, and is recommended mainly for the Central and East Siberian regions. It is grown almost throughout Russia, as well as in some neighboring countries.

Pink Liana is a determinant variety of tomatoes. What it is? Determinant plants do not grow too tall, their growth is limited, it stops when a flower brush appears at the top.

So with Liana, the bush is low (usually up to 40 cm), with medium branching and many leaves. Coloring and size of the leaves are common. The first inflorescence appears already at the fifth or sixth leaf, in total no less than five brushes are formed. Despite the fact that the bushes are low, they must be tied, as the stems are fragile and easily broken.

The fruits themselves grow medium-sized (80 g), round, reddish-pink. Fresh tomatoes taste great. Basically, Pink Liana tomato is grown for fresh consumption and for whole-canning.

The variety is considered ultra-ripe with good productivity (about 3 kg of tomatoes from one bush). The skin of tomatoes is thin, but despite this they are well transported and stored.

This variety is resistant to most diseases, subject only to tobacco mosaic. It grows well both in greenhouses and in open ground.


Tomato Pink Liana in appearance is completely ordinary, and similar to many other varieties. Fruits of classical round shape, perfectly regular and practically the same size. The color of the fruits is elegant, pink.

Low bushes with numerous tomatoes are also easy to confuse with other determinant varieties.

tomatoes pink liana

Pros and cons of the variety

The variety has many advantages, and the description of the tomato variety Lyana Rozovaya confirms this.

The main advantages:

  • The variety is unpretentious in care,
  • Matures early and bears fruit for a long time,
  • Tastes great
  • High yield for early varieties,
  • It is long stored and well transported,
  • Universal purpose of the fruit,
  • High resistance to diseases.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • Subject to tobacco mosaic,
  • High leafiness.

Features of growing varieties

There are practically no agricultural technology features of this variety. Tomato Pink Liana is a typical determinant variety with ultra-early ripening. As a rule, it is grown in open ground, but it is possible to grow in greenhouses. Due to its early ripeness, in the southern regions direct sowing of seeds into the soil is possible (the ripening period will increase here).

pink liana


In the characterization of the tomato Rozova Lyana, it was already said that the variety is precocious, which means that the seeds for seedlings do not need to be sown too early so that tomatoes do not tie in the bushes before transplanting into the ground. Seedlings are planted on the bed at the age of 45-50 days, when the threat of frost passes. Under the film shelter you can land when the earth warms up at least 14 degrees.

The variety itself is considered quite unpretentious, which means that growing seedlings does not cause trouble. In any case, seed preparation will not be superfluous. Calibration of seeds will ensure friendly seedlings, and seed disinfection will help protect already grown plants from diseases.

If the soil is prepared independently, then it also needs to be disinfected (pour with a weak solution of manganese). Purchased nutrient mixture is already ready for use. Pink Liana loves loose soil, so it is better to make a mixture of peat and humus with turfy ground and wood ash.

Sowing seeds is carried out in boxes to a depth of about 2 cm, the boxes are closed with glass. After the first shoots have appeared, the glass needs to be removed, and the temperature slightly reduced, so that the seedlings do not stretch.

tomato seedlings

After the formation of two true leaves, seedlings are dived into more free boxes. After this seedling, it is necessary to provide good illumination and infrequent watering. A week before planting in the soil, seedlings need to be hardened, taken out to fresh air and reduce the frequency of watering. Seedlings are considered good if they are not too tall, but with a strong stem.

Pink Lyana loves areas well lit and sheltered from the north winds, as well as loose and moisture-permeable soils. The best planting option is 4-6 plants per 1 sq.m. Seedlings are planted, as a rule, without deepening, but with the possibility of subsequent garter, that is, pegs up to half a meter high will be needed.


Reviews about the tomato Pink Liana confirm that the variety is virtually maintenance free. Like any other tomato, it is necessary to weed them in time and loosen them, water them as necessary, sometimes feed them and protect them from pests and diseases. Often watering is not recommended, but the soil should not dry out.

outdoor tomato cultivation

The first dressing is best done in 2-3 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground. Subsequent planting is carried out after the same time, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Before ripening, nitrogenous fertilizers must be excluded.

Liana Pink responds well to foliar top dressing, especially only when it begins to bloom. For this, solutions with boric acid are used, i.e., a complex fertilizer is dissolved according to the instructions, 1 g of boric acid per 10 liters is added, and bushes are sprayed with this. Such top dressing improves flowering and ovary.

If you want to get an earlier crop, you need to pinch the bushes, forming a bush of 2-3 stems. If stepsoning is not carried out, then the crop will be received later, but in larger quantities. As the fruits grow and ripen, you need to pick off excess foliage so that the tomatoes are lit by the sun.

Against diseases and pests, pink Liang is often not treated at all, but preventive spraying is still desirable. For this, “soft” products, for example, “Fitosporin” or “Trichodermin”, are suitable.


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