Tomato Alsou: description of the variety, photo, reviews of gardeners

Even if you have never been involved in the cultivation of early ripe varieties, tomato Alsou, the description of the variety, photos, reviews of which can be found in this article, is undoubtedly worth a bold experiment.

Large-fruited tomato varieties, which include Alsou, have only one significant minus - no matter how tasty they are fresh and as a result of culinary processing, it is impossible to try them in the winter in a state of complete preservation. And it’s all about the gigantic size of miracle tomatoes, which reach half a kilogram of weight during the ripening period!

Tomato alsou - variety description, photo, reviews

Tomato Alsou: variety description

Proper seed preparation and timely sowing ensure the first harvest in three months. Neither poor soil, nor the difficult conditions of the northern regions interfere with good productivity (about 8 kg per 1 m 2 ). The only thing that can negatively affect the condition of the bush, the number and appearance of the fruit is a significant deviation from growing technology, starting with the choice of seeds and ending with caring for the planted seedlings.

The structure of this type of plant, such as tomato Alsou (description of the variety, photo, reviews about it later), refers to the structure of the determinant species, which means the formation of a broad, heavy brush that forms at the final stage of development of the tomato stem.

The stem itself, which is especially clearly expressed in greenhouse cultivation, is rarely able to support its own weight and needs to be tied to an individual reference point. A bush lightly strewn with leaves, heavy with quickly filling ovary, can break or bend with a brush to the ground, and this despite the fact that its growth is relatively low - up to 80 cm in open ground and not more than 1.5 meters in a greenhouse box.

Based on a sufficient amount of information collected about Alsou tomato, the characteristics and description of the variety of these tomatoes are fully consistent with the final result. Numerous comments by experienced farmers acknowledge that lowering expected good yields is only possible by neglecting the basic rules for growing this extremely unpretentious variety.

tomato alsu - reviews, photos, productivity

Description of the fruits of tomato Alsou

Tomato Alsou (variety description, photo, reviews about it are today's topic), the fruits of which, harvested from the same crop and grown under equal conditions, usually have the same weight and high external similarity, is a very popular variety. This is another important feature - the high exhibition beauty of the fruit, about which we can say that tomatoes are produced “one to one”. The error due to external damage rather than the result of improper growth is not more than ten percent of the total collection, which is significantly lower than most early ripening varieties.

Tomato Alsou (reviews, photos, productivity, characteristics are of interest to many gardeners) are grown exclusively for fresh consumption or for processing purposes. These tomatoes are stored for a long time and perfectly tolerate transportation, but intense heat is not recommended for both growing fruits and harvested fruits.

And the last one is a secret from experienced gardeners: you do not need to overexpose the first fruits of the ovary when they are ripe, with the goal of collecting seeds later. The first fruits are the largest and fleshy, sometimes reaching a weight of one kilogram, greatly reducing the chances of the remaining tomatoes from this brush to gain sufficient weight.

tomato alsu grade description

What is important at the initial stage

The most picky period throughout the growth and development of tomato is the preparation of seeds, the cultivation of seedlings and their subsequent planting in a peat tank. Why peat, rather than the usual box for seedlings? Despite all the unpretentiousness, tomato Alsou, reviews, photos, the yield of which we are analyzing today, are extremely vulnerable at the stage of transplantation. In order not to create conditions under which the root system of seedlings will suffer, you need to pre-prepare the required number of pots.

To achieve friendly growth is a task of the first importance. Everything is important here: from the primary soaking of the seeds to the stage of hardening of the finished seedlings. It is necessary to determine exactly when planting in open ground will occur, since you need to start working with seeds exactly two months before the indicated date.

Seed germination in stages

Below are the main points of seed germination, requiring the observance of all the nuances:

  • Seeds need to be sorted out, separating the deformed and spoiled. Distribute healthy seeds along the bottom of the saucer and pour, covering them completely, with water 23-25 0 C. Seeds can be in water for 3-4 hours, no more.
  • Gently transfer the swollen seeds to a clean rag, dry them for 15-20 minutes and level them in a single layer with 4 times rolled up gauze moistened with water. Cover the top with a second piece of wet gauze and rearrange the tray (plate) with seeds in the heat.
  • You need to moisten gauze several times a day, but make sure that the seeds do not lie in the water.
  • After a few days, the first sprouts will be indicated. Upon appearance, their planting material must be immediately transferred to a dry surface and allowed to thoroughly ventilate from moisture.
  • Each planting box must be filled, without adding 1 cm to the top, with light soil treated from weeds and insects. Seeds should be placed at a distance of about 1.5 cm from each other and from the edge of the planting container.
  • Sprinkle the seeds on top with loose soil, adding a drawer to the top. Spray again with water from the spray gun, cover with cellophane and set in a warm place until the first sprouts appear on the surface.

Germination of seedlings is the beginning of a new stage in the formation of seedlings. And if until then all the actions were carried out correctly, half of the expected result has already been provided.

tomato alsou grade description photo

Proper seedling care

The appearance of 2-4 leaves on the stems already indicates the need to transplant each sprout into an individual pot. Plants that have undergone transplantation begin to undergo adaptation to environmental conditions - they are highlighted, creating artificial lighting and increasing the light period to 16 hours, fed with nutrient compounds and, of course, watered.

10 days before transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse or open ground, the final stage of adaptation is carried out - the pots are taken out onto a balcony, street or put up near an open window, starting from 2 hours a day and ending with eight, adding 2 hours every other day. The last two days, plants can be brought into the house only at night.

How to plant seedlings

Tomato is planted from abundantly moistened soil with lumping in the rhizome and introducing into permanent soil to a depth equal to ¾ the height of the plant. The recommended calculation of the distance between the bushes is within 45 cm. In advance, you need to pinch the stems, placing them in two or three and taking care of the support element near each planted hole.

tomato alsu, reviews photos, productivity, characteristic

Seedling care in the greenhouse and in the open ground

At this stage, tomato Alsu (variety description, photo, reviews about it in the article will help to make the right choice) has no more individual requirements, and care for it can be carried out according to generally accepted standards.

Watering of tomatoes is carried out as necessary and based on weather conditions, strengthening of supports, updating of garters are carried out once or twice during the fruiting period. The only thing that needs to be especially remembered is the significant size of the fruit being poured and the timely harvesting to avoid breaking the stem and starving younger tomatoes.

Alsu tomato, characteristics and description of the variety

Reviews gardeners about tomato Alsou

Some gardeners express dissatisfaction that, according to the actual results of the crop, Alsou tomato is significantly different from the promised one. However, they acknowledge that some of the stages that were not specifically highlighted in this article by chance were ignored or missed by them. In this situation, only the recognition of mistakes made and their correction in the next year can help.

Nevertheless, there are those who persist, calling as an argument the unpretentiousness of such a variety as tomato Alsou. The characteristic of this type allegedly guarantees one hundred percent effectiveness without any effort. Of course, everyone understands that this is not so.

Most summer residents and serious business executives admit that the tomato Alsou, whose characteristics and description of the variety are now known to you, is one of the most grateful and generous in terms of fruitfulness, and caring for it does not entail any difficulties if distributed reasonably.


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