Are there really cannibal spiders?

Since ancient times, people have attributed to the bunch the most sinister qualities. Indeed, there is something mysterious and mystical in the arachnids, who have more than an unpleasant appearance. Legends of cannibal spiders have always been and are likely to be composed in the future. Many people even believe in the existence of arthropod monsters of enormous size.

Evidence from Kabardino-Balkaria

Officially, science does not recognize the existence of huge arachnids capable of catching a person. However, evidence that such monsters live on our planet does exist. For example, stories about cannibal spiders are often told in Kabardino-Balkaria. The fact that such monsters live in the local mountains has been believed here since ancient times. In the Caucasus, for example, there is a legend about how giant spiders were defeated and destroyed by people.

cannibals spiders

However, there are not only old legends about the large spiders that supposedly found refuge in Kabardino-Balkaria. There are two known cases of encountering such monsters that have occurred in our time. The fact that such monsters really exist, eyewitnesses say.

Eater Spider in the Caucasus Mountains: 1970 Case

This incident happened to a driver from Nalchik during his trip from Gundelen to the city for food in 1970. According to an eyewitness, he was driving along a deserted highway with high speed. Suddenly, right in front of the car, a strange black creature crawled out onto the road. The driver pressed the brakes with all his might. However, he still failed to stop on time, and he slightly “hooked” a strange animal.

Deciding to see what, in fact, fell under the wheels of his car, the driver got out of the cab and headed for the black coma who was thrown to the side of the road. Stepping closer, he was simply stupefied. According to the driver, the first thing he saw was the sharp triangles of numerous legs sticking out from all sides, and a huge carapace. An eyewitness realized that in front of him is a giant spider, whose growth is at least 35-40 cm.

cannibals spiders in the Caucasus

It was evident that the creature , although stunned about , but still alive about . Experiencing almost animal fear, the driver, however, recalled that he had several empty apple crates in his car. Taking one of them, an eyewitness quickly covered them with a strange creature. And then he regretted what he had done. The huge spider immediately went out of its stupor, straightened its limbs and, throwing the box away, released a stream of hissing poisonous-yellow, foul-smelling liquid onto the road. Seeing this, not remembering himself from fear, an eyewitness rushed to the car and disappeared behind the nearest bend.

Cannibal spiders in the Caucasus: 2008

Of course, no one believed the driver’s stories about a strange meeting on a mountain road. Everyone decided that with this bike he just wants to draw attention to his person. However, after several decades, in 2008, a similar story happened in Kabardino-Balkaria and with another driver.

This time, an eyewitness, an employee of the semiconductor device factory, was driving to the town of Tyrnyauz. His meeting with a giant spider occurred near the village of Bedyk. A strange creature was noticed by a driver from afar. According to him, something big and completely incomprehensible in form crossed the road. Stopping about 5 meters from the strange creature, the driver turned on the handbrake of the car, but did not go outside, as the first eyewitness.

spider eater in the mountains of the Caucasus

Taking a closer look, the driver realized that a huge spider was crawling along the road a few steps from his car. In size, the monster was even larger than a bucket or basin. The spider moved very slowly, synchronously rearranging its many legs.

A taken aback eyewitness waited for the monster to hide in the nearest bushes, and rushed to Tyrnyauz at great speed. He reached the town in just 15 minutes.

So are there cannibals-arachnids?

These two stories that occurred in Kabardino-Balkaria, that the monsters who once lived here in the mountains woke up, made many people believe. Whether these giant spiders are cannibals is, of course, no one knows. At least, there is no information that they managed to eat someone. True, on the Internet you can read stories about how people saw huge webs in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria with a diameter of at least 3 m.

spiders cannibals in kabardino

However, what exactly the drivers observed on the tracks in 1970 and 2008 is still unknown. Perhaps, from overwork the eyewitnesses simply imagined something. Or maybe cannibal spiders exist, and drivers have witnessed some kind of mutation. But nevertheless, the fact of the existence of giant arachnids in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria has not been officially confirmed, because it has not been proved.

Ancient Kabardino-Balkarian legend

As already mentioned, there has long been a tradition of monster spiders in this republic. Many people believe that in ancient times in the town of Kerdeuyuklu in Tyzyl (Elbrus region) there were huge spider- eaters . Their lair was in a deep gorge next to the Schaappopot hill.

giant cannibals spiders

These spiders, according to legend, stole travelers, lured them into a web and sucked blood from them. In the end, one of the great rulers of the Caucasus of that time gathered an army and went to this gorge. Many of his warriors died from spider bites. However, in the end, the monsters were destroyed.

Impenetrable fabric

The warriors who once saved people from cannibals in the Elbrus region returned to their country. More frightening arachnids of travelers in the gorge of Mount Shaupopot never bothered. According to legend, when leaving, the soldiers gathered a web of defeated arachnids. Subsequently, fabrics were woven from it and clothes with amazing properties were sewn. The warrior who wore it could not be struck by either an arrow or a spear.

Modern Legends of Navuo Island: The Missing Girl

So, two people already in our time allegedly saw cannibals in Kabardino-Balkaria. However, this is not the only evidence of the existence of giant arachnids on the planet. Similar to Kabardino-Balkarian history, but, unfortunately, with a tragic ending, happened not so long ago on Fr. Navuo in Polynesia .

During the harvest festival, one of the inhabitants of the island lost a one-year-old daughter. Volunteers and local residents went out in search of the girl. The operation lasted for two weeks. Once in deep despair, the mother of the missing child once again walked along a forest path. Tired, she decided to sit down to rest. And suddenly, between the huge roots of the trees, she saw her daughter. The girl, according to her mother, sat with her back against a thick branch and looked somewhere right in front of her.

cannibals spiders exist

Of course, the woman immediately rushed to her child and grabbed him in her arms. And what happened then cannot be described in words. The child simply crumbled in the arms of the mother. They say that what a woman mistook for her daughter was simply her empty shell. The girl was killed in a clearly "spider" way. After all, it is these creatures that inject the acid contained in their glands into the victim’s body and wait until its internal organs and tissues soften to an almost liquid state. Then the spider simply “sucks” its prey.

Scared boy

Perhaps the case of the girl who died on the island would be attributed to chance and soon forgotten. However, some time after this tragedy on Navuo , another misfortune occurred . In the town of Taneta, a frightened boy came running from the forest. According to him, he and his sister walked half the forest, when suddenly a terrible monster jumped out of the bushes. The boy managed to dodge him. But the monster dragged the girl with him into the forest. The monster described the child as a huge spider.

After that, many men of the village went in search of giant monsters. They say that they soon found them. According to one of the hunters, Mike Turner, arachnids were simply huge. Some of the cannibal spiders exceeded a meter in length. Their jaws were unusually powerful. As Turner later said, one of the Arachnids easily bit his hand to his comrade.

cannibals spiders in the Elbrus region

Within a few days, the village hunters simply killed a huge number of giant cannibal spiders. After that, everyone considered that the island was protected from terrible arachnids. Indeed, attacks on children have since ceased.


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