Pikulnik ordinary: description and medicinal properties

Pikulnik ordinary is a grassy annual plant of the Yasnotkov family, popularly referred to as the bristly and prickly stem “gills”, “red nettle”, “young sting-horn”, “downy nettle”. Pikulnik is called the “Rooster Head” for the original shape of the inflorescences-corollas and their color.

Description of pikulnik ordinary

The plant is characterized by a rooted root and an erect, strongly branched, tetrahedral stem. Covered with hard setae under the nodes and almost bare internodes, it reaches a height of 30-50 centimeters.

pikulnik ordinary
The flowers are small, two-lipped, lilac or purple, collected in inflorescences. 3-5 pieces are placed in the axils of the upper leaves on each side. An ordinary pikulnik is an excellent honey plant: it contains a lot of pollen and nectar in its flowers, which attracts a large number of bees.

Leaves with serrated edges, fleecy, ovoid, opposite. One specimen is able to produce about several thousand seeds, nuts, which save germination for more than 10 years. The seeds and flowers of the plant are poisonous, therefore, are not used for food purposes. But the fatty oil extracted from seeds is used in the production of drying oil and shoe polish.

Where is the picculus common?

Distribution territory - the south of Siberia, the European part of Russia, all of Ukraine and Central Europe. For the most part, you can meet a plant at the roadsides, along the border of fields and gardens, in forest felling, peatlands, vacant lots and garbage places. Pikulnik ordinary feels comfortable in areas with a close location of groundwater.

pikulnik ordinary photo

Flowering pikulnik usually begins in mid-summer (July-August) and lasts until the frost. At the same time, its aerial parts (stems, leaves and flowers) are collected. For proper harvesting, a well-leafy stem with flowers needs to be cut off at the very base. Drying of the plant is carried out in bunches with inflorescences located down in a well-ventilated place. Dried raw materials are stored in paper bags and retain their properties for 2 years.

Pikulnik in folk medicine

An ordinary pikulnik is a weed, in essence, since it sometimes causes considerable troubles, clogging up grain fields and thereby affecting the quality of the crop.

However, traditional medicine appreciated this plant, which contains tannins and waxy substances, essential oil, resins, bitterness, saponins.

Pikulnik ordinary, the use of which is quite in demand in the treatment of various diseases, is a source of valuable silicic acid, which ensures the strength of the epithelial and connective tissues of the lungs and the active work of the endocrine glands. Silicon compounds that can increase the protective functions of the body, remove harmful elements and maintain metabolic activity are an important element in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

pikulnik ordinary weed

Pikulnik ordinary (photo) is characterized by anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of colds, anemia, and diseases of the spleen. Infusion of weed grass treat asthma, bronchitis, respiratory diseases. For the preparation of a therapeutic agent, 2 tbsp. Are required. tablespoons of raw materials, steam ½ liters of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 4 times a day for 1/3 cup.

Inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and diseases of the excretory system are successfully treated with alcohol tinctures of pikulnik.

Also, such a modest weed in the form of decoctions and infusions is able to successfully deal with a stomach ulcer, colitis, chronic pancreatitis, and liver diseases. This is a highly effective tool that helps to recover from infectious diseases. The aerial part of the grass is used as a blood purifier in medical fees. Also, infusions from a medicinal plant are used to strengthen the general immunity of the body.

pikulnik ordinary application

Outwardly, Pikulnik vulgaris is used for skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, furunculosis in the form of phytoapplications, lotions and therapeutic baths.

Medicinal Pikulnik Tea

Pig tea with a diuretic effect can relieve pertussis. To prepare it, 2 teaspoons of the dried collection must be poured with 250 grams of boiling water, insisted for about 10 minutes, filtered. Take 2-3 cups a day, sweetening the drug with aromatic honey. Such a drink is especially useful when coughing.


The use of pikulnik ordinary is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children, as well as for individual intolerance. In case of an overdose or prolonged use of infusions, pain in the muscles may be observed due to the manifestation of toxic properties by sems and flowers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6445/

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