How to find out the telephone number of a local police officer at? How to call a precinct?

The precinct officer performs the functions of protecting order in a certain territory. They regulate domestic conflicts, conduct search activities. He also helps special services in emergency situations, transfers data, allegations of crimes to the duty unit. This employee monitors the performance of parental duty, the observance of silence. But not everyone knows how to find their local. The search for a local police officer is not difficult, since there are proven methods for this.

Who is the precinct

It would be more correct to call such an employee "a district police officer." Previously, he was called the district police officer, the district police inspector, the district police officer. This is an official whose work is related to the protection of the rights of citizens living in a certain territory. It needs to be addressed to victims of criminal acts.

how to find out the phone number of a local police officer at

The precinct is the middle and senior commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies. There is a post of the assistant of the local authorized policeman. She is occupied by persons who are the youngest category of commanding staff.

All functions of this employee are specified in Order No. 1166 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which was adopted in 2012. The list includes over 90 positions that are present in almost every area of ​​work of the internal affairs bodies. A district police officer may become an interrogator in a criminal proceeding, but only during a preliminary investigation and initiation of proceedings. The authority of the employee is concluded in the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

If there is no internet

How to find out the phone of a local police officer at an address in the absence of a global network? This will require a landline or mobile phone. Necessary:

  1. Call the help desk and find out the number of the call center.
  2. Then contact the call center.
  3. You should name the address, state the situation and ask for the contact information of the precinct.

find out the phone number of the police officer at the address of the police

If there is no telephone, then the call center can be visited in person and get the necessary information. In each village there are such branches. There are other ways how to find out the phone number of a local police officer at.

Web Search

How to find out the phone number of a local police officer at an address via the Internet? You must visit the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It presents the entire base of district police officers in the country by city. To obtain the necessary information, specify:

  1. The name of the subject.
  2. Locality.
  3. Street and house number.

According to the search results, contact information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region will be provided. And below are the data of the precinct:

  2. Rank.
  3. Telephone.
  4. Working hours.
  5. Address.
  6. Other addresses for which the employee is responsible.

The veracity of the information can be checked if you specify your address and if the surname of the district police officer is familiar, then it should be in the database. The Ministry of Internal Affairs website has only the full version; it has no applications.

Help from neighbors

People usually do not know anything about the precinct in the event that not so long ago they moved to other housing. In this case, you can contact the neighbors. Each house has tenants who communicate with this employee, so they can tell you how to contact him.

how to find out the phone of a local policeman at

It should be borne in mind that the district police officer is not always at a certain point throughout the day. He examines the territory and conducts explanatory conversations with citizens. You need to know when employees have a planning meeting. Often it takes place in the morning, and if you approach the department at this time, you can find the right employee. Usually they go around the sites themselves and get to know the residents. If an employee came, introduced himself and showed his identity card, it’s worth talking to him, as it will turn out to find out contact information.

If help is urgently needed

How to find out the phone of a local policeman at? If you need urgent help, you can call the nearest police department. It is necessary to explain the situation and ask to contact the district police officer or provide his contact information.

how to find your local policeman search

In small towns, employees know each other and can help. Because if a person refuses, he can call an outfit to solve the problem, although only one employee was required. Often, citizens are helped in their situations and are allowed to find out the phone of the district police officer at the police address.

Why is there information about the precinct on the Internet?

Since when did all the information about these employees appear on the web? Since 2012, after the reform, which reorganized the police into the police. Since that time, citizens have the opportunity to find a civil servant who will help in solving the problem.

To ensure that the interaction with district police officers is open and transparent, all information is in a few keystrokes and mouse clicks. But ordinary citizens are protected by the law on personal data. And civil servants who are faced with solving various problems put up with the placement of personal information on the Internet.


How to call a local policeman? This is usually done by telephone. Even if the contact details of the employee were not told in the help desk, you can call 02. How else can I call a local police officer? You can visit the nearest police department and explain the situation. The application will be fixed and accepted for execution.

how to call a local policeman

What do the police help

If you have to contact a police officer for the first time, then you should keep in mind all the ways how to find out the telephone number of a local police officer at. You also need to know what issues this employee deals with. His responsibilities include:

  1. Conflict resolution in everyday life.
  2. Control over former convicts.
  3. Conversations with drug addicts and alcoholics.
  4. Control the work of bars, cafes.
  5. Preliminary investigation.
  6. Reception and consultation of citizens.
  7. Control over the observance of public order.

Federal Law No. 3

This law establishes the duties of precinct. To successfully complete their tasks, they must:

  1. Observe the rules specified in the regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.
  2. Apply methods to prevent crime and other violations. Use the order in which urgent investigative actions are drawn up.
  3. Own information on the means and forces of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs involved in their territory, representatives of public institutions in the law enforcement sphere, and security personnel.
  4. Know about the location of the posts of PPS and DPS.
  5. To know about your territory, its features, road map, business hours, recreation areas for people.
  6. Possess information about objects where there are explosive materials, firearms, pharmacies and other premises where narcotic, psychotropic substances are located.
  7. Participate in coaching organizations before public order protection events.

Preventative work

The duties of the site employee include preventive work. It is carried out by the police among people, especially among dysfunctional persons. He must identify citizens who are capable of committing an offense or crime.

how to call a local

Often, district police officers conduct conversations with drug-addicted, alcohol-dependent, suspended prisoners, former prisoners, as well as with dysfunctional families. The duty of the police officer is the timely registration of such citizens and the conduct of prevention with them. Administrative coercion and responsibility are common methods of prevention. Such actions lead to an improvement in the lifestyle of citizens.

In a critical situation, you need to call 112 and ask for help. This service works quite quickly. But the police should not be involved in situations where there is no violation of the law.


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