Why Spring Harness Grass

In the spring, after the snow melts in Russia and the CIS countries , the same picture is observed: grass burns along the roads, mountains, fields and meadows burn. There can be several causes of ignition, but two main ones: by negligence, for example, an unquenched cigarette, and an intentional fall of grass. Why burn grass in spring? Often children or hooligans set fire to the grass, rarely mentally ill people with a passion for arson. Sometimes road builders and signalmen set fire to dry grass, thus caring for the exclusion zone.

There are cases when they intentionally set fire to grass in order to cause a ground fire and obtain permission for sanitary deforestation where, according to the law, it is not allowed to cut it. Some farms specifically burn stubble, arguing that the soil is fertilized and warmed up, weed seeds are destroyed and it is easier to plow. Sometimes grass is burned on pastures, mistakenly believing that in this way the growth of new grass is stimulated. Some people, setting fire to grass, struggle in such a barbaric way with ticks and tick-borne encephalitis.

It is forbidden to burn garbage, including grass, in settlements, you can only burn in specially designated places under the supervision of special services. But people, despite the prohibitions, having collected last year's grass on their site, burn it. Why in the spring burn grass in the gardens? Some burn grass for harvesting, others argue that it is simply necessary to do this, as larvae of pests and diseased plants are destroyed, as well as burning grass near the house, eliminate the possibility of fire, and still others do not know why they burn grass in spring - they do it, and I do like this.

However, this is not only not necessary, but also dangerous, since terrible fires can occur that can destroy entire villages. Forest fires are a real disaster and bring both economic and environmental losses. During fires, animals and birds are destroyed, the growth of stands is reduced, drying trees become nurseries of pests and all kinds of forest diseases. The amount of oxygen and phytoncides that are released by the forest is reduced, that is, there is a qualitative deterioration in the condition of the forest, which makes it unsuitable for recreational purposes. Peat fires can occur , which sometimes burn for several months in a row.

The ecosystem is being destroyed, since nature has its own laws that cannot be violated.

The old grass rots during the winter and does not impede the growth of the new one, just the young shoots are hidden at first. After the bollards, weeds and the most unpretentious grass are the first to grow, only perennial plants survive, whose roots are hidden in the ground, and annual seeds die, so there will be no previous herbs.

So why burn grass in spring, if it can be used properly? For example, some gardeners clean the grass in compost heaps, where it overrides and thus obtain high-quality humus. You can dig a garden without waiting for the grass to cross. At that time, when some gardeners burn or harvest grass in compost heaps, others, experimenting, use it when planting potatoes. There are several ways to plant potatoes with hay. Some put a layer of dry grass on the bottom of the groove, throw potatoes on the grass and throw it over the ground. Others do the opposite: first they throw potatoes, and then grass and earth. You can loosen the soil and spread a layer of grass without any grooves and pits directly on the ground, put potatoes on top and just cover with grass, without even filling the ground. They say that with this method of planting, potatoes will not get sick with scab, since they do not touch the ground.

Last year’s grass is by no means the evil that must be disposed of by any means. On the contrary, if properly processed, it can bring tangible benefits to the site.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6469/

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