Retirement age in Ukraine: main problems

Retirement age in Ukraine is the most difficult issue. The government every year is trying to increase the number of working years, and does not look at whether people can live to a well-deserved rest.

retirement in Ukraine

When to retire?

One of the most controversial issues that need to be addressed as part of the pension reform in Ukraine relates to when people can switch to government support. The generally established retirement age is one from which a person can begin to receive a cash payment. Unless, of course, he had injuries leading to disability. The retirement age in Ukraine is as follows: sixty years. It affects preferential categories of citizens. For example, people who work in production on the list N 1 can leave their jobs at least ten years faster than the standard retirement age. Those who work in the production according to the list of N 2, can begin to relax five years ahead of schedule.

Retirement in Ukraine for men and women is paid differently. Sometimes people say that it is discrimination. There is another thought that this system is biased towards a woman. For this reason, earlier in calculating the size of the old-age pension, the different costs of one year of insurance for men and women were laid down. There is another important point regarding women. They often have breaks in childcare insurance coverage.
International practice shows:

  • there are few countries in which the retirement age for men and women is different;
  • many of them plan to raise this age for men and women.

Therefore, all discussions about the retirement age in Ukraine relate to two questions - should men and women have the same retirement age and whether it is necessary to raise it.

pension in Ukraine for women

Conditions for assigning an old-age pension

The Law on Pensions in Ukraine - “Obligatory State Pension Insurance” - says that the condition for receiving payments is the achievement by citizens of a certain age and seniority. Today, the population of Ukraine retires at the age of sixty. The insurance period for women is thirty years, for men - thirty-five. If it is less than it should be by standards, then the amount of payments is calculated according to the years of work. Pension is paid regardless of whether a person works or not.

In order to receive payments, you need to submit all the necessary documents to the Pension Fund. The list includes the following documents:

  • A statement to be written with your own hand or by a person by proxy.
  • Copy of identification number.
  • The original of the document, in which the work experience is indicated (work book).
  • Certificate of salary for a certain period.
  • Original passport to verify identity.

pension law in Ukraine

IMF Terms: Determining Retirement Age

Retirement age in Ukraine is the main problem of this year. And all thanks to the IMF, which put forward new requirements. According to them, a reform should be carried out, the meaning of which is to increase the retirement age.
Of course, this should be done gradually and end in 2027, when the retirement age would have equalized and reached the mark of sixty-three years.

But the country's authorities said that they would not increase their age until the life expectancy of the inhabitants increased. And for this you need at least ten to fifteen years. And this is at best. And it seems that officials managed to agree with the IMF to postpone this reform for a while, but they insist on their own and put forward the following goals:

  • A significant reduction in the number of pensioners.
  • Increase in cash receipts to the Pension Fund.

To achieve these goals, it is proposed:

  • Retirement only if there is a certain number of years worked
  • Creating incentives for later retirement.

retirement age Ukraine

Reform Terms

Ukraine determines the retirement age based on the European system. She assumes that all payments will come from such sources:

  • Joint Fund.
  • Savings Fund.
  • Private insurance fund.

Experts estimate that a huge gap has formed in the country's budget. It is thanks to the fact that the state covers almost one hundred billion hryvnias, which should be taken from the Pension Fund. The new system should bridge the gap between the minimum and maximum payouts.

People look older than passport age

Pension in Ukraine for women is a really painful place. On the one hand, this is good for the country, because the population is aging and it will be increasingly difficult for workers to keep pensioners in the joint system. On the other hand, it’s bad for women, because they will be deprived of the opportunity to receive a salary (most pensioners continue to work) and a pension, that is, have double financial support. Although there is no other way, and an increase in age is inevitable.

Meanwhile, from the point of view of gerontology, it can be seen that in general, the population of Ukraine is 4-6 years older than the passport age by the biological degree of wear of the body. Although it is believed that after retirement they live longer than in some countries. Thus, the life expectancy of men upon retirement at 60 years is 14, and women - about 25 years, if they retire at 55.

Another thing is how to increase the years of work? Gradually or stretch for a long time? People are convinced: the sooner the pension reform is adopted, the better it will be for the country. And for women? If you raise their retirement age, you need to consider many factors. At least ponder whether each employee at the workplace at a venerable age will cope with her duties. After all, there are professions that require physical stamina and clarity of movement. And if you change your profession, who in this case will guarantee that it will be easy for women to find another job? And who will take care of labor safety, the labor regime, will take into account individual opportunities to perform this or that work?

retirement age in Ukraine

Life in Ukraine and Europe

Now the retirement age in Ukraine reaches sixty years, and the average life expectancy is only seventy, twelve years less than in other countries. Most pensioners receive the minimum amount, and can not afford even the most basic things. In Europe, retirement occurs at the age of sixty-five years, but here it is worth considering the duration and quality of life.

For example, the French and Greeks live twenty years longer than the years of departure on a well-deserved rest. And countries such as Japan, Australia and Canada are unrivaled in this matter.


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