Three ways to identify a river bank, right or left

The question of how to determine the river bank, right or left, will perplex many. Often you can hear the "right bank", "left bank", suggesting that it is the right and left bank of the river. Why do you need to know this? To pass a geography exam. For those who live on the banks of the river, travel along the river or are associated with it for work, any knowledge of such a plan is necessary. Just for the sake of curiosity.

definition of the right and left bank of the river

River flow

An important element in determining the right and left bank of the river will be to establish the direction of the river. This is easy enough to do. If the flow is fast, then it will not be difficult to determine which way the river flows. If the river flows slowly, barely noticeable, then you can establish the direction of the current by throwing a sliver or a leaf into it. In which direction they will swim, this will be the direction of the river.

When a person floats on the river, then, looking at the objects flickering overboard, it is possible to determine the direction of the flow without much trouble. When a person stands directly in the direction of the river, the objects will be on the right and left sides. If you swim against the stream, then those objects that were previously on the right side will be on the left, and those that were on the left side will be on the right.

How to determine the flow of a river on a map? It is well known that every large river or small river has a beginning - a source and an end - a mouth. Any student knows that the river carries its waters to the mouth from the source, the direction of the river will be from source to mouth.

how the right and left bank of the river are determined

How to identify a river bank, right or left

This can be done adrift. If you face the stream, then the left bank is on the left side, and the right one is on the right side. As you can see, this is quite simple. But if we swim against the stream, the left bank will be on the right side, and the right bank on the left.

It should be noted that the designation is conditional, as well as the concepts “right” and “left” themselves. With the same success, it would be possible to accept the definition of the left and right bank, having stood facing the tide. Everything would be exactly the opposite, the left side would become right, and the right side would become left.

Natural signs. How to determine the right and left bank of the river

In geography there are natural signs, objects, guided by which, you can without any problems determine the position of the sides of the coast. It is also arbitrary, but accepted a long time ago and is recognized by all. The fact is that any river has two banks, which differ in a number of signs, such as height, steepness, and gentleness. One shore is higher than the other, more steep, the other, gentle, is flooded during the flood of rivers. All rivers have this property.

Geographical scientists have adopted a rule on how to determine the river bank, right or left, and we now know how to do it. Therefore, it turns out that the coast, located on the right side, is high, steep and steep. On the left side - flat and flooded during spills. This is defined by the Baire rule. But this principle is valid only in the Northern hemisphere of the Earth. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be exactly the opposite. The high coast will be on the left side, and the low and gentle on the right side.

Baire Rule

It was based on the Coriolis principle, according to which the Coriolis force acts on any material point moving horizontally, which causes the point to accelerate to the right in the Northern and left in the Southern Hemisphere. It is on this principle that the Baire rule was formed, according to which the channel of any river changes and there is an asymmetry of the coastal slopes.

how to determine the river bank right or left 2

How to determine the position of the bank of the navigable river

If the river is navigable, then there will be no problems how to determine the river bank, right or left. This was done for us by river organizations, whose vessels go along the river. This is done with the help of signs, which were established by a special document called “Rules for Navigation on the Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation”. According to them, all navigation signs on the right side of the river are painted in red-white and red-black colors. And the signs on the left side of the river are black and white. Only on the right side in the signs is there a red color.


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