VVG cable marking: decoding. VVG cable: decryption

Electric motors and appliances in private homes and factories are connected to the electrical wiring by various types of cable. The type of current in the wiring is variable. Widespread use found cable VVG. Design organizations most often lay this wire in the project specification. Decoding of VVG wires helps manufacturers in selecting the right material. Special designations allow you to distinguish between types of wires. The marking of the VVG cable , the decoding of which is applied to the insulation, will tell everything to competent electricians.

What are the types of VVG cable?

The abbreviation for cable decryption carries information about its manufacture. She informs that it is recommended to connect and in what way to lay, outdoor or underground, where it is allowed to use and what permissible air temperature is recommended.


The sale of materials used in energy supply, and a huge assortment of wires by type of insulation and design, provide the buyer with the opportunity to opt for the products he needs. It will be interesting for a novice electrician and an ordinary consumer to know how many varieties of brands of VVG cable with decoding are available on the sales market.

Providing cable protection against open flames was created by cable manufacturers. Invented fire protection VVG. Below is the layout of the modifications:

β€’ VVGng;
β€’ VVGng FrLs;
β€’ VVGng Ls;
β€’ VVGng Hf;
β€’ VVGng FrHf.

Each letter in the marking and name has a decoding, VVG t, VVG ng - this is not just a set of letters. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the notation.

Let's deal with the notation

Group laying is performed by the Ng conductor. The material produced is VVG Png a, the decoding of which indicates that there was a copper. A modification of the VVGng wire informs us that this type is not afraid of fire.

The name of the VVGng Ls cable is deciphered, carrying information that during a fire, the insulation of the wire emits a minimum amount of smoke.

VVG decryption cable

The VVGng FrLs cable in open flame does not contribute to fire. Due to melting insulation, smoke is minimal.

The next type of product - with the interpretation of VVGng Hf. When it is exposed to heat, for example during a fire and melting insulation, there are no gases. Wiring does not corrode.

The last type of wire VVGng FrHf has all the best characteristics of the above cables.

Product Isolation

The insulating material used in the manufacture of cable products has special requirements, including those from the fire service. The material PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is fraught with one distinctive feature in relation to other polymers used for the manufacture of plastic products. PVC products do not interact with fire. Due to this property, polyvinyl chloride is used in the manufacture of insulating coatings for cable.

Materials for the manufacture of cables:

  1. The main type of VVG insulation materials is a two-layer insulating coating. Material PFC (polyvinyl chloride). No additional insulation.
  2. The insulation of the copper conductors of the VVGNG cable is made of non-combustible PVC materials .
  3. Halogen-free PVC, used as an insulating material of VVG Ls wire, does not emit smoke during its melting. It is used when installing electrical wiring, in crowded places.
  4. Cable pulling, where it can be ignited, is carried out from the brand VVGng FrLs. The insulation shown is fireproof and does not emit hazardous smoke. Cable with decoding VVGng FrLs is used for indoor and outdoor installation with a high degree of fire hazard.

We will deal with the marking of the cable. Let's get acquainted with the VVG-decoding of the wire:

β€’ P - polymer wire insulation.
β€’ B - polyvinyl chloride.
β€’ PV - a group of materials based on polyethylene.

Deciphering the following letter designation allows you to find out the composition of the cable insulation.

β€’ B - PVC outer insulation.
β€’ Shv - protection of veins in the form of a hose.
β€’ P - external polymer insulation.
β€’ - outer insulation from a polyethylene hose.

The protection of the VVG cable (interpretation below) from mechanical damage has its designation.

β€’ B - armored cable with a hard coating.
β€’ G - flexible cable. No special protection.
β€’ VVG APG wire a, the decoding of which is presented above and clearly indicates its purpose.

VVG PNG and decryption

Cross-section of cable cores and its meaning

When installing electrical networks, it is important to choose the correct section of the conductor. Electric current transmission depends directly on the cross-section of the wiring. Engines and appliances connected to the network consume electricity. The electrical wiring when current flows through it begins to heat up. Heating of the wiring with an incorrectly selected core section can lead to an involuntary fire. The cross section of the wires must be taken up to thirty percent more. There are current losses in the cable, which must be foreseen in advance. Having performed hidden wiring in the house, it is difficult to replenish losses in the future.

VVG device APG a

The cable section of this type is from 1.5 to 16 squares. The number of wiring he has is two or three.

Wire symbol designation:

  1. In - veins in isolation from PVC.
  2. In (second) - PVC cable sheath.
  3. D - no cable protection.
  4. P - the location of the wires is parallel, flat.
  5. Ng - burning insulation is not supported.

Cable section VVG-Png A:

  • single-wire copper core of the first class;
  • insulation material - polyvinyl chloride;
  • color wiring;
  • PVC sheath, which reduces combustion properties.

The main use of this type of cable is in the transmission and distribution of alternating current electric power with a frequency of 50 Hz and a power of 0.66-1.0 kV.

wire vvg vng and decryption

VVGog cable

A great demand in the field of cable products is caused by a cable with a section of 3x4 brand VVGozh. The composition of this copper cable includes conductors coated with PVC insulation.
Decoding VVG ozh:

  1. B - vinyl core insulation.
  2. In (second) - vinyl cover.
  3. G is naked.
  4. Ozh - single-wire veins.

Cable design VVGozh

Conductor, current conducting, copper, first or second class GOST 2483. The shape of the core is round or sector-shaped. Belt insulation made of PVC plasticizer, burning on an open flame of insulation is reduced. Twisted cable cores of two, three, four and five cores around a PVC core. The outer sheath of the cable is made of PVC plasticizer that does not support combustion.

Polyvinyl chloride cable insulation. Cable wiring in various colors. White or yellow. Blue and green. Black or brown, red and raspberry.

vvg ozh decryption

Scope of the VVG Png cable

Cable operation is permitted on land, in rivers and lakes. It is used at temperatures from -50 0 to +50 0 . The laying height above sea level is allowed at an altitude of 4300 meters. You can lay the cable in the ground, water, in the air, that is, on poles and along the walls of buildings and structures.

All of the above characteristics relate to the VVGozh cable, the decoding of which tells us that the wire is made of copper wires with a section of 3x4. Use it in the northern regions and in areas with a temperate and tropical climate.

Electricity Construction Tips

Cable installation with VVG decoding can be done along the walls of buildings and structures. Laying is carried out on poles and pendants on cables. The use of this type of cable is allowed where there is no risk of fire. It is better to lay it on plastered walls or walls made of drywall.

VVG cable brand decryption

If there is a risk of mechanical damage, the cable must be protected. The pre-installed steel pipes into which the wire is fed are excellent protection. The most justified such laying in wooden houses. The corrugated sleeve that protects the wiring is widely used in construction. Various cable channels of protection are also used. Stacking products with decoding of the VVG cable is not recommended. For this, the use of the VVGng conductor is preferable. It is designed for hidden wiring. There are recommendations and regulations that outline the rules for installation work using the VVGNG cable.

Rules for outdoor work with cable products

When laying the VVG current lead in the ground, strict rules must be observed. There is no cable protection of this kind. The use of concrete ducts, cable ducts and pipes prevents mechanical damage to the cable. Currently widely used signal protection instead of the red brick used earlier. Made protection in the form of polymer plates, which have excellent indestructible characteristics.

A sand pillow is poured into the trench. A cable is laid on it, on top of which the earth is poured and rammed. The thickness of the sand layer should be at least 20 centimeters. After the cable is backfilled, protective plates are laid, which are also covered with sand. On top of the sand is laid a signal tape warning of the presence of a laid electric cable.

Laying an armored cable is the most appropriate solution for earthwork. The cost of laying it is higher than the cost of VVG cable. The service life is the same, but the guarantee of protection against damage to the armored wire is much higher.

vvg abbreviation

After reviewing this article, a simple buyer, not an expert, will correctly select the necessary cable. Based on the fact that the market today offers many types and types of cable, it is very difficult to make a choice without certain knowledge in this area. If you still have doubts when buying, it is better to consult with the seller of electrical wires. This is very important, because the safety of all residents of a room depends on the quality of wiring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6481/

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