The best electric home heating: expert advice and recommendations

For any residential building, whether it is a large multi-apartment building or private household in one or two floors, an important issue is the organization of the most efficient heating system. There are quite a few options available to solve this problem, but not every one of them can be used in one or another case. For example, it is sometimes impossible to connect a house to gas. Also, it is not always possible for the owners to stock up on the right amount of energy for liquid and solid fuel boilers. In such cases, the most optimal and economical option is electric heating at home.

Choosing the best option

The days when private houses were heated only with the help of a wood stove have already sunk into oblivion. Existing materials and technologies allow owners to choose any of a variety of ways to create and maintain a comfortable temperature in a residential building. However, experts practically unanimously say that the most acceptable option in this case is electric heating of the house, which in the future will undoubtedly become the highest priority. After all, it is known that the reserves of natural resources are not at all unlimited. Sooner or later, but there will come a time when you have to completely abandon them by switching to electricity. After all, it is the cleanest energy carrier.

Judging by the reviews, electric heating at home has an impressive list of indisputable advantages. In addition, it is often just the only affordable way to heat a building.

which electric heating is better for a private house

Already at the stage of developing a project for an electric type heating system, it becomes obvious that a similar method of creating a comfortable temperature in a house during the cold season is the most economical and cheapest. And this despite the fact that the speed of installation of electrical equipment is much higher than that which differs the laying and installation of heating schemes of other types. In some cases, the cost-effectiveness of the decision is a decisive factor for the owners. Electric heating at home will be the most profitable option, despite the constant increase in prices for this type of energy carrier. Indeed, the currently existing latest technologies suggest the use of high-efficiency electric heaters .

Benefits of heating from a power outlet

Electric heating at home has certain advantages. They are:

  1. Simplicity and ease of installation. To carry out installation with your own hands, you will not need special knowledge and an expensive tool. The equipment required for installation is small in size. Its installation is quick and inexpensive. All devices designed for the operation of such a system are easily transported and can be transferred from one room to another. The owners will not need to separate a separate room for the boiler room. Such a system does not need a chimney.
  2. Security. The use of electrical equipment for heating a private house will prevent the formation of carbon monoxide. In this case, products from combustion will be completely absent. There will be no harmful emissions in such a system, even if it is broken and further disassembled.
  3. Low initial cost. When installing such a system, you will not need to invite special services and obtain permits.
  4. Reliability and noiselessness. Judging by the reviews of experts, electric heating does not require regular service. In addition, all installations installed in the house will work silently due to the absence of a circulation pump and fan in the system.
  5. Simplicity of operation. Such a system does not have elements that can quickly fail. During its operation, it is not necessary to constantly monitor the fuel level and sensors.
  6. High level of efficiency. The electric heating system installed in the house for a short time is able to heat the building even on the coldest days. And special equipment that allows you to adjust the temperature in each room will significantly reduce material costs in the cold period.

Disadvantages of heating from the outlet

The main disadvantage of the electric heating system is an impressive energy consumption. In some regions, prices for this energy carrier are quite high, which makes this option unprofitable.

Such systems have another drawback. It is volatility. If for one reason or another there is no electricity, then heating the house becomes simply impossible.

economical electric boiler for heating a house

The third disadvantage is the unstable voltage that is observed in the network, especially in rural areas. You can solve this problem by purchasing your own generator. However, this will significantly increase financial costs.
Those who decide to heat the house with electricity will need to take into account the power and condition of the wiring. A large private house in this case will require three-phase network equipment. It will be necessary to know exactly the power that enters the building, and that part of it that can be allocated for heating.

Type of system

What can be heating a house with electricity? The type of such a system is possible air, water or steam. Also, heating a house is sometimes done with the use of underfloor heating.

best electric boilers for home heating

The main characteristics of each of these systems will be discussed below. However, whichever of them was chosen, it is worth remembering that its maximum efficiency can be achieved only if the house is well insulated. The owners should also pay attention to this question.

Steam heating

Such a system is very effective, but at the same time, judging by the reviews of experts, it is very dangerous. After all, heating radiators, as well as pipes coming to them, heat up to almost a hundred degrees. Such a system is similar to a water system, but at the same time it is more economical at the stage of arrangement. It requires fewer radiators, and also allows the use of narrower pipes in its section.

However, due to the high danger, the steam system is prohibited in multi-apartment buildings and public buildings. As for private housing, it can be used for it. The heat source in such a system will be a steam electric boiler.

Air heating

This type of heating of premises is possible with the use of various devices operating from the outlet. Such a heating scheme is good in that the devices immediately begin to raise the air temperature in the room. There is no need for installation work. That is, it is enough for the owners to buy a device, install it and plug it into a power outlet.

To date, the construction market offers a large number of heating devices that operate on a 220 V network. There are devices that operate directly. Also those are offered in which the circulating heat carrier is used - water, oil or antifreeze. How to choose from the whole variety the best for electric heating at home? You will need to familiarize yourself with each of the types of such devices in more detail.

Oil coolers

When choosing the best electric heating for a private house, you should pay attention to these devices. After all, they have been known to consumers for a long time and still have not lost their popularity.

electric home heating

Oil units are mobile devices (often on wheels), the operation of which is carried out directly from the 220 V outlet. Their efficiency is 100% due to the direct transfer of electrical energy to heat, bypassing any transmission devices. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of an oil radiator will create a comfortable temperature in only one room with a small area. For heating the whole house, this method is clearly not suitable.


When using such a device, economical electric heating of the house can be carried out. The use of an electric convector is a fairly effective and popular way to create and maintain a comfortable temperature not only in a small room, but also in a large private house. At the same time, the device will allow maintaining a proper balance of air humidity without burning oxygen.

Anyone who asks the question “Which electric heating is better for a private house?” Should consider using a convector. After all, such a device has excellent technical characteristics and a wide range of capacities.

electric double-circuit boilers for heating a private house

The basis of the convector is a heater. This is the element by which electrical energy is converted into heat. The principle of operation of the device is based on air convection. The cold stream passes through the slots located in the bottom of the device, and then, after heating, already heated, it goes through the upper slots.

An electric convector is an assembly enclosed in a metal casing with an aesthetic appearance. This allows you to easily place the device in any interior. At the same time, some owners acquire floor convectors, but wall-mounted devices are more popular.

Air conditioning

A similar device, if it is in heating mode, can also be assigned to devices to maintain a comfortable temperature, working from the outlet. Experts consider such electric heating of a private house economical. The fact is that the costs incurred during the operation of the air conditioner are consistent with the heat generated by it. At the same time, costs can always be reduced by adjusting the device.

economical electric home heating

However, air conditioners have a number of disadvantages. The most important of them is the complexity of their maintenance. In addition, such a unit has a high initial cost. Investing significant financial costs requires its repair in case of breakdown.

Infrared heating

Equipment of this type can be safely classified as innovative. At the same time, his device in a residential building to maintain a comfortable temperature in it continues to confidently gain popularity. The infrared (film) system is worth paying attention to those owners who do not yet know which electric heating is better for a private house. After all, such a system is economical in operation, although it has a high cost of equipment, as well as installation.

The principle of operation of such heating is to transfer the heat generated by it to nearby objects, the surface of which then produces air heating. Infrared devices require a small amount of energy. In addition, they are able to perform not only zonal, but also point heating, which eliminates the irrational temperature distribution. Even after turning off the equipment, objects heated by it for a long time remain and continue to give off heat. Mounting and disassembling such a system is quite simple, which allows you to do such work with your own hands.

Warm floor

Such a heating system can be used both as the main and as additional. What is the principle of her work? The heat from the heating elements in the form of a single or two-core cable mounted in the floor covering begins to rise evenly, reaching the ceiling.

A significant advantage of this method is its long service life of about 80 years. In addition, underfloor heating is environmentally friendly and easy to maintain.

Among the disadvantages of such a system is its instability to mechanical damage. Moreover, if it is necessary to repair it, it will not be possible to do it without dismantling the floor covering. And this will lead to additional material costs.

The use of electric boilers

Most often, in order to create a comfortable temperature in all rooms of a residential building, equipment is used in which the heating fluid is heated. Such units are double-circuit electric boilers. They have a relatively low cost and can very well be mounted with their own hands. At the same time, their use allows not only to heat residential premises. With the help of electric double-circuit boilers for heating a private house, the hosts provide themselves with hot water.

Based on the heating method, such equipment is divided into three types. These are heating elements, electrode, as well as induction electric boilers for heating a house. The best of them can be selected based on the existing conditions and preferences of the owners. Consider each of the types of such equipment in more detail.

Heating boilers

Such electrical equipment can be attributed to the traditional form. In such devices, heating of the liquid occurs with the help of the usual ten. This element, when heated, then gives off the heat it generates to water, which delivers it to the room radiators through a pipe system. This electric boiler for home heating is economical. It is quite easy to install. At the same time, a temperature regulator is maintained in its design that maintains a given temperature. The power consumption of such equipment is regulated by turning off the selected number of heating elements. However, scale is easily accumulated on the heating elements of such boilers, which destroys the unit. How to avoid a similar problem? Experts recommend in such cases to use various descaling agents.

Electrode boilers

Judging by expert reviews, such equipment is unique in its safety. Indeed, instead of heating elements, electrodes are installed in it, completely immune to leakage of the coolant. If there is no water in the device, then it simply stops its work. The principle of operation of such equipment is based on the effect of the electrode on free ions. As a result of this, water is heated. In an electrode electric double-circuit boiler, limescale never forms for heating a house. But at the same time, experts warn that over time, it destroys the electrodes that must be replaced. In addition, only water can act as a coolant in such a boiler. The use of non-freezing fluid is prohibited.

Induction boilers

This equipment includes a radiator and a pipeline through which the coolant circulates. The best electric boilers for heating an induction-type house can be recognized due to the lack of a heating element in them. The emitter in the device generates an electromagnetic field that interacts with the metal. This creates vortex flows that transfer their energy to the coolant.

best electric home heating

The power consumption of an induction electric boiler for heating a house is 220V. Its advantages are ease of installation and further maintenance. In addition, such an aggregate has no wearing elements, and the formation of scale in it is possible only in minimal volumes. Experts recommend the use of such boilers for heating large rooms using a coolant in the form of water, oil or antifreeze.

A significant drawback of such equipment is its impressive size and high cost. In addition, damage to the integrity of the circuit leads such a boiler to failure due to a dangerous increase in temperature.


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