Choose a Rodnichok pump for the well

A well for a country house is one of the best options for providing water. If its depth is more than 6 meters, you must use a special device. The owners face the question of choosing a product for certain parameters.

Depending on the purpose, the pumps are divided into water-lifting, circulating, drainage. The most common are surface instruments. They are purchased due to their low cost and ease of use. Groundwater is pumped out by drainage pumps. If water is extracted from a deep well, a submersible unit such as the Rodnichok pump should be purchased.

Fontanel pump
This device can work even with a weak power supply and a low-power generator. It is made of stainless steel. If the water lies deep enough in the area (more than 10 m), only submersible pumps can be used. They, in turn, are divided into centrifugal and vibrational.

The Rodnichok pump should only be used if the well is located in sandy soil. Current flows through the coil winding, resulting in a magnetic field, attracting the steel core. Then the diaphragm bends and the volume of the camera increases. The magnetic field ceases to act, the diaphragm bends in the opposite direction, and water is pushed out.

The vibration pump "Rodnichok" can lift water from a depth of 20 meters. This product consists of an electromagnet, a U-shaped core and a winding. Prices for these units are low. Before deciding on the choice of the device, you need to know about its advantages.

Submersible fontanel pump
The Rodnichok pump has the following advantages:

  • made of high quality alloys;
  • safe;
  • economical;
  • easy;
  • inexpensive;
  • has a significant resource.

Product Installation Guidelines

First you need to pump or clean the well. For pumping, you need to drain the water with sand. You can make a barrel with a sand trap. That is, two taps are mounted in it: water enters the lower compartment from the well, and it flows from the upper section. In this case, the sand settles at the bottom of the barrel. Another reliable way is cleaning, but it is more time consuming. After the procedures, you can install the Rodnichok pump.

The next step is to connect the water pipe to the opening of the device. The pipe size is selected depending on the depth of the well. A sleeve is put on it to protect it from deformation.

The submersible pump "Rodnichok" during operation should not touch the walls of the well, so a rubber ring is installed on it. Many submersible models have a float switch. High-quality devices are made of stainless steel, and for cheap analogues, the case is made of plastic.

Fontanel vibrating pump
Installation steps

  1. Measure the distance.
  2. An electric cable is prepared that is appropriate for the size.
  3. Connect the cable to the pump.
  4. Install the pipe to the unit.
  5. A stainless steel cable is tied around the device.
  6. Dip it into the well.
  7. Cut the casing.
  8. They bring water into the house.

In order for the water to flow smoothly, it is necessary to invite specialists. They will measure the depth of the well, make accurate calculations and give recommendations regarding the purchase of the necessary device for the well.


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