Rose crochet: a diagram with a description. How to make a bouquet?

Crocheted flowers can be used to decorate all kinds of things, from a handbag with a hat to clothes. An ordinary flowering branch in a vase looks no less impressive. It can be a chrysanthemum or a rose (crochet). A diagram describing the manufacture of the latter is presented below.

rose crochet pattern with description

Open bud

Create your own unfading bouquet will help the scheme with the description. A rose (crocheted) will be made from the most beautiful part of it, namely from a fully blossomed bud.

crocheted rose pattern

The initial chain on it consists of 75 loops, but it is easy to increase or decrease. To do this, it is enough to add (subtract) such a quantity so that it is divided by ten. So it will be more convenient to work later with the petals.

Crochet roses begins (a diagram with a description will help you) from the center of the bud. On the initial chain, you need to make another air loop for lifting. On the first two loops, knit 4 connecting posts. In the third, we make a single crochet with a single crochet, on the 4th and 5th - one single crochet.

The continuation of the entire first row is the basis for the petals of which the rose will consist (crochet). The scheme (with description) is as follows: first we knit two double crochet in the next two loops, and then until the end there is an alternation of one and two columns from the same base. You need to complete it this way: in the penultimate loop, you should connect the column with a crochet and without a crochet, in the last - a connecting one.

The entire second row is the petals themselves. How to make them, clearly demonstrates the scheme (with a description). A crocheted rose is almost ready. In the process of knitting, the strip is already curled up, suggesting the direction in which later it will be necessary to make a flower. It remains only to fold it into a bud and sew it at the base.

crochet pattern rose crochet


It will hold a rose (crochet). The outline with the description is very simple. It starts with two air loops. Far from the hook you need to tie 6 single crochet posts. This is the first row. In the second and third, 6 of the same columns should be added evenly. Fourth row: 6 airs and 2 single crochets repeat all the way. Close the row and leave a long thread. She will go on sewing sepals to the bud.


Without them, a crocheted rose (a diagram with a description is given in the article) will look incomplete. Leaves can be made the same size or even different.

For the base of the first row, it is supposed to dial 14 loops, and the last two form a rise. We look further.

  • First row: in the third loop, connect the connecting column, then in a row two single crochets, 6 with one double crochet, 1 single crochet, 2 connecting.
  • Second: air, connecting stitch, 2 single crochet stitches (2 times), double crochet, 2 single crochet stitches, one double crochet (2 times), 2 single crochet stitches, connecting stitch top of the leaf and repeat this pattern in reverse order along its other half.
  • Third row: an air loop, 2 double crochets in one loop (3 times), one double crochet (2 times), 2 of the same in one loop, one, 2 double crochets in one loop, then you need to connect to the top with connecting posts sheet and tie a single crochet. Repeat the pattern in the second half of the leaf in the reverse order.

crochet roses crochet pattern with description

Unopened bud

But this is not the only scheme with a description (rose crocheted). How to knit so that the bouquet looks real? It is necessary that not only blooming flowers are present, but also barely opened buds.

For very small flowers, roses are supposed to be knitted as described above, only the length of the chain needs to be made very small. But an almost closed bud is supposed to be done differently.

First, a cup fits. On a ring of three loops, you need to make eight single crochet, add six columns evenly in three rows. Then you should knit according to the scheme the leaves of the cup. Now, from the center of the cup, it is supposed to tie the bud cone. It is performed by analogy with a cup, only in the reverse order.

Rose assembly

In a dense wire, bend one centimeter at one end. Fix a rose bud on it. If it is open, then a sepal is sewn from below. Then you need to wrap the wire with the same yarn that knitted the green part of the rose.

Then along the way, attach branches of wire with unopened buds and leaves. For greater resemblance to the leaves of a real rose, it is recommended that they be fastened in three on one small wire. Moreover, the central one is supposed to be knitted large, and those on the sides, small. At the very bottom of the wire, the thread will need to be glued.


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