What is a socio-cultural activity?

Socio-cultural activity is a process that is aimed at creating the conditions for the fullest possible self-affirmation, development and self-realization of a group and a person in the field of leisure. At the same time, the whole variety of problems associated with the organization of free time is solved: communication, creation and assimilation of cultural values, and so on. The manager of social and cultural activities takes part in the formation of a satisfactory environment and initiatives of the population in the field of leisure, in solving the problems of the religious, historical, cultural, environmental sphere, problems of the family and children, using peculiar forms and methods.

manager of social and cultural activities
Recognition and social status of actions to a greater extent depend on the level of development of theoretical foundations, revealing the goals, subject, function, patterns. Socio-cultural activity has its own inherent features. First of all, it is produced in leisure (free) time, it is characterized by voluntariness and freedom of choice, initiative of various collectives, and activity of individuals. Socio-cultural activity is determined by regional, national-ethnic traditions and characteristics. It is distinguished by a variety of species, which is based on the artistic, political, cognitive, domestic, professional and other interests of people of different ages. Implementation is carried out in non-institutional and institutional forms. Socio-cultural activity is free from all kinds of production, training processes, motivation by profit, business. When choosing a leisure activity related to self-realization, self-development, pleasure, communication, rehabilitation and other things, the needs and interests of a person are taken into account .
socio-cultural activity is

Socio-cultural activity is characterized by a deep individual orientation. This is due to the fact that it carries features that are determined by the socio-political and biological structure of the individual. It should be said that the activity in question can be both collective and individual. It is characterized by focus. A goal set consciously sets the process in motion. So, preliminary thoughtfulness after defining tasks, analysis of the situation in which the action will take place, the choice of means and methods of achievement determine the sequence of activities in the socio-cultural sphere.

social and cultural activities

When considering the main features, the developmental, humanitarian character is particularly distinguished. This is due to the fact that in its core activity has cultural goals.

An analysis of the essence of the organizational process under consideration reflects the interaction of creative, reproductive, as well as mixed (reproductive and creative) elements. Formative activity is considered a necessary condition in the existence and development of man. Reproduction is inevitable and obligatory in many forms of leisure activities, amateur performances.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6508/

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