Zamioculcas - a flower from hot Africa

A plant with decorative leaves collected in a rosette has gained fame since the 90s of the 20th century. Zamioculcas flower is native to Africa, therefore it is resistant to drought. The plant is very unpretentious and suitable for breeding at home. The flower was named after Zamia, as it resembles it very much in appearance. Zamioculcas belongs to the Aroid family. Its dark green leaves are slightly pointed at the tips. Under the ground, the plant has a water-retaining tuber, so the flower is referred to as succulents. Only the old Zamioculcas blooms, its flower resembles an ear of corn surrounded by a veil.

zamioculcas flower

In order for the plant to develop safely, it is not necessary to create special conditions. Although zamioculcas need to be regularly sprayed with water. A flower loves warmth. It is great if the room maintains a temperature range of eighteen to twenty-six degrees. Drafts he is not afraid. In summer, the pot with the plant should be taken out to the balcony or kept in the garden.

How spectacular the Zamioculcas flower looks, the photos demonstrate this clearly. The plant is appreciated for the fact that it is very tolerant to the level of lighting, it can be kept both in the open sun and in a darkened room. But at the same time, the care necessary for it will depend on the conditions of the flower. If the plant is in a warm room and on a well-lit side, then it needs to increase the amount of watering and top dressing. If, on the contrary, there is not enough light for the flower, then it is necessary to reduce watering, the amount of fertilizer and the temperature must be reduced.

Zamioculcas flower photo

Likes diffused, dim light Zamioculcas. The flower should be placed on windows that are located on the west or east side. When a plant loses its leaves, if they turn yellow and fall, the cause should be sought in flower diseases. But most often the problem lies in the wrong watering. The plant may die. The succulent is drought-resistant, when kept without water, it begins to use its reserves, and excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots.

Zamioculcas should be abundantly watered; the flower loves soft, settled water. At the same time, an interval must be observed between waterings so that the earth in the pot dries out only half the volume. The pot with the plant must be placed on a pallet into which excess water will drain. In spring and summer, the flower is watered more often; in winter, soil moisture is minimized once a month. The leaves of the plant should be wiped from time to time with a damp cloth or sponge. If the flower grows outdoors, rainwater will bring natural moisture.

Zamioculcas flower

Fertilizers for cacti or succulents are suitable as top dressing. You can also purchase universal fertilizers. They are introduced during the period of flower development: in the spring and summer months. The plant does not need frequent transplants. Propagate the flower by dividing or cuttings.

At home, zamioculcas can reach 1 meter in height, the flower gives the plant an unusual appearance, and to give stability it must be tied to a support. It is better if it has a ring design.


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