Air-to-water heat pump: application features

In our modern technologically advanced world, energy is generated and consumed in incredibly huge quantities. Moreover, in recent decades, as a result of the rapid depletion of terrestrial resources, the question of the search for alternative energy sources has risen sharply. At the same time, science is trying to solve the issue of preserving the remaining natural reserves. One device designed to save energy is an air-water heat pump.

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There are various models of this device, but its main task remains unchanged - the heating of structures. Air-to-water heat pumps operate according to the following scheme: the device transfers the energy of street air to water, which is distributed through the heat supply network. As a result, the house is heated regardless of the main energy sources. Due to the fact that air is still an unlimited resource, heat can be generated indefinitely. As a result, during heating a house with electricity, when these pumps are turned on, energy savings in winter reach up to 300%, and in summer up to 600%.

Air-to-water heat pumps have undeniable advantages over

heat pump water air
traditional heaters. They are easy to install, compact and environmentally friendly. The air-water heat pump operates automatically and does not require special technical knowledge and additional maintenance during operation. In addition, the device fits perfectly into the interior.

The air-water heat pump operates as follows. A unit located outside the building draws heat from the air using a refrigerant. Once in the compressor, the refrigerant is compressed, as a result of which its temperature rises. Having received a gaseous form, the refrigerant passes into the heat exchanger located indoors, gives off heat to water, and then returns to the outside of the device. Further, the entire cycle is repeated.

Thanks to technical improvements, the water-to-air heat pump has a compact size. Freon and electricity supply systems are simplified with the advent of new models. Water is supplied directly from the tank, not from the tank, where it can stagnate for a long time. Cooling occurs in the same way as heating, but in the reverse order: the refrigerant gives all the heat of the water to the outside. The indoor unit analyzes the readings of the sensors and determines when it is needed

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connect the external unit, and when to disconnect. And if you need more heat, an additional heater starts to act.

The efficiency of devices such as the air-to-water heat pump is explained by the fact that many Western countries have long resorted to this method of heating buildings. For example, in Germany the introduction of such systems is carried out at the legislative level. By purchasing a water-to-air heat pump, the buyer gets the opportunity to significantly reduce their costs, because after a couple of months the new equipment will pay off with interest.


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