Secrets of gardening: rose transplant in autumn

rose transplant in autumn

In regions where winters are mild and there are no severe frosts, rose transplants in autumn are much more effective than spring ones. But if the flowers are grown for cutting, then in the fall it is recommended to bookmark the plantation. But roses are planted in early spring so that the bush has time to bloom twice in one season. Also, spring transplant is great for standard roses. Spring cuttings of a plant, planted in open ground at the end of March, take root much worse, the survival rate of seedlings is much lower than in autumn, but these cuttings become much more adapted to the first winter and rarely freeze with proper shelter. This is because their root system develops well in the summer. But in those areas where winters are mild, the best time for transplanting roses is, of course, autumn.

autumn rose transplant

In the autumn, plants are planted in open ground from the second decade of September to mid-October. It is not recommended to transplant roses in an earlier period. This adversely affects the seedlings, because as a result of warm days and nights, sleeping plants can become active in the plant . This is very dangerous due to the fact that the first light frosts will destroy them. Rose transplantation in autumn should not be carried out in a later period either, since the plant must have time to take root before the freezing temperatures arrive. Otherwise, it will also suffer from frost in the winter.

Of course, it is important that the seedlings are healthy and strong. The most effective rose transplant in autumn involves the advance harvesting of planting material. Seedlings should have branched roots, it is better that there are at least three shoots, while dark stains or other signs of damage are unacceptable on their stems. The day before planting, all seed is soaked in water. All leaves are removed from the shoots. A sharp secateurs cut off all broken, unripe and dead shoots. All seedlings are disinfected by spraying; for this, three percent iron sulfate is used.

rose transplant time
If the autumn rose transplant is carried out in the cold northern regions, then the bushes are placed further from each other. This is done so that the soil warms up better. In addition, this arrangement contributes to better aeration of the plantings. At the same time, the risk of damage to roses by fungal infections is markedly reduced. It is also worth noting that in autumn it is necessary to plant plants a little deeper than they were planted in greenhouses. This eliminates the possibility of extinction of seedlings in severe frosts. If we talk about climbing species of roses, then they are dug even deeper so that additional roots form in the plant.

So, transplanting roses in the fall is as follows. The roots are evenly distributed at the bottom of the planting pit and gently fall asleep in advance with soil prepared with mineral and organic substances. It is necessary that the earth fit snugly against the roots of the plant and air pockets do not form. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly. Under one bush, pour at least 2 buckets of water. Then, next to the hole, dry soil is poured in a small layer and convenient irrigation ditches are formed. It is recommended to mulch the plant to a height of 20 cm with peat or sand.


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