Malek fish: stages of development

Fish fry are the main planting material for pond farming. With the help of it, the stocking of all water bodies - both natural and artificial.


Spawning is a crucial time in fish. At this place it is always noisy, frequent splashes of water are audible. Spawning begins mainly at sunset. It lasts all night, capturing the morning. In total, spawning can last 10-12 hours.

male fish

Among pond individuals, the female carp fish is very prolific. The weight of the caviar is half the weight of the female herself. Caviar is light green in color. The quantity can vary from 342,000 to 621,000 pieces. Few survive to puberty. Lake and river fish, like sea ones, have many enemies who are not averse to feasting on caviar. Fish fry is a welcome prey of any predator.

Fish farming

Fishery stocking has four goals:

  • a commercial;
  • sports;
  • natural;
  • decorative.

Breeding fish in a pond, and after catching it and selling it, is a very profitable and uncomplicated matter. A real fisherman knows how to follow the fry, how to raise, than to feed and so on. As a result, a large fish grows , being sold ten times more expensive than the price of fry. Both river and sea fish are suitable for these purposes. Carp fry, for example, are bred by owners of artificial ponds, while pursuing a sporting goal. After all, what kind of fisherman does not want to catch a big catch? Sport fishing or hunting is an activity for real men and true anglers. Such a holiday will suit everyone.

fish fry carp

Fish farmers pursue a natural goal. It consists in eating excess algae, destruction by predators of other species of fish, improving the reservoir. And, of course, the owners of large private houses who can afford a small pond, or those who decided to put an aquarium in the apartment, are pursuing a decorative goal.

Do not forget that although it is a larva, the fish fry are insatiable and agile. Therefore, growing immediately fry of predator fish and harmless herbivores, you can lose one of the species. Caviar size varies from 1.25 to 1.5 mm. The younger the female, the finer the caviar; in older individuals, it is large. This has a positive effect on the development and endurance of future fish, which will be large and resistant to adverse living conditions.


At the hatching stage, the fish fry have a size of 3 to 6 mm. The first 2 days, small fish of many species sit in place, attached to the aquatic vegetation with sticky glands, tail down. Nutrition occurs due to the yolk vesicle. And only on the third day does the fish fry switch to mixed nutrition. At this time, he feeds on zooplankton and zoobenthos. As soon as the water warms up well, the fry completely switch to pasture. They store nutrients for the coming cold weather. After all, the fry will have a long and cold winter, and without the supply of nutrients they will not survive.


A yearling is called a small fish up to a year old. By the end of this period, it weighs only 20-30 grams. The growth of fry is significantly affected by the food supply, oxygen concentration and water temperature. On meager feeds, underyearlings are poorly gaining height and weight. The same applies to temperature conditions. Both at low and high temperatures fry cease to eat.

How does a fish behave in winter? Carp fry, for example, cold forces them to sink into the bottom pits and stop eating. This happens at a temperature of +7 to -8 degrees. Later, when the temperature drops even lower, yearlings fall into suspended animation.

larva malek fish

In this state, any movement is minimized. The fry do not eat and practically do not breathe. If in the summer at a high water temperature the fish takes about 60 breaths per minute, then in the winter it takes only 4-5 breaths. After wintering, the fry of the fish is called already one year old, and by the end of the year - two-year-old. Having survived yet another winter season, he becomes a three-year-old.


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